Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "non user-friendly error for chol2inv functions"
2017 May 09
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Dear list,
I?m trying to register Fortran routines in randtoolbox (in srt/init.c file), see https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/viewvc.php/pkg/randtoolbox/src/init.c?view=markup&root=rmetrics.
Reading https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Registering-native-routines and looking at what is done in stats package, I first thought that the following code will do the job:
2000 Mar 21
chol2inv question
Hi there,
Please help me this out.
> m
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.1 1.0
[2,] 1.0 1.1
> chol2inv(m)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.5094597 -0.7513148
[2,] -0.7513148 0.8264463
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or
2017 May 10
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Thanks for your email.
I try to change the name in lowercase but it conflicts with a C implementation also named halton. So I rename the C function halton2() and sobol2() while the Fortran function are HALTON() and SOBOL() (I also try lower case in the Fortran code). Unfortunately, it does not help since I get
init.c:97:25: error: use of undeclared identifier 'halton_'; did you mean
2009 Sep 19
generic methods - in particular the summary function
Hi all,
I'm currently working on the fitdistrplus package (that basically fit
distributions). There is something I do not understand about the
generic function summary.
In the current version on CRAN, there is no NAMESPACE saying
S3method(summary, fitdist)
However if we use summary on an object send by fitdist function it
works fine...
According to R-lang, we have
The most
2015 Sep 17
names treatment in optim()
Dear both,
I have found that names are not treated in the same way in optim() depending on the optimization method (argument method).
The example below shows the difference between the Brent method and the L-BFGS-B method.
f <- function(x){ y <- x^2;names(y) <-"f(x)";y}
optim(10, f, method="Brent", lower=-1, upper=10)$value
optim(10, f, method="L-BFGS-B",
2009 May 10
Vignettes with missing or empty \VignetteIndexEntry:
I have a problem when checking the package 'probdistr' (on probability
I got this warning
* checking index information ... WARNING
Vignettes with missing or empty \VignetteIndexEntry:
[1] "probdistr-chi" "probdistr-contextra" "probdistr-discrete"
[4] "probdistr-discrextra" "probdistr-exp"
2009 Apr 29
legend with small colored boxes
Hi all,
I tried to a nice legend with small boxes filled with the colors used
for the plots. But it does nor work, boxes are always filled with black.
An example is here
lines(1:4,4:1, col="blue")
legend("top",leg=c("a","b"),col=c("black","blue"), fill=TRUE)
How could I specify the colors? the argument col.box is the
2017 May 10
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Have you tried using tools:::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton()? If you don't like its output, you can easily edit its results and still avoid most pitfalls.
Cheers, Jari Oksanen
From: R-devel <r-devel-bounces at r-project.org> on behalf of Berend Hasselman <bhh at xs4all.nl>
Sent: 10 May 2017 09:48
To: Christophe Dutang
2010 Nov 08
try (nls stops unexpectedly because of chol2inv error
I am running simulations that does multiple comparisons to control.
For each simulation, I need to model 7 nls functions. I loop over 7 to do
the nls using try
if try fails, I break out of that loop, and go to next simulation.
I get warnings on nls failures, but the simulation continues to run, except
when the internal call (internal to nls) of the chol2inv fails.
2008 Dec 02
date operations
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20081202/10f66fc6/attachment.pl>
2009 Nov 13
AR(2) modelling
Hi useRs,
I'm trying to fit a basic AR(2) model with the 'ar' function. And when
I try to check the value of the coefficients, I could not find the
same value as the 'ar' function.
Here is my example:
myserie <- c(212, 205, 210, 213, 217, 222, 216, 218, 220, 212, 215, 236)
#plot(myserie, type="l")
myserieminus0 <- tail(myserie, -2)
myserieminus1 <-
2009 Nov 13
AR(2) modelling
Hi useRs,
I'm trying to fit a basic AR(2) model with the 'ar' function. And when
I try to check the value of the coefficients, I could not find the
same value as the 'ar' function.
Here is my example:
myserie <- c(212, 205, 210, 213, 217, 222, 216, 218, 220, 212, 215, 236)
#plot(myserie, type="l")
myserieminus0 <- tail(myserie, -2)
myserieminus1 <-
2009 Jul 30
rowSums, rowMean and rowCumSums?
Dear list,
Don't you think it could be useful to have in R base a function
rowCumSums, that compute cumulative sums for each row of a matrix?
My implementation of rowCumSums is
rowCumSums <- function(x) t(mapply(function(row)cumsum(x[row,]),
I'm sure it can be improved to have other arguments like na.rm or dims.
Is there any hope to have this function in R?
2009 Apr 27
problem with symbol function
Hi all,
I use the symbol functions to draw circles. But the argument lty does
not work on windows but works correctly on my macbook:
x <- -4:4
y <- -4:4
symbols(0, 0, add = TRUE, circles = 1, inches = 1, fg="black",
symbols(0, 0, add = TRUE, circles = 1, inches = 2, fg="black",
2005 Apr 29
Error in La.chol2inv(x, size) : lapack routines cannot be loaded
Dear all,
OS: x86_64-suse-linux 9.2
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz
R-version: R-2.1.0
I've started using a new Linux server, upgraded at the same time to
R-2.1.0 (see above) and have problems with some elementary analysis that
ran without a problem on my previous configuration.
anova.glm gives the following error:
Error in La.chol2inv(x, size) : lapack routines cannot be loaded
2012 Nov 22
lapack routines cannot be loaded [Help request]
Dear BioConductor and R fellow users
I apologize in advance for double posting, but I am not sure which list would actually be best fit for this message.
I am experiencing a weird error with my R installation on Ubuntu 10.04.4 (LTS) 64bit:
When I run R on the terminal everything goes smoothly:
R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation
2009 Feb 22
R tutorial
Dear all,
I have just found a 'good' tutorial R for datamining. I think it
should be on the contributed docs.
Here is the link
What do you think?
Kind regards
Christophe Dutang
Ph. D. student at ISFA, Lyon, France
website: http://dutangc.free.fr
2010 Aug 06
on the optim function
Dear useRs,
I have just discovered that the R optim function does not return the number of iterations.
I still wonder why line 632-634 of optim C, the iter variable is not returned (for the BFGS method for example) ?
Is there any trick to compute the iteration number with function call number?
Kind regards
Christophe Dutang
Ph.D. student at ISFA, Lyon, France
2015 Jan 23
Programming Tools CTV
Dear Willem,
Personally, I use the R-forge project for the distribution CTV : https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/ctv/
It?s an alternative option to github.
Regards, Christophe
Christophe Dutang
LMM, UdM, Le Mans, France
web: http://dutangc.free.fr
Le 23 janv. 2015 ? 12:49, Luca Braglia <lbraglia at gmail.com> a ?crit :
> Hi Willem
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
Dear all,
Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability.
Maybe, a more precise message will be helpful when debugging.
> rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf))
Error in rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf)) : NA in probability vector
> rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, NA))
Error in rmultinom(1,