similar to: A 'pretty' function for POSIXt objects

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "A 'pretty' function for POSIXt objects"

2013 Jun 15
Calculate days with R
Hi, May be this helps: dat1<- read.table(text=" pbnr??????? dat? dep? dys? sop? ago? mis age female 1 10023 1994-02-21 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75? 35????? 1 2 10023 1994-05-25 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75? 35????? 1 3 10028 1994-02-01 2.00 1.75 3.00 0.50 1.50? 42????? 1 4 10028 1999-01-15 1.25 0.75 2.25 0.50 0.25? 42????? 1 5 10053 1994-03-16 2.50 0.75 1.25 0.50 1.25? 22????? 1 6 10053
2013 Apr 11
[PATCH] Btrfs-progs: enhance 'btrfs subvolume list'
"btrfs subvolume list" gets a new option "--fields=..." which allows to specify which pieces of information about subvolumes shall be printed. This is necessary because this commit also adds all the so far missing items from the root_item like the received UUID, all generation values and all time values. The parameters to the "--fields" option is a list of items to
2010 Jun 27
[PATCH] ROSH: Upgraded
Without further adieu, I would like to announce that I've finally pushed ROSH, the Read-Only SHell, finally to the point of being reasonably usable. From: Gene Cumm <gene.cumm at> Patch ROSH for Syslinux-4 and make it much more usable. Signed-off-by: Gene Cumm <gene.cumm at> --- diff --git a/com32/rosh/rosh.c b/com32/rosh/rosh.c index 511fdff..bf1176f
2013 Jun 15
quick Help needed
Hi, i am new to this forum and not sure how it works, I am trying to do deskriptive descripe my data in terms of gender: head(scltotal) pbnr dat dep dys sop ago mis age female messpunkt2 messpunkt1 tage eintrittsjahr 1 10023 1994-02-21 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75 35 1 8817 8817 0 1994 2 10023 1994-05-25 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.75 35 1 8910 8817
2011 Apr 21
Error running pvals.fnc in R version 2.13.0
Dear R-help: I've been trying to run pvals.fnc in the newest version of R (2.13.0). The function lmer worked fine, but when I tried to use pvals.fnc on the lmer object, I got the following error: "Error in pvals.fnc(elogr.subj.dys.sum.3x3.p, nsim = 10000) : trying to get slot "coefs" from an object (class "summaryDefault") that is not an S4 object." How can I
2005 Dec 06
ARM4 filter code
I have found that filter_mem2 fixed point does not match the inlined assembly version for arm4. Looking closer there appears to be an off by one error. It occurs when setting the value of mem at the end of the inner loop. In the C fixed point version this is done with a subtract. In the arm4 version instead of multiplying den by yi, it is multipled by nyi and then an add is done. This
2013 Sep 09
[PATCH v3] xen/console: buffer and show origin of guest PV writes
Guests other than domain 0 using the console output have previously been controlled by the VERBOSE #define, but with no designation of which guest''s output was on the console. This patch converts the HVM output buffering to be used by all domains except the hardware domain (dom0): stripping non-printable characters, line buffering the output, and prefixing it with the domain ID. This is
2008 Feb 22
Dear List adding a table to a plot using addtable2plot(plotrix) does not seem to work when using a logarithmic axis. The table is then reduced to one line. Is there an argument to indicate that a log-scale is used, or an alternative to add a bunch of information to a plot? I'm using R 2.6.1 on WinXP SP2. thanks Markus -- Markus Didion Wald?kologie Forest Ecology Inst. f.
2008 Jan 29
B-W stacked area chart with pattern
Dear all, I would like to create a stacked area chart to show the development of species biomass over time. Since it is intended for publication I need to prepare in black and white. I have tried to modify the "stackedPlot" function submitted to this list by Christian Lasarczyk on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 using shading lines rather than colors to distinguish between the species.
2013 Aug 16
[PATCH v2] xen/console: buffer and show origin of guest PV writes
Guests other than domain 0 using the console output have previously been controlled by the VERBOSE define, but with no designation of which guest''s output was on the console. This patch converts the HVM output buffering to be used by all domains, line buffering their output and prefixing it with the domain ID. This is especially useful for debugging stub domains. Signed-off-by: Daniel De
2018 Mar 18
Wine release 2.0.5
The Wine maintenance release 2.0.5 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Various bug fixes The source is available from the following locations: Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
2019 Apr 16
De?????????aFF5fSolkr, Ni?????ce8063449341 dqVday! J0407154OAKV- h ard??????war????e i???s ??a ?????fac???????tor y ?????su154196320p11749pl????????y???in??g v5441ari????????ou?????s m?????et??????al ??????????pa????????rts??? ????????by????????? ?????OD???????M s????er723498vic130576eS89S71dGT.W7KCwJHCe ?????????Pr???????o???v???????ide37 C as ti???????ng,5299
2000 Aug 30
OpenSSH port question
Good day! A little time ago I have ported the "original" ssh 1.2.30 to OS/2. Unfortunately, I was mislead by the gnu-COPYING-GPL file that is present in the ssh root dir, thus was under impression that ssh is GPL as well. I was shaken when I have discovered my mistake :-) This basically made it unusable for many users which want to use ssh in commercial environments. Thus I decided
1997 Sep 12
Dynamic Configuration Values et al.
** ** I posted this message quite a time ago. Some people use my patch and I ** receive queries for a recent version from time to time. This patch didn't ** make it into the mainstream distribution yet. Sorry. ** ** This is the updated version for Samba-1.9.17p1. ** Hello, people. I have implemented some enhancements for Samba: 1. dynamic configuration-values 2. configurable
2005 Apr 14
xtable POSIXt
Hi, I was trying like to print out data frame with POSIXct column in html format using xtable package, but I got error message when trying to print the table. Here is example: aaa<-data.frame(as.POSIXct(strptime('03 2005', '%d %Y')),0)<-xtable(aaa) print( Error in Math.POSIXt(x + ifelse(x == 0, 1, 0)) : abs not defined for POSIXt objects
2006 May 06
'col'-parameter in 'hist.POSIXt'
Hi guys. The 'col'-parameter in the 'hist'-method for the classes 'POSIXt' and 'date' does not perform as it does in the default 'hist'-method. Unfortunately, it does not only change the filling color of the boxes, but also the color of the axislines. [Using 'graphics'-package version 2.2.0] Examples: # with POSIXct-object hist(.leap.seconds,
2005 Jan 05
hist.POSIXt filled bars - axis color changes
Hi all, I'm plotting a histogram of dates and would like to shade the bars, e.g. hist(.leap.seconds,"years",col='gray',freq=T) -but the axis color also changes, how do I prevent that? thx in advance Janus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Aug 18
round.POSIXt sometimes crashes R (PR#3763)
Full_Name: andrea capodicasa Version: 1.7.0 OS: w2k sp3 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi all, the problem is when you try to round.Posix an empty vector of dates Please give a look to this code: > data=seq(ISOdate(2001,1,1),by="day",length=3) > data [1] "2001-01-01 13:00:00 ora solare Europa occidentale" [2] "2001-01-02 13:00:00 ora solare Europa
2006 Sep 25
na.encode in format for Date and POSIXt classes
Hello! na.encode does not have any effect on format of NA values of Date and POSIXct (POSIXlt?) "atomic" classes in a data.frame. Here is the example (the same in R 2.3.1 and 2.5.0 (2006-09-19 r39409)): testData <- data.frame(num=c(NA, 2.6), int=c(1, NA), fac=factor(c(NA, "abc")), cha=c("a",
2007 Feb 21
Adding difftime objects to POSIXt objects
Hello, ?DateTimeClasses states that "one can add or subtract a number of seconds or a 'difftime' object from a date-time object, but not add two date-time objects." So, is the below expected behavior? > x <- Sys.time() > x [1] "2007-02-21 16:19:56 CST" > x + as.difftime("1","%H") [1] "2007-02-21 16:19:57 CST" Warning