similar to: 0.45<0.45 = TRUE (PR#10744)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "0.45<0.45 = TRUE (PR#10744)"

2004 Aug 06
ices 0.3 released
* Arc <> shaped the electrons to say... > > I quite agree - it's frustrating to be able to use software that's > > almost there, then have all the development move to a format that 90% > > of the applications/embedded systems don't yet support. > > I'm sorry, but >90% of software does support Ogg.
2007 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] Seg faulting on vector ops
Hola LLVMers, I'm looking to make use of the vectorization primitives in the Intel chip with the code we generate from LLVM and so I've started experimenting with it. What is the state of the machine code generated for vectors? In my tinkering, I seem to be getting some wonky machine instructions, but I'm most likely just doing something wrong and I'm hoping you can set me in
2010 Jun 09
minor tick marks
Hi ! I need a plot for data extending over several orders of magnitude on the y axis. The following command generates a nice looking semi-log plot for my data: plot(x,y,log="y",type="l",lty=3, ylim=c(0.01,2),yaxp=c(0.01,1,1),las=1) I would appreciate having also minor tick marks in-between the 3 major ticks obtained with the above command. The "minor.tick" function
2003 Oct 22
non linear regression with R
Dear Colleagues, I have x, y data (pollen and seed dispersal from oaks !) that I would like to fit with a function which look like this: p(a,b,x,y)=b/(2*pi*a?gamma(2/b))*exp(-(square_root(x?+y?)/a)power(b)) I am looking for a and b values that fit my data at best. Can someone give me hints to perform such an analysis with R ? Thanks a lot Sophie Sophie Gerber
2006 Oct 02
Problems with graphics
Dear all, I am a SAS user, who's trying R. I am a little bit lost for graphics. What is the simplest way for plotting y as a function of x with one symbol (line or dot) for each level of a class variable z (for SAS langage= plot x*y=z). Can I add vertical bars for standard deviation stored in a separate variable (say ystd). Finally, is it possible to do all this with xyplot function
2007 Jul 21
[LLVMdev] Seg faulting on vector ops
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007, Chuck Rose III wrote: > I'm looking to make use of the vectorization primitives in the Intel > chip with the code we generate from LLVM and so I've started > experimenting with it. What is the state of the machine code generated > for vectors? In my tinkering, I seem to be getting some wonky machine > instructions, but I'm most likely just doing
2006 Sep 27
Dear all, Does any know how to solve PDE with R? The archive list refers to the use of ODE if PDE are parabolic. I am not a mathematician and this does not mean anything for me! help would be very appreciated. Many thanks -- ___________________________________________________ Christophe NGUYEN UMR 1220 INRA-ENITAB Transfert sol-plante et cycle des ?l?ments min?raux dans les ?cosyst?mes
2007 Jul 24
[LLVMdev] Seg faulting on vector ops
Hrm. This problem shouldn't be target specific. I am pretty sure prologue / epilogue inserter aligns stack correctly if there are stack objects with greater than default stack alignment requirement. Seems to be the initial alloca() instruction should specify 16 byte alignment? Evan On Jul 21, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Chris Lattner wrote: > On Fri, 20 Jul 2007, Chuck Rose III wrote:
2009 Jul 08
Simple monovariate classification?
I'm looking for an R function that simply recodes a quantitative variable into a number of classes according to specified break-points. Obviously I can do this using nested ifelse() commands, but I want to write it into a function where I can't pre-specify the number of classes. Is there an obvious way to do this? An example to clarify: how to convert c(0,10,5,1,9,6) to
2010 Jul 19
Hello, i have an issue with vpopmail, this created a sub folder named "0" and all the new users created inside this folder into the domain folder. Weel i don understand why vpopmail do that, but i want to know if the option in dovecot.conf namespaces i can make it to search the Maildir in both directories. name domain/user & name domain/0/name user. CAn you help me??? Any options.
2002 Feb 20
importing images
I would like to import "tif" images in R and I do not find any function that can do that. In Matlab there exists the function "imread" that can read the most known images format. Does a similar function exist for R ? Thanks in advance -- Herve CARDOT ____________________________________________________________ Unite Biometrie et Intelligence Artificielle, INRA Toulouse BP
2008 Apr 29
ggplot2: labels and breaks order does not match and I can't use scale_fill_identity
Hi, I'm plotting a bar chart like this: ggplot() + geom_bar(data=res,aes(fill=f1,x=f2,y=y),stat="identity",position="dodge") f1 contains quite a few levels and the plot is really quite difficult to read when the order of bars on the graph and on the legend does not match. This problem has been discussed recently here:
2005 Jan 27
computing roots of bessel function
I am not yet a R user but I will be soon. I am looking for the R command and syntax to compute the roots of Bessel function i.e. computing the z values that lead to Jnu(z)=0 where J is a Bessel function or order nu. May You help me ? thanks in advance. Dr Catherine COUTAND Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) umr Physiologie Int?grative de l'Arbre Fruitier et Forestier
2005 Jun 14
Calling C from Fortran
I would like to call C routines from Fortran under linux as suggested in section 5.6 of the "Writing R extensions" documentation. I'm familiar with Fortran but not with C. I understand the example provided in Fortran: subroutine testit() double precision normrnd, x call rndstart() x = normrnd() call dblepr("X was", 5, x, 1) call rndend() end but I don't understand
2003 Oct 17
heatmap function
Hi all, By default, the heatmap function gives an image with a dendrogram added to the left side and to the top. Is it possible to only add the dendrogram to the left side and let the order of the columns unchanged ? I tried heatmap(mat, col=rbg,Rowv=res.hclust$order,Colv=1:dim(mat)[[2]]). In this case, the order of the columns are unchanged but a dendrogram is added to the top. How can I
2016 Jul 28
QEMU IMG vs Libvirt block commit
Hi folks, I'm having a issue in the standard NFS driver on OpenStack, that uses qemu-img and libvirt to create snapshots of volumes. It uses qemu-img in the Controller to manage the snapshots when the volume is not attached (offline) or calls the Compute (which calls libvirt) to manage snapshots if the volume is attached (online). When I try to create/delete snapshots from a snapshot chain.
2002 Oct 24
Function scale (PR#2209)
I found a problem with scale function, while using center=FALSE and scale=TRUE: all column are not divided by standard error, but divided by sqrt (1/(n-1) sum Xi^2 ) Example: > l<- c(1,2,3) > scale(l,F,T) [,1] [1,] 0.3779645 [2,] 0.7559289 [3,] 1.1338934 attr(,"scaled:scale") [1] 2.645751 2.645751 = sqrt( 1/2 * (1+4+9) ) Antoine Lucas & Aymeric Labourdette
2003 Jul 22
read.table with option dec=',' (PR#3532)
Full_Name: Antoine Lucas Version: 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( I have a problem using read.table: If in a dataframe, we have a string containing a dot, write.table will not write any file while using option "dec=','". Example > m <- "1.5" > write.table(m,dec=',') Error in if (n%%nrowv == 0) value <-
2005 Jul 05
calling fortran functions CHOL and DPOTRF form Fortran
Hi all, I'm working out some Fortran code for which I want to compute the Choleski decomposition of a covariance matrix in Fortran. I tried to do it by two methods : 1) Calling the lapack function DPOTRF. I can see the source code and check that my call is correct, but it does not compile with: system("R CMD SHLIB ~/main.f") dyn.load("~/") I get: Error in
2014 Jul 18
request of information about creating DLL from R to be used in other languages/programs
Hello My question is the following. I have tried to find a similar subject in archives but not found (perhaps bad search!) and I tried R-help and I was advised that R-devel would perhaps better for my question So I wonder if it is possible to create a dll from a R code to use it in another language/program. Indeed, one of my colleague wrote a R code combining some R functions to create a