similar to: Wishlist - better object.size() function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Wishlist - better object.size() function"

2010 Feb 02
Major update: mboost 2.0-0 released
Dear useRs, we are happy to announce the release of mboost 2.0-0 on CRAN: This version contains major updates and changes to the implementation of the main algorithm. Some slight changes to the user-interface where necessary. Please consult the manual and the list of CHANGES below. The package 'mboost' (Model-based Boosting) implements
2010 Feb 02
Major update: mboost 2.0-0 released
Dear useRs, we are happy to announce the release of mboost 2.0-0 on CRAN: This version contains major updates and changes to the implementation of the main algorithm. Some slight changes to the user-interface where necessary. Please consult the manual and the list of CHANGES below. The package 'mboost' (Model-based Boosting) implements
2010 Mar 19
mboost: Interpreting coefficients from glmboost if center=TRUE
Sorry for the tardy reply but I just found your posting incidentally today. To make long things short: You are right about the centering. We forgot to correct the intercept if center = TRUE. We lately found the problem ourself and fixed it in the current version (mboost 2.0-3). However the problem only occurred if you extracted the coefficients. As the intercept is rarely interpretable we
2010 Feb 10
Vacancy for Lecturer, Department of Statistics, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Vacancy number 300014 LECTURER Department of Statistics School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand You should have a PhD in Statistics, or equivalent, and will have demonstrated the ability to sustain a successful teaching and research career. You will be expected to contribute towards the Department?s undergraduate and graduate teaching
2010 Oct 20
problem with predict(mboost,...)
Hi, I use a mboost model to predict my dependent variable on new data. I get the following warning message: In bs(mf[[i]], knots = args$knots[[i]]$knots, degree = args$degree, : some 'x' values beyond boundary knots may cause ill-conditioned bases The new predicted values are partly negative although the variable in the training data ranges from 3 to 8 on a numeric scale. In order to
2012 Aug 24
Suggestion: Specify default of "pch" in the manual
Both, in the manuals for par() and points() I could not find a note on the default value of "pch". I think it would be rather helpful to add a note that the default is 1 (in both manuals). This would, for example, help users that want to draw a legend. And yes, I know that one can obtain the default by inspecting par() but I think for many users (especially beginneRs) this is not
2013 Sep 12
Importing packages in Depend
Hi, I am currently preparing a new version of my package papeR. When I run R CMD check using the development version of R I get the following note: Package in Depends field not imported from: ?nlme?, ?lme4?, ?survival? These packages needs to imported from for the case when this namespace is loaded but not attached. I now have problems to fix this issue. It is easy to get rid of two of the
2006 Apr 29
Making R talk to Win/OpenBUGS in Linux (again)
I'm back! I've just learned that, on a fully updated Fedora Core Linux5 sytem, the working solution to access Winbugs under wine via the R package "rbugs" no longer works. Here was my last post on this topic (with the formerly working solution) from January. Currently, what happens is that WinBUGS starts up, but just
2004 Apr 26
Segfault: .Call and classes with logical slots
Hi, the following example aiming at a class containing a logical slot segfaults under R-1.9.0 when `gctorture(on = TRUE)' is used: Code code (dummy.c): #include <Rdefines.h> SEXP foo() { SEXP ans; PROTECT(ans = NEW_OBJECT(MAKE_CLASS("test"))); SET_SLOT(ans, install("lgl"), allocVector(LGLSXP, 1)); LOGICAL(GET_SLOT(ans,
2003 May 08
multcomp and lme (followup)
I just realized that in the call to `csimint' the argument `asympt=TRUE' is missing since we need to compute the confidence intervals for a glm based on the normal approximation. Torsten --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(multcomp) set.seed(290875) # a factor at three levels group <- factor(c(rep(1,10), rep(2, 10), rep(3,10))) # Williams
2002 Apr 10
New Package: ipred - Improved predictors
The package ipred is uploaded to CRAN. The main focus of the package is the calculation of improved predictors in classification tasks. Misclassification error can be improved by bootstrap aggregated classification trees and/or the framework of indirect classification. Furthermore, a unified interface for the estimation of misclassification error completes the features of ipred. We try to make
2002 Apr 10
New Package: ipred - Improved predictors
The package ipred is uploaded to CRAN. The main focus of the package is the calculation of improved predictors in classification tasks. Misclassification error can be improved by bootstrap aggregated classification trees and/or the framework of indirect classification. Furthermore, a unified interface for the estimation of misclassification error completes the features of ipred. We try to make
2006 Mar 17
Collapsing levels of a factor
> x <- factor(1:3, labels = c("b" , "f", "minus")) > x [1] b f minus Levels: b f minus I want to change all "minus" to "b". I know that the simplest way to do this is > levels(x) <- c("b", "f", "b") and also that > x[x == "minus"] <- "b" > x <- factor(x)
2006 Mar 17
Collapsing levels of a factor
> x <- factor(1:3, labels = c("b" , "f", "minus")) > x [1] b f minus Levels: b f minus I want to change all "minus" to "b". I know that the simplest way to do this is > levels(x) <- c("b", "f", "b") and also that > x[x == "minus"] <- "b" > x <- factor(x)
2013 Feb 05
How to use summary.mer inside a package?
I have a question regarding the build of my project papeR (hosted on R-forge with respect to lme4. Both, Windows and MacOS are complaining that lme4 doesn't export summary: Error : object 'summary' is not exported by 'namespace:lme4' ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'papeR' Linux however builds the project
2012 Dec 10
Generate files for vignettes
I am looking for a way to generate files for vignettes. The manual "Writing R Extensions" states here [1] in item number 20: "If there is a target output file in the vignette source directory, the output from running the code in that vignette is compared with the target output file." Yet, there is no pointer on how to get the correct files
2001 Jun 13
read.table and newline
Hi, yesterday I installed the current R-devel and now I get the following warning message for program codes which made no problems under version R-1.2.3: Example: R> read.table("test.dat") Warning message: incomplete final line in: readLines(con, n, ok) where `test.dat' looks like peters at artemis:~ > cat test.dat 1 2 3peters at artemis:~ > i.e. without a newline
2006 Jan 26
nmbd terminates with error code 58
Hello everybody, i have already posted this message yesterday, but i didn't receive my posting. There i want to repeat it. >From time to time our nmbd daemon quits his job and the last time he did this he told us: [2006/01/25 15:56:02, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:terminate(58) Got SIGTERM: going down... So my question is: What is the cause of this behaviour and in special what is happening when
1999 Nov 03
NT user rights on a per file basis
We use samba in a heterogeneous Unix (HP-UX) and NT environment. One purpose is to give a group of about 25 NT users access to a common disk which is situated on one of our HP-Unix machines and a small group of Unix- and NT users to give them additionally access from NT to their Unix HOME directories. The NT users are authorized by an NT controller in the network. Our problem is that NT crashes if
1998 Nov 19
Virus Scanner
Hello Listers, does anyone know about virus scanners working on Unix hosts but scanning for all those bad vermin from the M$ world. Best solution (for me) would be a tight coupling with samba, monitoring the I/O as some PC scanners do. Any suggestions? TIA, -- Detlef ////