similar to: problem with plot.lm?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem with plot.lm?"

2007 Jan 28
plot.lm (PR#9474)
Full_Name: Robert Kushler Version: 2.4.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( In the constant leverage case, plot #5 is not correctly produced. The labels on the x-axis are sorted correctly by magnitude of the fitted value, but the data are plotted in the original factor order. I changed facval[ord] <- facval xx <- facval
2006 Nov 14
Problem with file size
Hi everyone, I have 2 environments (2 different R sessions) as described below: Session 1: Name of the environment: "CrlmmInfo" Objects in the environment: index1: logical index - length 238304 index2: logical index - length 238304 priors: list of 4 - (matrix 6x6, 2 vectors of length 6, vector of length 2) - all num params: list of 4: centers [238304 x 3 x
2006 Nov 14
Problem with file size
Hi everyone, I have 2 environments (2 different R sessions) as described below: Session 1: Name of the environment: "CrlmmInfo" Objects in the environment: index1: logical index - length 238304 index2: logical index - length 238304 priors: list of 4 - (matrix 6x6, 2 vectors of length 6, vector of length 2) - all num params: list of 4: centers [238304 x 3 x
2008 Feb 15
OT: installing the XML package - xmlOutputBufferCreateBuffer problem
Hi, first of, my apologies for the possibly off-topic message regarding a problem when installing the XML package (I meant to post at omegahat- help, but I get 404 at When installing the XML package using: install.packages("XML") everything seems to go fine... but then I try to load the package and I get: > library(XML) Error in
2009 Nov 28
Display list redraw incomplete
Hi, I'm observing the following warning with R-2.10.0 on a machine I have remote access to. Like what happened to Roger ( at ), two extra instances of X11 are open after Although I'm reporting this on R-2.10.0, it's reproducible on R-devel r50541. Any thoughts about this? Thanks a lot for any info, b >
2010 Sep 04
non-zero exit status error when install GenomeGraphs
Hi, I am trying to install GenomeGraphs package from bioconductor, but failed by a non-zero exit error. From the error message, it seems that there is a shared library problem. Any suggestion on fixing it? Thanks so much. > sessionInfo() R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso885915 LC_NUMERIC=C [3] LC_TIME=en_US.iso885915
2004 May 13
accented characters in isolinux
hey people I'm new to the list and would like to say thanks to everyone that has worked on syslinux/isolinux. It's one of those tools that everyone uses at some stage but no-one ever really takes much notice of it - mainly because *it just works*. So congrats ... Now onto my question - I am customizing Fedora Core and I want to change the isolinux boot.msg screen to display some
2008 Jan 23
Rsync 3.0.0pre8 and Mac OS X
Hi, I tried Rsync 3.0.0pre8 on my mac running os X 10.5. I was very pleased about the --iconv feature, as i have to sync some LINUX-machines and I had really trouble with some filenames. But I found one strange thing in connection with the mac. First of all, the translation between the LINUX ISO-8859-15 and the mac ut-8 works (nearly) perfect. As I live in Germany, we have often filenames
2007 Jun 16
plot via xyplot not being saved
Hi everyone, it's been a while I've been trying to save a plot created via lattice:::xyplot if I have a file tst.R with the following code: y <- rnorm(100) x <- rnorm(100) z <- sample(letters[1:4], 100, rep=T) library(lattice) bitmap("tst.png") xyplot(y~x|z) and I source it, I get the tst.png file, which is a blank page. If I copy and paste instead, I
2006 Aug 05
Frustrating locale setting error
Hi all, This has been very frustrating for me trying to get this acts_as_ferret working well on a Fedora box. On my mac it works great, no problems with locale, but when I put the code live on my Fedora server, it complains about the locale setting (Error occured at <analysis.c>:498 Error: exception 2 not handled: Error decoding input string. Check that you have the locale set
2009 Aug 19
Problem with predict.coxph
We occasionally utilize the coxph function in the survival library to fit multinomial logit models. (The breslow method produces the same likelihood function as the multinomial logit). We then utilize the predict function to create summary results for various combinations of covariates. For example:
2011 Feb 03
coxph fails to survfit
I have a model with quant vars only and the error message does not make sense: (mod1 <- coxph(Surv(time=strt,time2=stp,event=(resp==1))~ +incpost+I(amt/1e5)+rate+strata(termfac), subset=dt<"2010-08-30", data=inc,method="efron")) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time = strt, time2 = stp, event = (resp == 1)) ~ +incpost + I(amt/1e+05) + rate + strata(termfac),
2008 Jul 15
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5615] New: iconv conversion not applied to symlinks Summary: iconv conversion not applied to symlinks Product: rsync Version: 3.0.3 Platform: Other OS/Version: SunOS Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2018 Apr 25
Samba 4 - ISO-8859-15 filenames not listed while browsing
Thanks Jeremy, i'm analyzing this with the application team, we'll see what we can find. > I was hoping to find a way for the samba4 server to behave like samba3 (as > in ignoring bad characters and replacing them with an underscore > character), which in the end resulted in the best compromise. In the meantime, do you have any idea why there is difference between the two
2007 Apr 03
Behavior of seq_along (was: Create a new var reflecting the order of subjects in existing var)
I am moving this from r-help to r-devel. Based on offline communications with Jim, suppose dat is defined as follows: set.seed(123) dat <- data.frame(ID= c(rep(1,2),rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,4), rep(5,5)), var1 =rnorm(17, 35,2), var2=runif(17,0,1)) # Then this ave call works as expected: ave(dat$ID, dat$ID, FUN = function(x) seq_along(x)) # but this apparently identical calculation
2007 Jun 29
Comparison: glm() vs. bigglm()
Hi, Until now, I thought that the results of glm() and bigglm() would coincide. Probably a naive assumption? Anyways, I've been using bigglm() on some datasets I have available. One of the sets has >15M observations. I have 3 continuous predictors (A, B, C) and a binary outcome (Y). And tried the following: m1 <- bigglm(Y~A+B+C, family=binomial(), data=dataset1, chunksize=10e6)
2013 Jan 29
Package parallel left orphan processes, how to clean-up?
Hi, I've using package DEXSeq that implements functions with nCores for speed-up. The functions work fine, but I found out that the children processes were not terminated, they still hold memory, and new command will start up new children processes. So if I don't manually kill those orphan processes, they will cause problem. I was qlogin to SGE cluster node to run R. From our
2012 Jun 16
Efficient distance calculation on big matrix
Hi All, I'm working on analyzing a large data set, lets asume that dim(Data)=c(1000,8700). I want to calculate the canberra distance between the columns of this matrix, and using a toy example ('test' is a matrix filled with random numbers 0-1): > system.time(d<-as.matrix(dist(t(test), method = "canberra", diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, p = 2))) user system
2007 Mar 21
problem with RCurl install on Unix
I am having trouble getting an install of RCurl to work properly on a Unix server. The steps I have taken are: 1. installed cUrl from source without difficulty 2. installed RCurl from source using the command ~/R_HOME/R-devel/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l ~/R_HOME/R-devel/library ~/RCurl_0.8-0.tar.gz I received no errors during this install 3. when I go back to R and require(RCurl), I get >
2007 Mar 21
problem with RCurl install on Unix
I am having trouble getting an install of RCurl to work properly on a Unix server. The steps I have taken are: 1. installed cUrl from source without difficulty 2. installed RCurl from source using the command ~/R_HOME/R-devel/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l ~/R_HOME/R-devel/library ~/RCurl_0.8-0.tar.gz I received no errors during this install 3. when I go back to R and require(RCurl), I get >