I am stumbling into external font issues here and there. I presume using
external lucida fonts is fairly rare, so I am more likely to stumble onto
issues here. (of course, I often think I have stumbled onto bugs/features
that are not.) So, I hope I am not imposing by reporting the following.
[1] can R please not include fonts that it is not using?
luafmfiles <-
plot( c(0,0), c(1,1) );
# pdffonts testincfonts.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
ZapfDingbats Type 1 no no no 5 0
Helvetica Type 1 no no no 10 0
Helvetica-Bold Type 1 no no no 11 0
Helvetica-Oblique Type 1 no no no 12 0
Helvetica-BoldOblique Type 1 no no no 13 0
Symbol Type 1 no no no 14 0
LucidaBright Type 1 no no no 15 0
LucidaBright-Demi Type 1 no no no 16 0
LucidaBright-Italic Type 1 no no no 17 0
LucidaCalligraphy-Italic Type 1 no no no 18 0
LucidaBright Type 1 no no no 19 0
distill from testincfonts.pdf into testincfonts.pdf.pdf to see what is
really used:
# pdffonts testincfonts.pdf.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
KWYJNC+LucidaBright Type 1C yes yes no 9 0
(Including unused fonts can trip up programs that check whether pdf
documents have embedded all fonts, and which are not smart enough to typeset
[incl. all recursively embedded pdf files] to realize when a font is never
[2] I do not believe this is an R bug, but I want to mention it anyway
because it comes from interacting the R-created graphics with gs. for some
odd reason, when I include these external lucida fonts, and create graphics
in R, the R-created pdf can no longer be distilled by gs 8.53, because it
stumbles into a safety issue. that is, all the gs scripts named
have the option -dSAFER on by default, which disables the renamefile and
deletefile operators, and it somehow prevents finding the fonts. (the bug
does not appear if I do not use the external fonts.)
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