similar to: Postscript can be very slow in R 2.13-0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Postscript can be very slow in R 2.13-0"

2011 Jul 29
help with plot.rpart
? data=read.table("", , sep=",", header = TRUE) ? library(rpart) ? fit=rpart (MV~ CRIM+ZN+INDUS+CHAS+NOX+RM+AGE+DIS+RAD+TAX+ PT+B+LSTAT) Please: Show me the tree. Mark -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] help with rpart From: "Stephen Milborrow" <[1]milbo at>
2008 Oct 25
0 ^ NaN == Inf, why?
In R, 0 ^ NaN yields Inf. I would have expected NaN or perhaps 0. Is this behaviour intended? >sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils
2008 Oct 25
R echoes integer literals incorrectly, under certain conditions (PR#13204)
Full_Name: Stephen Milborrow Version: R 2.8.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Under certain conditions, R 2.8.0 incorrectly echoes integer literals without the "L" suffix. R 2.7.2 is ok. To reproduce, create two files as follows: a.R containing: source("b.R", echo=TRUE) b.R containing: x <- 1L Now execute: Rterm --vanilla --silent <a.R This
2008 Jan 16
Just-in-time compiler for R
Greetings R developers! I have been working on a just-in-time compiler for R arithmetic expressions. An example: jit(1) # turn on just-in-time compilation for(i in 1:na) # example convolution code for(j in 1:nb) ab[i + j] <- ab[i + j] + a[i] * b[j] The loop will run about 30% faster. That's not much of a speedup, but the code
2008 Oct 25
R echoes integer literals incorrectly, under certain conditions (PR#13205)
On 25/10/2008 10:45 AM, milbo at wrote: > Full_Name: Stephen Milborrow > Version: R 2.8.0 > OS: Windows XP > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > Under certain conditions, R 2.8.0 incorrectly echoes integer literals without > the "L" suffix. R 2.7.2 is ok. > > To reproduce, create two files as follows: > a.R containing:
2015 Jun 26
[R-pkg-devel] Guidelines for S3 regression models
Stephen, thanks for your effort. The more appropriate list for this discussion is probably R-devel (as far as I understand it) so I've moved the discussion there. Related topics have already been discussed in the past. Specifically, I remember contributions by Paul Johnson ("rockchalk" package) and John Fox ("effects" and "car" package) as their packages
2007 Aug 29
Modifying R_CheckStack for a speed increase
Greetings R developers, R will run a little faster when executing "pure R" code if the function R_CheckStack() is modified. With the modification, the following code for example runs 15% faster (compared to a virgin R-2.5.1 on my Windows XP machine): N = 1e7 foo <- function(x) { for (i in 1:N) x <- x + 1 x }
2008 Jul 06
Issue with postscript figures using WinAnsi encoding
Hi there, I've hit a bump in writing postscript files with special characters in the WinAnsi encoding on a windows machine. Here's some sample code: ########################################### postscript(file = "test.eps", encoding="WinAnsi.enc", width = 3, height = 5.5, onefile = TRUE, horizontal=FALSE, family = "sans", title =
2007 Aug 02
plot to postscript orientation
Hi I am trying to save some plots in a postscript file. When I generate the plots in the main window, they appear correctly - their orientation is landscape (i.e., horizontal). However, when I open the .ps file with GSview, the whole page appears vertically, and the plot appears horizontally, which means that the plot is only partially visible (example here
2006 Jun 09
Postscript output encoding on Windows
With R 2.3.1 on Windows, I've noticed that it defaults to the "WinAsci.enc" encoding, which throws up an error when viewed with the default install of GhostScript/GSView (versions 8.51/4.7 respectively). I didn't have this problem prior to upgrading to 2.3.1 as I can view all my old PS graphs and they don't have the WinAsci encoding. I've got around this problem by
2003 Sep 26
empty postscript output of figures
Hi, I have a puzzeling problem. I want to export graphics from R to TeX via postscript(). This works fine for some graphs, but for others, the eps remain empty when viewed with GSView. When such an empty eps is imported to TeX, the figure appears upside down and very small, irrespective of TeX width and height commands. If I transform the eps to pdf, the graphic shows up, but turned aqround 90°.
2001 Apr 14
Postscript font bugs (and a suggestion) (PR#914)
Documentation and other bugs with postscript(): 1. This code crashes R (it asks for a font that isn't there): postscript() plot(0:1,0:1) text(0.5,0.5,'crash',font=6) The bug appears to be in the FixupFont routine in plot.c; on line 236, it checks that the font number is in the range 1..32. Later this crashes PostScriptStringWidth in devPS.c, because only fonts numbered 1..5
2010 Oct 03
Problem starting new game "War of Angels" - no 3d I guess
Hey, guys, i surfed the internet and found a new game by gamigo I want to try out. I downloaded the installer and successfully installed the game. I used winetricks to install - d3dx9 - d3dx9_28 - d3dx9_36 - corefonts - dotnet11 - dotnet20 - dotnet 20sp2 I've to use the launcher provided in the game's directory which seems to work fine. It does patching
2009 Jan 27
Windows, gsview: corrupted bbox of .e?ps graphics
System: [Windows XP Pro, R 2.8.0 and R 2.81.] When I do R graphics on Windows and want .eps output for LaTeX, with *tight bounding boxes* I usually do as follows from Rgui: - Save as Postscript ... - Open in Gsview, select PS to EPS, Save as ... myfig.eps This always worked before, and gave me .eps files that did not include much more white space than I like, didn't
2010 May 04
Half-Life 2 crashing with Wine 1.1.43 on Ubuntu 10.4
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and also to Linux. I hope this problem is not caused by my lack of knowledge, but I would guess not. Hopefully^^. As the title says, I try to play Half-Life 2 with Wine, which is listed as platinum in the Appdb, so I expected no problems. But unfortunately, the game is crashing when I want to start a new game. I see the loading bar filling, but when it's
2000 Aug 15
getting eps into MS Word documents
Remember that thread a long time ago about how to get R graphics into Ms Word? I'm looking at it now because my coauthor is a Windows User, I use RedHat linux. I output some eps files from R. I found one relatively painless route to get these figures into a Word document: View in GSview, copy to clipboard, then paste into document. I've not seen this one mentioned, and it has the
2010 Jul 06
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 problem.
Hi guys, I've installed COD MW2 and followed the instructions as per the AppDB page: However, I get garbled text...and when in-game, the lighting is a mess. I'd try editing the graphic settings, but I can't make out the text of the menu. I'm using Wine 1.2 rc6 with or without the
2018 Sep 14
Possible bug with chromatic adaptation in grDevices::convertColor
It appears that the chromatic adaptation feature of `grDevices::convertColor`is broken, and likely has been for many years.? While a little surprising, it is an obscure enough feature that there is some possibility this is actually broken, as opposed to user error on my part.? If it turns out to the latter, I apologize in advance for spamming this list. Consider: ??? <-
2007 Dec 06
[R] color palette from red to blue passing white (shifted from R-help)
Hi, The move to sRGB is nice, is there any interest in adding an interface to lcms,, to allow gamut matching? I can think of a lot of instances where I would like to render a figure as it would appear on my printer. This is probably best done as a separate package though, at least at first. Nicholas Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> "Paul" ==
2011 Nov 29
avp 2010 no sound at all..
I installed avp 2010 and wanted to have some fun in mp, but when starting the game, I had no sound at all... The weird thing is that in movies and such, there is sound. It's muted ingame and in menus only... terminel output (shortened): Code: fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_SetOptions (0x1) : stub fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xfffffffe): stub fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xb4): stub