>>>>> On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 14:44:27 +0100,
>>>>> Christophe Dutang (CD) wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have just found a 'good' tutorial R for datamining. I think it
> should be on the contributed docs.
> http://cran.r-project.org/other-docs.html
> Here is the link
> http://www.liaad.up.pt/~ltorgo/DataMiningWithR/
> What do you think?
Looks intersting (although may be outdated as Doug already
mentioned). In any case, we don't simply "harvest" docs off the
we only put docs on CRAN which get sent to us by the original
authors. So if you want to see it on CRAN, please contact the author
(and perhaps ask for the status while doing so).
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Leisch
Institut f?r Statistik Tel: (+49 89) 2180 3165
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t Fax: (+49 89) 2180 5308
Ludwigstra?e 33
D-80539 M?nchen http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~leisch
Journal Computational Statistics --- http://www.springer.com/180
M?nchner R Kurse --- http://www.statistik.lmu.de/R