similar to: expm1, R-2.2.0 and Windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "expm1, R-2.2.0 and Windows"

2004 Jun 27
cross-compiling + expm1
Hello all, Just joined this mailing list -- not sure if this is the right list to send this question, but I have a question about cross-compiling R. I am working with R-1.9.1.tgz. It may just be with my version of mingw32, but it seems that expm1 is not defined, so I tried to ensure that HAVE_EXPM1 was #undef'ed before cross-compiling. The problem is that, in <include/Rmath.h> if
2002 Feb 28
pexp.c (PR#1335)
Full_Name: M Welinder Version: 1.4 OS: (src) Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems to me that pexp can be improved in the lower_tail=TRUE and log_p=FALSE case by using expm1. Something like -expm1 (-x / scale); I think. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send
2007 May 23
Possible ld.exe problem when building
Dear R People: I am trying to build R-2.5.0 from source on a Windows machinee. I downloaded the tools and such, and started things off. I received some odd errors messages, looked on the R Search and found a similar problem. The suggestion was to re-load "ld.exe". I downloaded and installed everything again. Same problem. I am including my output.
2002 Feb 28
pweibull.c (PR#1334)
Full_Name: M Welinder Version: 1.4 OS: (src) Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems to me that pweibull can be improved in the lower_tail=TRUE and log_p=FALSE case by using expm1. Something like -expm1(-pow(x / scale, shape)), I think. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2004 Jun 21
Cross build Makefile
Hello, I am trying to use Yan and Rossini's Makefile for cross building Windows versions of R packages in Linux with R 1.9.0. When compiling R with the mingw tools I get an error about expm1 being undeclared when first found at src/main/arithmetic.c:1019 If I fiddle a bit with it later on I also get errors about log1p bein undeclared. Any idea what should I look for? I am using R 1.9.0 in
2004 Jun 21
Cross build Makefile
Hello, I am trying to use Yan and Rossini's Makefile for cross building Windows versions of R packages in Linux with R 1.9.0. When compiling R with the mingw tools I get an error about expm1 being undeclared when first found at src/main/arithmetic.c:1019 If I fiddle a bit with it later on I also get errors about log1p bein undeclared. Any idea what should I look for? I am using R 1.9.0 in
2017 Feb 17
Wish List: Extensions to the derivatives table
The derivative table resides in the function D. In S+ that table is extensible because it is written in the S language. R is faster but less flexible, since that table is programmed in C. It would be useful if R provided a mechanism for extending the derivative table, or barring that, provided a broader table. Currently unsupported mathematical functions of one argument include expm1, log1p,
2020 May 22
pbirthday() for larger number of classes
Hi, pbirthday(, coincident = 2) starts to issue warnings (see (*) below) for larger number of classes (R 4.0.0, R-devel ./src/library/stats/R/birthday.R:47). The default coincident = 2 is computed as 1 - prod((c:(c - n + 1))/rep(c, n)) where c = classes. Using exp(log(...)), one can derive the return value if(n > 0) 1 - exp(sum(log1p(-(0:(n-1))/c))) else 0. Simplifying this a bit further one
2017 Feb 17
Wish List: Extensions to the derivatives table
The issue is that without an extensible derivative table or the proposed extensions, it is not possible to automatically produce (without manual modification of the deriv3 output) a function that avoids catastrophic cancellation regardless of the working range. Manual modification is not onerous as a one-time exercise, but can be time consuming when it must be done numerous times, for example
2013 Nov 09
typo in help page for log1p
There is a small typo in the Source section of the help page for log1p: Source: 'log1p' and 'expm1' may be taken from the operating system, but if not available there are based on the Fortran subroutine 'dlnrel' there -> they Jen > sessionInfo() R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
2005 May 27
qcauchy accuracy (PR#7902)
Full_Name: Morten Welinder Version: 2.1.0 OS: src only Submission from: (NULL) ( Now that pcauchy has been fixed, it is becoming clear that qcauchy suffers from the same problems. qcauchy(pcauchy(1e100,0,1,FALSE,TRUE),0,1,FALSE,TRUE) should yield 1e100 back, but I get 1.633178e+16. The code below does much better. Notes: 1. p need not be finite. -Inf is ok in the log_p
2005 Oct 07
builiding R from sources
Dear R users, I've been trying to build R from sources (in Windows) using Dr. Goto's BLAS, unsuccessfully! I've followed the instructions in Section 3.1.2-3.1.3 of "R Installation and Administration" manual (but maybe I did something wrong), but I keep receiving the following error: -- initially I get -- make: ./Rpwd.exe: Command not found make[1]: ./Rpwd.exe: Command not
2010 May 05
testInstalledBasic question
Hi, I'm currently in the process of writing an R-installation SOP for my company. As part of that process I'm using the recommendations from the 'R Installation and Administration' document, section 3.2, "Testing an installation". This is done on an XP machine, using the latest binary of 2.11.0. The binary is downloaded and then installed from the installer. I then
2005 Oct 10
error compiling R-code
Hi, I have been compiling R from source code with regularity (both R-patched and R-devel) for several months now. About two/three weeks ago I noticed a compilation error in R-devel (see below). I thought that the error will go away in "due course" so I did not investigate it further. Then I left on vacation. I just downloaded both versions of R sources (i.e., 2.2.0 patched and
2005 Aug 11
include C functions from nmath in my own C functions
Hi: I followed the README in src/nmath/standalone/ to make the use the command "make shared" to make the file. I also add the directories containg to LD_LIBRARY_PATH by using command "export D_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$/home/zhliu/Backup/R-2.0.1/src/nmath/standalon e " However, when I try to run the following codes by the command
2013 Nov 07
R interface to C API Rf_logspace_{add,sub}?
Is there an R-language interface to the R API C-language functions Rf_logspace_add() and Rf_logspace_sub()? I don't see one but I may not looking under the right name. Various packages have functions which do that same sort of thing (log(exp(x)+exp(y)) and log(exp(x)-exp(y)) without unnecessary floating point errors). They have names like matrixStats::logSumExp(lx, na.rm=FALSE, ...)
2007 Mar 03
Help with HTB rules (experiencing latency)
Hello, I''m using these rules (attached) to control traffic going out from ip which is acting as a p2p server, but when I have these rules on and mldonkey running I experience some latency in web pages, which Iwould like to eliminate. I''ve read that this is where the burst and cburst (even quantum) parameters are useful, but I still can''t understand
2011 Sep 12
coxreg vs coxph: time-dependent treatment
Dear List, After including cluster() option the coxreg (from eha package) produces results slightly different than that of coxph (from survival) in the following time-dependent treatment effect calculation (example is used just to make the point). Will appreciate any explaination / comment. cheers, Ehsan ############################ require(survival) require(eha) data(heart) # create weights
2005 Jul 25
Rmath library problems
Hello, Has anybody successfully called the Rmath library from C using the MS Visual Studio compiler (I am using Visual Studio 6.0)? I have compiled the Rmath library using gcc, and the 'test.c' program (which makes a call to qnorm) works fine when compiled with gcc. However, I get a fatal memory error when I run it after compiling it with Visual C. Would this memory problem be related
2003 May 29
When I try 'install-packages' (from menu) in R-1.7.0 (Windows), I get > install.packages(choose.files('',filters=Filters[c('zip','All'),]), .libPaths()[1], CRAN = NULL) Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning message: cannot open file `eha060/DESCRIPTION' > but it works with R-1.6.2. It also works if I