similar to: font inclusions in pdf files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "font inclusions in pdf files"

2005 Aug 30
TeXtext font encoding?
Dear R wizards: Has anyone gotten the TeXtext font encoding to work? If I execute: if (is.null(postscriptFonts()$lucida)) { luafmfiles <- c("/usr/share/texmf/fonts/afm/yandy/lubright/lbr.afm", "/usr/share/texmf/fonts/afm/yandy/lubright/lbd.afm", "/usr/share/texmf/fonts/afm/yandy/lubright/lbi.afm",
2005 Aug 22
pdf font embedding --- again
dear R wizards--- I would like to do some book-on-demand printing at a popular printer named lulu, but lulu requires inclusion even of the basic postscript fonts. Interestingly, my book itself does not need the 14 base acrobat fonts, only the embedded R figures do. Of course, I really would like to get pdftex to embed the fonts, but how to do this is not obvious either. [This method seems
2005 Mar 01
more info about missing fonts in centos 4
redhat did apply the opendesktop patch to build the iso8859-1 fonts, but then they forgot to rebuild the fonts-xorg package to pick them up. they have done some magic with how that happens such that you have to build the full xorg-x11 with a special %define set, and then go rpm2cpio stuff and tar that and blah blah blah. i am trying to work through this and i have whined at redhat again. and
2005 Dec 05
R-devel Digest, Vol 34, Issue 5
actually, I can confirm now that gs AFPL 8.53 is the "culprit" here on #2, copied below again (though it is not a bug but a feature, albeit one you need to know about.) the -dSAFER switch, which appears in later versions of AFPL gs, not only eliminates renamefile and deletefile (manpage), but seemingly also allows only fonts in the GS_LIB path to be used export
2011 May 13
Popup window
How can I insert (:popup => true) into code below? <%= link_to "Source_#{i}", link.url , :style => "color:#0096FF;font- family:''LucidaGrande'',''Lucida Grande'',''Lucida Sans Unicode'',sans- serif; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; margin-right: 10px;" if %> -- You received this message because you
2009 Sep 12
Lucida Sans Unicode
Is there an easy workaround for not having the Lucida Sans Unicode font under Wine? Can this lack of what is standard (at least for WinXP I think) be considered a bug? (if so, I will start a new bug # for it).
2009 Aug 30
RConsole processing crashes Rgui.exe
Using R 2.9.2 on Windows XP SP3. 1. Edit ~/Rconsole, and set font = TT Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 2. Start Rgui.exe 3. Go to Edit, GUI Preferfences 4. Rgui.exe crashes Rgui.exe does not crash if I do not access GUI Preferences (i.e., if I just use R), and it does correctly use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono as my font. Nor does it crash if I edit RConsole to set the font back to Lucida Console and
2014 Jun 04
Renegotiate SIP audio codec after call is up
<div style="font:14px/1.5 'Lucida Grande', '微软雅黑';color:#333;"><p style="line-height: 1.5; margin: 0px; font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif !important;">Hi All,</p><p style="line-height: 1.5; margin: 0px; font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', sans-serif
2015 Dec 30
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.7601.18667"></HEAD> <BODY> <DIV><BR></DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0
2011 Feb 19
Lucida Sans Full Font
Here is an version of Lucida Sans called Lucida Sans Full. It is only in regular, so you may want to increase the size of the degree and the ring accent.
2008 Mar 10
Probably OT, but CSS Help?
Ok I know this is off topic, but since you guys are usualy so helpful, I thought I''d try here first. Building a Rails App and one of the things we''ve done is put a CSS class of; * { font-family:"Lucida Grande",verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; margin:0pt; padding:0pt; } Now the problem is that the padding setting, for one reason or another is killing my select
2002 Jul 01
request information about a problem with an ARIMA function
2001 Apr 27
cant run wine at all dammit
i used to be able to run wine perfectly, before i reinstalled debian (long story) now ive tried compiling the CVS source, the transgaming CVS source, and the latest official release, but whenever i run ANYTHING at all, before it even gets a chance to start up, it kills X, and drops me back to teh console. this is the only output it gives: Building font metrics. This may take some
2013 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] ARM struct byval size > 64 triggers failure
> - "since ABI says the stack pointer needs to be 8 byte aligned at function entry point" (taken from Manman's reply) > What will be considered as entry point here? > Is it place of SP Adjustments "sub sp, sp, #16" > (Or) Is it place of first user instruction(end of prologue) "ldr r2, .LCPI0_0" Eight byte stack alignment is a
2006 Mar 16
Baffling AJAX issue
Ok, I''ve got some link_to_remote stuff working elsewhere just fine, but this time it''s doing something very screwy. Here''s the view code to create a link to remotely toggle a boolean value on a record: <td class="contact_active"> <%= link_to_remote "<div id=''contact_active_#{}''><span
2014 May 01
Terminal settings
So this has been bugging me for a few years now and I can always "fix" the problem, but I don't know if that's actually the correct way. So the issue is terminal emulation. I use Secure CRT ( to connect to any and all of my servers through SSH. Whether the terminal is set to 'linux' or 'xterm' makes no difference, I always get this output when I run a
2004 Jan 18
Font question -- Dagesh
Dagesh 2002, latest and greatest, will work with Wine. Some of the Hebrew fonts are not working but others are as well as unicode fonts and western fonts with unicode as well. For example, David did not work but Frank Ruehl, Lucida, etc. did. Leave the KDE (or other desktop) keyboard as default English. Dagesh handles its own keyboards. Nikud displays correctly, cantillactions signs work but
2011 Feb 11
windows/fonts files interference (bug?)
Hello. I'm running wine-1.3.12 on Fedora 14 and I found out that, since the last update, wine has issues when additional .ttf files are put in windows/fonts directory - wine picks them as a default font for GUI rendering. I tried putting in/out several different ttf files, and the results were mixed. Sometimes the font was picked. Sometimes ignored. And sometimes it caused wine to miss the
2010 Nov 13
Counter Strike Source Scoreboard Lacks Fonts
As I posted on AppDB my CSS Scoreboard (when you press tab) shows up blank, with no player names or scores despite having installed the Tahoma and Lucida fonts using winetricks. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 with an nVidia GeForce Go 7700 video card.
2009 Feb 21
Firefox on Wine as preferred browser
Not just for dogfooding, but because it's actually faster than running the native binary: The reason is not clear - hypotheses include MSVC++ builds being much better optimised than gcc builds. I'm sure people are investigating closely. Anyway, I just reinstalled Ubuntu 8.10 and put KDE 4.2 on top and *didn't* install the distro Firefox. No, I got Shiretoko (FF 3.1 nightly) win32