Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Recursive dependencies(Rcmdr)"
2005 Feb 01
Rcmdr doesn't seem to work
Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including
I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it
is what happens:
> library(Rcmdr)
Loading required package: zoo
Loading required package: strucchange
Loading required package: sandwich
Loading required package: relimp
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package:
2004 Sep 15
loading error of the Rcmdr library on Debian Sid
I just tried to get Rcmdr package working, resulting in:
> library(Rcmdr)
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: foreign
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: lmtest
Loading required package: multcomp
Loading required package: relimp
2005 Aug 19
SciViews-R v8.7 and Rcmdr v1.0-2 (PR#8079)
Full_Name: Hamit AYDIN
Version: R v2.1.1
OS: winxp
Submission from: (NULL) (
When I try to run sciviews the consol opens but when I try to import text,
spss... it tries to load rmcdr pakage gives me "the pakage can not be find inthe
Package or bundle 'Rcmdr' was not found in C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw2011\library. Would
you like to install it now?" I know the pakage in
2011 Jan 30
updating r-cran- packages on a new Ubuntu lucid system
I am setting up a new Ubuntu lucid system on a Dell Precision T3500,
quad core, E5507, x86_64 box
and am having some difficulty updating r-cran packages as per the
instructions at
Perhaps the instructions are incomplete or wrong, or I've misunderstood
and/or I've run into a dependency problem among r-cran- packages, vcd in
2004 May 03
A crash (PR#6849)
Dear Sir
There is a acces violation erron (Null pointer) when I have done this. This is
repetable but not inmutable.
0. I have put the command "library("Rcmdr")" in the .Rprofile
1. Start R, load module Rcmdr, Input a dataset in RCommander, then save the
workspace. I can do any analysis now, no crashes, everything works file but
2. I start abain R. It comes up with
2004 May 31
Several libraries won't load with rw1090pat (PR#6926)
# Your mailer is set to "none" (default on Windows),
# hence we cannot send the bug report directly from R.
# Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to
# your favorite email program and send it to
# r-bugs@r-project.org
Several libraries won't load with rw1090pat.
MASS, which is included with the distribution,
2004 May 20
pmvt problem in multcomp
Hi, all:
Two examples are shown below.
I want to use the multiple comparison of Dunnett.
It succeeded in upper case "example 1".
However, the lower case "example 2" went wrong.
In "example 2", the function pmvt return NaN, so I cannot show
this simtest result. Is there any solution?
(I changed the variable "maxpts" to a large number in front of
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List
I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander .
First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for
utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes!
I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA...
Here is the list.
Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which
are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2009 Sep 22
Rcmdr package dependencies
Dear r-devel members,
My Rcmdr package "depends" on several other packages (tcltk, grDevices,
utils, and car) and "suggests" a number of others (abind, aplpack,
colorspace, effects, foreign, grid, Hmisc, lattice, leaps, lmtest, MASS,
mgcv, multcomp, nlme, nnet, relimp, rgl, and RODBC). The reason for the
distinction is that I don't want all of these packages to load when
2008 Jun 17
read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my
local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet"
text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've
done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK.
This is what happens:
> SurveyData <-
2006 Mar 09
bugs in simtest (PR#8670)
# R for Windows will not send your bug report automatically.
# Please copy the bug report (after finishing it) to
# your favorite email program and send it to
# r-bugs at r-project.org
This report is joint from Richard Heiberger <rmh at temple.edu>
and Burt Holland <bholland at temple.edu>.
Burt Holland is the coauthor
2005 Aug 10
Not loading libraries
Dear list,
I have a bunch of libraries that are automatically loaded when I start
the R environment. How do I remove them?
fredrik at theodor:~/dokument/Thesis/Book$ make
Making file voicing.tex from voicing.Rnw
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Loading required package: tcltk
Loading required package: rgl
Loading required package: zoo
Loading required package: strucchange
2004 Aug 29
Problem with Rcmdr Help menu under devel version of R 2.0.0
Dear list members,
I've encountered the following problem with the Rcmdr Help menu in the
development version of R 2.0.0 under Windows XP ("Version 2.0.0 Under
development (unstable) (2004-08-20), ISBN 3-900051-00-3"):
The main Commander window has a (tcltk) Help menu with three items,
"Commander help", "About Rcmdr", and "Introduction to the R
2005 Apr 21
error reports
Dear John Fox,
these is still error in Rcmdr package when locale is cp936.
> Loading required package: tcltk
> Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
> Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line 5090
> Error: unable to load R code in package 'Rcmdr'
> Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Rcmdr'
> version
2011 Jun 10
Problem loading packages in R 2.13.0 on Mac
I am having problem loading packages in the newest version of R
(2.13.0) on my Mac. I have tried to install various packages (e.g.
lawstat, Rcmdr, car) and load them using the Package Installer and
Package Manager menu options but I get the follow error:
> library(lawstat)
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Error: package 'mvtnorm' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning
2012 Mar 23
Help with R package forecast
When I type library() to see what is installed the following list in RED
comes up.
Packages in library '/home/jason/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13':
abind Combine multi-dimensional arrays
aplpack Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot,
faces, spin3R, and some slider functions
biglm bounded memory linear and
2006 Feb 23
tcl/tk - Problem unter MacOS X / X11
Hallo !
Ich habe versucht Rcmdr unter MacOSX 10.4.5 zu installieren. RGui zeigt
an, dass tcl/tk laufen. Bei Aufruf von Rcmdr friert R jedoch komplett ein.
JGR zeigt im Paketmanager dagegen an, dass tcl/tk nicht gestartet werden
konnte und spuckt folgende Meldung aus:
> library(tcltk)
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : no display name and no
$DISPLAY environment variable
2005 Aug 12
Problem with lme4
I cannot seem to get lme4 to work. I have installed the lme4 and Matrix
package with apt-get. and both can be found in /usr/lib/R/site-library.
When I tried an example for lmer, R could not find the function lmer(),
> library(lme4)
Attaching package: 'lme4'
The following object(s) are masked from package:nlme :
getCovariateFormula getResponseFormula
2011 Jun 29
library(doBy) will not load
Greetings R Community,
One of my favorite packages won't load and I'm not sure why. It loaded earlier today. The problem appears with the snow package, which doBy requires. I tried reinstalling both packages again ,shutting [R] down, reinstalling [R] in the workspace (shortcut). Here's the weird thing. The same exact library loads in another workspace using the same version of [R]
2007 Mar 17
Font in JavaGD() & pdf()
Dear r-helpers,
When I do an xYplot and display the result in a JavaGD() window, the
font is sans-serif (presumably Helvetica). When I send the figure to
a pdf, I get a serif font (presumably times). How do I insure that
the font in the pdf is indeed the default sans serif?
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
attached base packages: