similar to: Error with named chunks in Sweave with the development version of R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Error with named chunks in Sweave with the development version of R"

2011 Feb 15
[slightly OT] predict.randomForest and type=”prob”
Dear all , I would like to use the function randomForest to predict the probability of relocation failure of a GPS collar as a function of several environmental variables x (both factor and numeric: slope, vegetation, etc.) on a given area. The response variable y is thus success (0)/failure(1) of the relocation, and the sampling unit is the pixel of a raster map. My aim is to build a map
2004 Sep 21
png problem
Dear R-users, I have a small problem with the function png(), when used with the argument colortype="pseudo.cube". > png("toto.png", colortype="pseudo.cube") > image(matrix(rnorm(10000), 100, 100)) > R is blocked at the last command (R does not print any prompt after the last command). Nothing is written in the file (Gimp indicates that the
2011 Apr 21
R CMD Sweave versus Sweave() on Windows
Dear list subscriber, I am quite puzzled by the behaviour of processing Sweave files within an R session, i.e. Sweave("foo.Rnw") versus R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw In the former the environmental variable 'SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT = TRUE' is obeyed (this is set in etc/ as well as under the users home directory in .Renviron). That is the hard-coded path to Sweave.sty is
2010 May 20
Sweave and uttf-8 under Windows XP
Hi list, I need to process a Rnw file and and a csv file (both are encoded in UTF-8) under Windows XP (R Version 2.11.0, i386, mingw32). I can source and run the Rnw file: > Stangle("Bericht.Rnw") Writing to file Bericht.R > source(file("Bericht.R", encoding="UTF-8")) which runs fine, but running Sweave() failed: > Sweave("Bericht.Rnw")
2005 Jul 08
Sweave resource leak: leftover temp files (PR#7999)
This is great. Thank you for your help, but let me make sure I fully understand. Here is the looping file I use to subset the data frame, create a tex file, and Sweave it. This results in N number of tex files where N is equal to the number of rows in the data frame. list <- unique(wide$stuid) master = "master.tex" for (i in list){ tmp1 <- subset(wide, stuid==i) tmp2
2008 Nov 29
including Sweave tangled code in '.Rnw' document
Hello List, I have been using Sweave for my homework this last quarter and have been very impressed at how much time and effort it saves me. I, however, have run up against a problem which I have not been able to solve using any of the Sweave/LaTeX tricks I know. I work through my homework one problem at a time, typesetting equations and writing R code, etc. and occasionally use
2010 Oct 25
Sweave and absolute escaped backslashed Windows paths in R 2.12.0
I've noticed a change in behavior in R 2.12.0 from 2.11.1 regarding the treatment of absolute paths in the file argument of Sweave in a Windows environment. Consider the minimal Rnw file, attached and reproduced below my signature in case .Rnw files get stripped. This file is stored on my (Windows) computer in H:/My Documents. Using an absolute path with the standard window's
2008 Oct 13
Sorry, I forgot to include a reproducible example on my last e-mail but here it is: Since the file is large to be included here: The path to the foo.Rnw examples is: and is suppossed to produce a pdf like this one: I have downloaded MiKTEX but I don't know how to make it work. Sweave and Stangle seem to
2006 Oct 08
'weaver' package problem
Hi Seth, The possibility of caching computations would be a great boon when one is iteratively refining a paper; so I'm most grateful for your work on this. Unfortunately I have a problem to report: ******************installing****************** > source("") > biocLite("weaver") Running getBioC version 0.1.8 with R version
2005 Feb 23
Sweave and \input or \include LaTeX commands
Hello! I was just wondering if Sweave can work with \input or \include LaTeX commands. So, is it aware of such a possible hierarchy in documents. I would test that, but I don't have such a report available at the moment. I thought of that when I was writting shell script for Sweave from command line and I have solved that part there. -- Lep pozdrav / With regards, Gregor GORJANC
2012 Apr 04
Rgui maintains open file handles after Sweave error
Hello Folks, When I run the document below through sweave, rgui.exe/rsession.exe leaves a file handle open to the sweave-001.pdf graphic (as verified by process explorer). Pdflatex.exe then crashes (with a Permission Denied error) because the graphic file is locked. This only seems to happen when there is an error in the sweave document. When there are no errors, no file handles are left open.
2002 Oct 10
problem with Sweave on 1.6 on NT4
Hi, I recently compiled 1.6 on NT4 but I am having a problem with Sweave. Using the inbuilt 'Sweave-test-1.Rnw' file as an example: ------- > library(tools) > testfile <- file.path(.path.package("tools"), "Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw") ## create a LaTeX file Sweave(testfile) testfile <-
2009 Feb 02
I'm trying to (re)learn Sweave and run into some problems. I use now ubuntu (8.10), emacs + ess. Slowly getting upto speed on ess. I have a complete (hopefully) .Rnw file, but the resulting .tex will not compile. The file does not contain anything exotic, but it produces pdf figures, and that is where the problems come: library(tools) > Sweave("varioCoo.Rnw") Writing to file
2005 Jul 08
Sweave resource leak: leftover temp files (PR#7998)
Harold, I've taken a closer look at your example and I'd call this an Sweave bug. It creates tempfiles each time you run it, and doesn't delete them at the end. For example: > list.files(tempdir()) character(0) > testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") > Sweave(testfile, out="junk.tex")
2009 Mar 17
Combining Sweave and fancyvrb
I find Sweave very useful and I was trying to combine it with the latex package fancyvrb. I was trying to get line numbering and labels in order to reference the lines where particular commands occur. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Maybe somebody can help me. The following is a sample Rnw file: the first part shows what I would like to get, the second what I
2011 Mar 07
Sweave with scan()-ed data
In an Sweave slide, I want to use sem::read.moments() and sem::specify.model(), which work by using scan() to read the following lines, up to the first blank line. However, Sweave throws an error: > Sweave("sem-thurstone.Rnw") Writing to file sem-thurstone.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : term hide (label=arrests-setup) 2 : echo term hide (label=thurstone-data) Error:
2007 Jun 28
Sweave bug? when writing figures / deleting variable in chunk
I have found a quite strange (to me) behaviour in Sweave. It only occurs in the following situation: 1. define a variable in one chunk 2. use it within a subsequent figure-generating chunk 3. delete it at the end of that same chunk Then the Sweave driver chokes, not finding the variable name when generating the figure Example: % document bug2.Rnw \documentclass{article} \usepackage{Sweave}
2008 Jul 27
Colors in Sweave
Hi list, I was using Sweave and was wondering if anyone has had any luck changing the font colors of the code chunks. For instance, in my .Rnw preample I tried including: === \usepackage[usenames]{colors} \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.545,0,0} \definecolor{midnightblue}{rgb}{0.098,0.098,0.439} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{midnightblue}}}
2010 Jul 27
Sweave and scan()
I am introducing the scan() function to my class. Consider the following file (Scanexamp.Rnw ) \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} <<>>= height = scan() 64 62 66 65 62 69 72 72 70 part = scan(what = character(0)) "Soprano" "Soprano" "Soprano" "Alto" "Alto" "Tenor" "Tenor" "Bass"
2008 Dec 14
Sweave/Rweave and results="verbatim"
Hello, in a Rnw-file I have this used stuff to try out tex-results... ============================== <<>>>= texme <- function() cat( "{\\bf Hallo, das ist voll fett!}\n" ) @ <<results="verbatim">>= texme() @ ============================== I used this command: "R CMD Sweave example.Rnw" and got this error: