similar to: Building packages on Windows fails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Building packages on Windows fails"

2007 Jul 06
loading package in LINUX
I am comfortable with windows based R. But recently I had shifted to LINUX(Red Hat Linux Enterprise Guide 4) 1) I want to load J K Lindsey's repeated library in R. How to install the packge? 2) How to create the shared library if I ve the fortran codes(I haven't done creation of shared library in windows also). I had run the command Rcmd in bin directory but an error message "bash:
2002 Oct 01
Unsolved symbols: meet_ Tcl_EvalObjv (PR#2090)
Running 'make check' I get two errors: running code in 'mva-Ex.R' .../usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: meet_ (code) from /users1/kleiweg/R-1.6.0-source/library/cluster/libs/ running code in 'tcltk-Ex.R' .../usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: Tcl_EvalObjv (code) from /users1/kleiweg/R-1.6.0-source/library/tcltk/libs/ Version: platform =
2001 Jan 05
Why doesn't as.vector() return a vector?
I use as.vector() on a data frame and I get a data frame in return. No warning. I have to use as.matrix() first. Why is that? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm using R 1.2.0 on Linux. > F <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3), b = c(4,5,6)) > F a b 1 1 4 2 2 5 3 3 6 > V <- as.vector(F) > V a b 1 1 4 2 2 5 3 3 6 > attributes(V)
2001 Oct 12
MASS: isoMDS and sammon
If tbl is an object of class 'dist', you can do this: a <- sammon(tbl, k=3) But you can't do this: b <- isoMDS(tbl, k=3) Wouldn't it be sensible to have identical interfaces to sammon() and isoMDS() ? I think all that would be needed is to change this: isoMDS <- function(d, y=cmdscale(d, 2), maxit=50, trace=TRUE) { ...into this: isoMDS <-
2001 Dec 19
dots and ldots in R 1.4.0
I have a package with in the documentation: in \usage : \dots in \arguments: \ldots This is how I interpreted "Use \dots for the dots in function argument lists ..., and \ldots for ellipsis dots in ordinary text" in "Writing R Extensions". When I did `R CMD check' in R version 1.3.1 all was fine. With R version 1.4.0 I get : * checking for undocumented arguments
2001 Jan 12
CRAN unavailable?
Again, CRAN and all of its mirrors are unreachable. My impression is this happens quite often. What is going on? -- Peter Kleiweg -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
2001 Jan 23
Re: Sys.time dumps core at start-up (PR#822)
Peter Kleiweg skriver... > R dumps core if the first command I use is Sys.time(): > > > Sys.time() > Segmentation fault (core dumped) (peter) ~ R -d gdb [snip] GDB 4.16 (i386-redhat-linux), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc... (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/local/R/lib/R/bin/R.bin R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team Version 1.2.1 (2001-01-15)
2000 Dec 22
(HP-UX) scan: last line gets duplicated (PR#790)
The last line gets duplicated when a file is read like this: a <- scan(file=filename, what="", sep="\n", strip.white=c(TRUE), quiet=TRUE) (This error does not occur on Linux, the only other platform I tested.) Version: platform = hppa2.0-hp-hpux10.20 arch = hppa2.0 os = hpux10.20 system = hppa2.0, hpux10.20 Actually, all binaries are
2000 Aug 15
Compiling R on HP-UX
Has anyone succeeded in compiling R on HP-UX? I'm trying to compile R version 1.1.0 on a HP-UX 10.20 machine. I run into the following problems: I got a compile error on src/unix/X11/rbitmap.c which I solved by including setjmp.h. After that, and after editing the Makefiles a bit cause gcc en ld can't find all the libraries, I finally get it to compile. Then I run "make
2003 Aug 27
alpha-numeric order bug (PR#3996)
I am running R version 1.7.1 on 3 different operating systems: Linux RedHat, Linux Slackware, and Windows 2000. R is ordering alpha-numeric character strings in different ways, dependent on the operating system. R orders strings exactly the same on Slackware and Windows, and this ordering corresponds to SPlus. It's the RedHat that is creating the problem. On Slackware, Windows, and SPlus:
2000 Dec 20
Shortcut for dev.copy2eps
I want to use a shortcut for copying figures to EPS. I defined this function in .Rprofile: ps <- function(file="Rplot.eps", width=7, height=7, ...) { dev.copy2eps(file=file, width=width, height=height, ...) } This doesn't work: > data(cars) > plot(cars) > ps() Error in device(...) : Object "width" not found Can anyone tell me
2004 Jan 16
feature request: multi-language support
Could it be possible for packages to have manuals in multiple languages? I'm not saying all manuals should be in multiple languages, but I think there should be a mechanism for package writers to add manuals in multiple languages, if they think it useful. -- Peter Kleiweg
2006 May 10
lattice package plots
I am using the lattice packge for its levelplot and contourplot. Is it possible to adjust the line thickness of the 'box' and tickmarks in these plots? Thanks for the attention, Matt Sundling
2002 Oct 01
X11 font at size 22 could not be loaded
I'm not sure this is a bug in R. Since a few weeks I have a new PC, SuSE 8.0 installed. When running demo(graphics) I get after a few graphs: Error in title(main = "January Pie Sales", cex.main = 1.8, font.main = 1) : X11 font at size 22 could not be loaded And the demo stops. This is in R 1.6.0. I get the same in R 1.5.1 on HP-UX, but using my PC as the X-server.
2000 Dec 26
More on scan: extra field at end of line
Suppose, I have a file "data1" containing: 450 390 467 654 30 542 334 432 421 357 497 493 550 549 467 575 578 342 446 547 534 495 979 479 I can read this file with: scan("data1") Read 24 items [1] 450 390 467 654 30 542 334 432 421 357 497 493 550 549 467 575 578 342 446 [20] 547 534 495 979 479
2009 Jan 30
error message with roxygen
Hello useRs, I'm trying to use the Roxygen package. Here my code file : #' A packge to check Roxygen's sanity #' @name helloRoxygen-package #' @docType package NA And my R code to generate the package : library(roxygen) package.skeleton("helloRoxygen", code_files = "roxy.r", force = T) roxygenize("helloRoxygen", "helloRoxygen",
2000 Dec 29
dev.copy2eps: position of figure on page
The definition for dev.copy2eps contains the following line: oc$paper <- "special" The result of this is that the output will be placed in the left bottom corner of the page. Even though dev.copy2eps is meant for creating files that are to be included into other documents, you might want to print the figure directly, just to see how it will look on paper. (Of course, this will
2005 Jul 07
Brewer colours
Anyone who is interested in using optimal colour palettes should look at the work of Cindy Brewer: I have written code to use her colour schemes in R. It is included below. Perhaps someone may find this interesting enough to work into a package. Included also is a function showpalette, which was posted here a while back. I don't remember who wrote it. I have copied all
2001 Oct 26
postscript problem (PR#1147)
I reported this earlier, and have got reports that others have the same promlem on UNIX machines, so it is not only a windows problem S I file a bug report. The function (boot.stat) given at the end produces a postscript file, which cannot be included correctly in LaTeX. Specifically, the image in LaTeX (when translated by dvips to postscript) becomes very small, not using the bounding box, and
2001 Jan 09
Setting fontsize in dev.copy2eps
I have a figure on screen with a legend. I want to copy this image to EPS, and use: dev.copy2eps(file="file1.eps", width=5, height=5) The legend that looks OK on screen doesn't look OK in the PostScript image: the text extends out of the box. I try adding a fontsize command: dev.copy2eps(file="file1.eps", width=5, height=5, pointsize=5) This options seems to