similar to: package memisc: recode examples

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "package memisc: recode examples"

2012 Apr 12
Reading SPSS: underlying numerical codes
Dear people, I have got a question concerning the underlying numerical codes when reading an SPSS file into R. I used the package foreign and when I look at a variable I get the verbal codes. I would like to know how it is possible to get the underlying numerical codes as output, which are the same as in my SPSS file. Thank you very much in advance for your help! Marion [[alternative HTML
2012 Jul 25
Memisc package: imported varibles from SPSS have got wrong measurement
Dear list members, I have got another problem. I imported an SPSS file with the Memisc package using the following commands: mz <- spss.system.file("myspssfile.sav") mz <- subset(mz,select=c( bsex,balt,xurb,dtaet,kartab,bgeb,boseit,bgeblan,xnuts2,kausb,xerwstat, asbper,asbhh,ajahr,aquartal,bstaat,xwieoft,gew1,apkz,bpkzm,bpkzv)) Afterwards I checked the measurements of the
2011 Feb 13
Recoding using the memisc package
Dear All, I am trying to recode a variable using the functions provided by "memisc" package. Actually I am following the examples on page 9-10 of the vignette: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- d.fig <- within(d.fig,{ sev <- recode(sev, 1 -> 0.9, 2 -> 1.0, 3 -> 1.1, 4 ->
2012 Jul 05
Import single variables from SPSS
Dear all, I have got a very big SPSS dataframe and I would like to just import one or a few variables (the dataframe has got a lot of colums). I used the package foreign but I couldn't find anything in there for my problem. Thank you very much for your help in advance. Marion [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 14
Function "Varcov" in Design (Ver. 2.2-0) package
Hi, I'm running into an error message for the "anova"-function I never got before with the Design (Version 2.2-0) package. There seems to be a missing function "Varcov", please check my function calls (it's in german but I think you get the error): > library(Design) ## attaching Design package and dependent packages Lade n?tiges Paket: Hmisc ## loading
2010 Feb 08
objects masked from packages
dear all, I have a problem with a masked object in a package we created here. we make a package for a workflow of internal analysis of microarray data. to create the package we used: > install.packages(pkgs="affyAnalysis", repos=NULL) > R CMD INSTALL affyAnalysis Erzeuge Verzeichnisse ... Erzeuge DESCRIPTION ... Erzeuge NAMESPACE ... Erzeuge Read-and-delete-me ... Kopiere
2012 Jan 31
function: as.integer
dear r-helpers, i created an object named A, which looks like this: A <- c("4.4","1.9","4.1") now i needed to get numbers instead of characters and for this i used the function: as.integer(A) which resulted in: [1] 4 1 4 My question is, why the numbers are rounded or more impotantly if there is a way to keep the decimal numbers? Thank you very much for
2008 Mar 13
recover masked functions?
Hi, I have loaded the packages car, memisc, Hmisc and all of these implement the function recode. The order in which the packages are loaded depends on the order I execute my scripts and thus is not always the same and the syntax of the recode function changes with the package. Is there any way to call specificly the memisc recode function? Or maybe it's better to detach all packages first
2011 Sep 20
open source editor for r for beginners
Hello all, I am looking for an editor for R which has got functions beyond the normal R editor that is included in the program. I had a look at VIM but I think it's difficult if you are just starting programming. Could anyone recommend an editor that is suitable for beginners? Thanks for your help. Marion [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 26
What's wrong with JGR?
Hi all, I downloaded and installed JGR. Then when I tried to load the package in R console, it generated the following error message: > local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Loading required package: rJava using Java Runtime version 1.5.0 using JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01 Loading required
2012 Feb 20
Run function several times changing only one argument - without a loop
Dear people, I created a plot which looks like this: Ee1<-matrix(c(88,86,74,62,41),ncol=5) colnames(Ee1)<-c("Lehrer","Lehrerinnen","Klassenkollegen","Klassenkolleginnen","Geschwister") par(las=1) par(mar=c(5,13,4,2)) barplot(Ee1,horiz=T,col="grey85",border="NA",xlim=c(0,100),axes=F) axis(2,pos=10, tick=T, tcl=F,
2011 Sep 16
writing data from several matrices in R into one excel-file with several sheets
hello, does anyone know how I can write several matrices from R into one exel-file using different sheets for the different matrices? thank you very much in advance for your help. Marion [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jun 10
Rcmdr seit heute nicht mehr ladbar
Wenn man ihn mal braucht ist er tot. folgende Fehlermeldung ereilt mich seit heute beim starten des R Commander auf dem Mac: > library(Rcmdr) Lade n?tiges Paket: car Lade n?tiges Paket: MASS Lade n?tiges Paket: nnet Error : .onAttach in attachNamespace() f?r 'Rcmdr' fehlgeschlagen, Details: ? Aufruf: structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") ? Fehler: [tcl]
2011 Sep 16
automatic selection of object without loop
Hello, does anyone know the solution to this problem: I imported a dataframe from Spss into R and saved it as an object called "kinderrechte". I have got the following command lines: q1 <- kinderrechte[,"q0007_0001"] l1 <- q0007_0001_l now i would like to be able to change the column name in the first command line (e.g. into q0007_0002) and to get R to automatically
2012 Jan 02
syntax for reading into R
dear users, we have got the following question: we have got a text-file looking like this: ... <trkpt lat="48.272000" lon="16.342984"> <ele>387</ele> <time>2012-01-01T15:32:03Z</time> <sat>9</sat> </trkpt> <trkpt lat="48.271909" lon="16.343563"> <ele>381</ele>
2012 Jan 16
list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Dear People, I have got the following example for a vector and the index of the TRUE element: Myvector <- c(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE) which(Myvector) Now I would like to find out the same for a list: Mylist <- list(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE) ... Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you very much in advance, Marion [[alternative HTML
2009 Apr 01
Recode of text variables
Hi all I am trying to do a simple recode which I am stumbling on. I figure there must be any easy way but haven't come across it. Given data of A","B","C","D","E","A" it would be nice to recode this into say three categories ie A and B becomes "Treat1", C becomes "Treat 2" and E becomes "Treat 3". I tried
2011 Sep 19
pasting elements of one character vector together
hello, i am familiar with the paste command with which i can paste for exaple: object <- "Hello" paste(object,"World") now i would like to be able to paste all the elements of the same vector together e.g: object <- c("Hello","World") getting as a result also: "Hello World". Does anyone know the solution to this problem? Thank you
2007 Jun 11
I want to do some recoding of variables: code Age into groups and recode a factor into a smaller number of levels. There are a couple of options for recode functions, in the car package and in memisc, and I think in gmisc. Does anyone have any opinions on the the easiest, most reliable approach for these problems? David Scott _________________________________________________________________
2012 May 20
dot - comma problem
Dear all I am trying to use the ODB package to connect to an libreoffice-odb database. The libreoffice package is german, thus, decimal separator is a comma. However, I can open the database and upload a it without error, library(ODB) db <-"Test.odb") but a soon as the "" command is executed, the decimal separator in R is changed to comma. Before