Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Choice of model and specification of error terms."
2007 Jul 11
inquiry about anova and ancova
Dear R users,
I have a rather knotty analysis problem and I was hoping that
someone on this list would be able to help. I was advised to try this list
by a colleague who uses R but it is a statistical inquiry not about how to
use R.
In brief I have a 3x2 anova, 2 tasks under 3 conditions, within subjects. I
also took a variety of personality measures that might influence the results
under the
2009 Aug 20
ANCOVA with defined error terms
I am trying to run an ANCOVA with defined error terms. Thus I have to use
AOV and not lm.
my response variable is proportion of mice paw prints on track plates. These
plates were placed on plots that had vegetation and fruit manipulated to two
levels each (present or absent), and were sampled monthly for 14 months
(repeated measures). The fully crossed factor design was also blocked. My
2010 Dec 29
HELP for repeated measure ANCOVA with varying covariate
Dear All,
I am a researcher doing research in plant growth and I have a
statistical problem that seems to not be able to handle. Recently, I
conducted an experiment about plant growing in three different
nutrient-level sediments. I harvested these every three week (three
harvests in all). Some growth traits of these plants were recorded (e.g.
total biomass, leaf biomass and stem biomass). In
2011 Oct 07
ANOVA/ANCOVA Repeated Measure Mixed Model
I am trying to test some results I have for significance. It has been
recommended that I use R and I am completely new to this.
Groups: two groups of 8 subjects (16 total)
Two conditions: alert and passive
Measurements: responses for three different stimuli (A, B, and C)
measured in each condition
Experiment: Testing the order of conditions
Group one: Alert A, B
2012 Jul 21
car::Anova - Can it be used for ANCOVA with repeated-measures factors.
Dear list,
I would like to run an ANCOVA using car::Anova with repeated measures factors, but I can't figure out how to do it. My (between-subjects) covariate always interacts with my within-subject factors.
As far as I understand ANCOVA, covariates usually do not interact with the effects of interest but are simply additive (or am I wrong here?).
More specifically, I can add a covariate as
2007 May 13
Some questions on repeated measures (M)ANOVA & mixed models with lme4
Dear R Masters,
I'm an anesthesiology resident trying to make his way through basic
statistics. Recently I have been confronted with longitudinal data in
a treatment vs. control analysis. My dataframe is in the form of:
subj | group | baseline | time | outcome (long)
subj | group | baseline | time1 |...| time6 | (wide)
The measured variable is a continuous one. The null hypothesis in
2012 Aug 03
MANOVA with repeated measures in R
Dear list member,
I deperately need an help in performing a MANOVA in R, but I encountered some
problems both in the design and in the synthax with R.
I conducted a listening experiment in which 16 participants had to rate the audio
stimuli along 5 scales representing an emotion (sad, tender, neutral, happy and aggressive).
Each audio stimulus was synthesized in order to represent a
2009 Aug 11
nested repeated measures MANOVA using adonis
I am trying to apply a permuation-based MANOVA (Anderson 2001) to a set of
morphological data from three ecomorphs of fish reared under two different
conditions and measured at two points during ontogeny. I will supply a
distance matrix based on Procrustes distances calculated outside of vegan.
I have not found an example of a design such as this for adonis. However, I
have designed my factors
2006 Nov 09
Repeated Measures MANOVA in R
Can R do a repeated measures MANOVA and tell what dimensionality the statistical variance occupies?
I have been using MATLAB and SPSS to do my statistics. MATLAB can do ANOVAs and MANOVAs. When it performs a MANOVA, it returns a
parameter d that estimates the dimensionality in which the means lie. It also returns a vector of p-values, where each p_n tests
the null hypothesis that the mean
2002 May 11
modelling a particular design
Dear R- and Omega-list-members,
I am trying to make statistical inference about the following design:
A dependent variable y has been measured multiple times, i.e. 4 times
(y1,y2, y3, y4), unfortunately suffering from some successive dropouts (i.e.
the sample sizes varies for y1, y2, y3, and y4). For every y, two other
variables (covariates) were also measured: x & z, and both do presumably
2013 Jan 09
Parameter estimates for each observation (ordered choice)
I have several demographic variables with which I want to explain the
ordered choice of individuals within a survey in an ordered choice (probit
or logit, this is not important) framework. Standard ordered choice
estimations of course just give me aggregate/average parameter estimates.
For my task it would however be useful to estimate or extract "hypothetical"
individual-level parameter
2005 Feb 18
Suggestions for enhanced routines for "mlm" models.
Dear R-devel'ers
Below is an outline for a set of routines to improve support for
multivariate linear models and "classical" repeated measurements
analysis. Nothing has been coded yet, so everything is subject to
change as loose ideas get confronted by the harsh realities of
Comments are welcome. They might even influence the implementation...
2010 Oct 29
Repeated Measures MANOVA
Hello all,
Is there an r function that exists that will perform repeated measures MANOVAs? For example, let's say I have 3 DVs, one between-subjects IV, and one within-subjects IV. Based on the documentation for the manova command, a function like that below is not appropriate because it cannot take Error arguments.
manova(cbind(DV1,DV2,DV3) ~ BetweenSubjectsIV * WithinSubjectsIV +
2007 Apr 05
MANOVA with repeated measurements
I have a question regarding performing manova. I have an experiment where I want to measure 10 output variables for 3 different measurement methods. Since each of the methods requires some user interaction, I would also like to include repeated measures for each of the output variables to include intraobserver variability in the design.
How can I perform such a repeated-measures
2004 Jan 15
nlme vs aov with Error() for an ANCOVA
I compouted a multiple linear regression with repeated measures on one
explanatory variable:
BOLD peak (blood oxygenation) as dependent variable,
and as independent variables I have:
-age.group (binaray:young(0)/old(1))
-and task-difficulty measured by means of the reaction-time 'rt'. For
'rt' I have repeated measurements, since each subject did 12 different
-> so
2006 May 20
ANCOVA, Ops.factor, singular fit???
I'm trying to perform ANCOVAs in R 1.14, on a Mac OS X, but I can't figure out
what I am doing wrong. Essentially, I'm testing whether a number of
quantitative dental measurements (the response variables in each ANCOVA) show
sexual dimorphism (the sexes are the groups) independently of the animal's size
(the concomitant variable). I have attached a 13-column matrix as a data
2004 May 24
Manova and specifying the model
I would like to conduct a MANOVA. I know that there 's the manova() funciton and the summary.manova() function to get the appropriate summary of test statistics.
I just don't manage to specify my model in the manova() call. How to specify a model with multiple responses and one explanatory factor?
If I type:
2009 May 05
A question about using “by” in GAM model fitting of interaction between smooth terms and factor
I am a little bit confusing about the following help message on how to fit a
GAM model with interaction between factor and smooth terms from
?Sometimes models of the form:
need to be estimated (where f is a smooth function, as usual.) The
appropriate formula is:
- the by argument ensures that the smooth
2006 Sep 13
Power analysis for repeated measures ANCOVA
Dear All,
I wonder if anyone has written a code for power analysis with repeated
measures ANCOVA? I am aware of the following reference:
Frison L and Pocock SJ: Repeated Measures in Clinical Trials: analysis
using mean summary statistics and its implications for design in
Statistics in Medicine, 1992, 11:1685-1704.
Statistics in Medicine
It will probably be fairly easy to code this up
2002 Jan 23
MANOVA extension of paired t-test?
I would like to test the hypothesis that the difference between pairs, for
several variables, is zero. This is easily done separately for each
variable with:
lm(Y ~ rep(0, nrow(Y)))
where Y is a matrix whose columns are the differences for each variable
between pair members.
However, I would like to get an overall probability across all variables
from a Wilks or Pillai-Bartlett statistic as in