Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "problem with Rcmdr Plugins"
2010 Mar 18
Rcmdr plugins produce error
I recently updated all my plugins, and for the fun of it, I added ALL the Rcmdr Plugins to my collection to see what functionality might exist. I started Rcmdr and loaded ALL the available Plugins from to the Rcdmdr Tools menu.
To my suprise Rcmdr produced a number of warnings and finally an error. The error suggests that some of the extensions are incompatable with each other because of menu
2009 Nov 21
MASS loading error
Dear R People:
I just installed R-2.10.0 on Karmic Koala Ubuntu, via the sudo apt-get
install r-base, etc.
However, when I try to install an Rcmdr Plugin package, I get the following:
> install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual",depen=TRUE)
Warning in install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual", depen = TRUE) :
argument 'lib' is missing: using
2009 Aug 10
building a package
Dear R People:
I'm trying to build a package and am stuck on the last part; I keep
getting "there is no library".
Here are my statements:
erin at erin-laptop:~/Desktop/R-2.9.1/bin$ R CMD check RcmdrPlugin.qual
* checking for working pdflatex ... OK
* using log directory '/home/erin/Desktop/R-2.9.1/bin/RcmdrPlugin.qual.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
* using
2011 Jun 17
Rcmdr Plugin error
Dear R People: (particularly those who have build Rcmdr Plugin packages):
I'm building a new Plugin and keep getting the following error:
Error in if (is.null(where) || where >= n) rbind(object1, object2)
else if (where < :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Error in library(RcmdrPlugin
Have any of you run into this, please? I feel like I've seen it
before but can't
2010 Feb 02
Update problem? Rcmdr disappears, won't re-open
WinXP, R 2.10.1
I just updated R, and now have trouble. Perhaps it was the method I used to
keep all the packages.
I copied all the new packages from 2.10.1 back into the 2.10.0 folder, then
copied them and all the others I've previously added from the 2.10.0 folder
and pasted them back into 2.10.1's appropriate folder.
Is this the source of my troubles?
I am trying unsuccessfully to
2008 Aug 20
Writing Rcmdr Plugins
Dear all,
I am trying to write a plugin for the RCommander and having troubles
understanding how to actually do that. I have read Mr. Fox's tutorial
about writing Rcmdr plugins and though.... it seems to me that some
steps are missing. I would like to know, whether there are some
Commands which generate a plugin package out of a given library. Or do
we just have to attach the .First.lib
2010 Apr 25
a side note to the Rcmdr issue
Hi again.
On Windows, when I try to use the "install packages" from the menu, there is no Rcmdr and no RcmdrPlugins to be seen.
Erin M. Hodgess, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: hodgesse@uhd.edu
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Apr 02
Problems with PDF/Latex when building a package
Dear R People:
I'm building a packages on an Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 system and am
getting the following errors:
* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
LaTeX errors found:
! Font T1/ptm/m/n/10=ptmr8t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found
<to be read again>
2005 Nov 11
Recursive dependencies(Rcmdr)
Something might have slipped by me, but I got into the following situation
installing Rcmdr:
< install.packages("Rcmdr",depend=TRUE) >
Oodles of Output, until:
* Installing *source* package 'multcomp' ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2009 Sep 23
Compiled Rcmdr Plugin package (zip) has no etc/menus.txt
Dear Rcmdr users,
I use R-2.9.2, Rcmdr 1.5-1 and the latest Rtools bundle (and the html help
workshop) under Windows XP. I wrote a RcmdrPlugin for some important
functions of Thomas Lumley's "survey" package.
Problem: Package compilation works without displaying any errors. That is
1) "R CMD build ..." works fine.
2) "R CMD INSTALL --build..." generates the
2013 Sep 17
strange behavior for RcmdrPlugin.qual
Over the weekend, I updated my RcmdrPlugin.qual package.
It works fine on a 64 bit Windows machine but not a 32 bit. This is very strange. The new menu with all of the Quality Control stuff does not appear.
Have any of you run into this sort of thing before, please?
Erin M. Hodgess, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
2010 Feb 15
R-Commander plug-in difficulties
Hi All,
I have recently created an Rcmdr plugin package and it passed all the
checks and was uploaded to CRAN. I then downloaded it from CRAN and
tried running it from my local R program and received this error:
Error in f(libname, pkgname) : could not find function "getRcmdr"
Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) :
.First.lib failed for 'RcmdrPlugin.MAc'
In my
2012 Aug 09
R Commander - Time Series
Hello all,
I'm just starting to learn R and I heard a good way of doing that was R
Commander. For my work I use a lot of time series, so I installed (and
loaded) R Commander with epack.
When I go to Ts-Models, after loading my data, I click on ARIMA Models tab.
I load my variable D1 Ln Demand (1st differenced ln demand). I set my
regular and seasonal p d q settings hit run and I get:
2012 Aug 31
loading 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR' pachage in R
Hi everybody
I have a question about loading 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR'
pachage in R.
I have installed Rcmdr, FactoMineR and 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR.
when I want to load this package, at first a message inform me I should load
the following list of packages:
FactoMineR, ellipse, lattice, cluster, scatterplot3d, Rcmdr,
tcltk, car, MASS, nnet
I have loaded all above packages and again I
2017 Jul 22
cannot use package RcmdrPlugin.plotByGroup
Dear Lu Wei,
I'm the author of the Rcmdr package but not of RcmdrPlugin.plotByGroup, so if there really is a problem -- which isn't apparent from your message -- then you may wish to contact the package author.
First, as a general matter, menu items in the Rcmdr are grayed out if they're inappropriate in the current context. Rcmdr plug-in authors can use the same mechanism. So, for
2005 Feb 01
Rcmdr doesn't seem to work
Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including
I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it
is what happens:
> library(Rcmdr)
Loading required package: zoo
Loading required package: strucchange
Loading required package: sandwich
Loading required package: relimp
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package:
2004 Sep 15
loading error of the Rcmdr library on Debian Sid
I just tried to get Rcmdr package working, resulting in:
> library(Rcmdr)
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: foreign
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: lmtest
Loading required package: multcomp
Loading required package: relimp
2009 Sep 22
Rcmdr package dependencies
Dear r-devel members,
My Rcmdr package "depends" on several other packages (tcltk, grDevices,
utils, and car) and "suggests" a number of others (abind, aplpack,
colorspace, effects, foreign, grid, Hmisc, lattice, leaps, lmtest, MASS,
mgcv, multcomp, nlme, nnet, relimp, rgl, and RODBC). The reason for the
distinction is that I don't want all of these packages to load when
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List
I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander .
First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for
utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes!
I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA...
Here is the list.
Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which
are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2009 Dec 13
debug an error that incapacitates R?
Dear all
How should I attempt debugging this error?
> sosInit()
Error: invalid connection
When this happens R refuses to run anything:
> 2+2
Error: invalid connection
> sessionInfo ()
Error in stdout() : invalid connection
Debugging it seems impossible.
> options(error=recover)
> sosInit()
Error: invalid connection
Error during wrapup: invalid connection
The error also