We use samba in a heterogeneous Unix (HP-UX) and NT environment. One purpose is to give a group of about 25 NT users access to a common disk which is situated on one of our HP-Unix machines and a small group of Unix- and NT users to give them additionally access from NT to their Unix HOME directories. The NT users are authorized by an NT controller in the network. Our problem is that NT crashes if we try to set individual user rights for an individual file as it is an normal action under NT controlled disks. On NT each user writing a file onto the disk can control on a per file and per user basis which other user may access this file and with which rights. This is similar to the acl's which are built into old DEC-VMS and some Unix clones. But most Unixes don't have this feature or, as with HP-UX, in a not very usable version. We didn't find any information neither in the samba documentation nor in some books about samba if this action can also be performed for a disk accessed via samba, even if the underlying Unix does not have acl's. Does there anybody know, if such authorization on a per file and per user basis can be done with samba, with the actual version or with a version in the near future? Best Regards, Elmar Trautenberg Dr. Elmar Trautenberg SIEMENS ZT EN 4 Postfach 3220, D-91050 Erlangen Telefon +49 9131 7 21779 Telefax +49 9131 7 21339 Mailto: Elmar.Trautenberg@ErlS.Siemens.De