Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Bug in model.matrix.default (was: [R] predict incosistency ?) (PR#1100)"
2001 Sep 25
Bug in model.matrix.default (PR#1100)
There's more to it than that (which was already fixed in R-devel).
The internal code expects there to be columns in the model frame.
I have already fixed this in R-devel (by faking an unused column).
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 murdoch@stats.uwo.ca wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:27:27 GMT, Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
> <jojeda@posta.unizar.es> wrote in message
2001 Sep 25
predict incosistency ?
When fitting model 'y~1', the 'lm' response is ok, but it is not possible
to get predictions using 'predict'. May be this is a bug, at least i
think it is somehow
> rm(list=ls())
> d <- data.frame(x=runif(50),y=rnorm(50))
> plot(d)
> d.lm <- lm(y~1,data=d)
> d.lm
lm(formula = y ~ 1, data = d)
2008 Jan 11
Adding weights to ecdf
I would like you consider that the function ecdf
could be extended in the following way to handle weights
when computing Empirical distribution Functions. There
exist particular cases that supports this kind of
extension, see for example:
Rao, C. R., 1997.
Statistic and True. Putting chance to work.
World Scientific Publishing.
Cox, D. R., 1969.
Some Sampling Problems in Technology.
2008 Feb 27
Performance problem with SAMBA
I have a Debian printer server implemented with SAMBA and CUPS. The
total amount of printing jobs is high (about 600 jobs per hour). The
SAMBA configuration is standard. The main problem is that the smbd
processes which are created for the printing requests collapse the
processor, provoking a slow printing service. ?Could anybody help me
about which are the reasons of this behaviour?
2000 Mar 24
body bug?
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but it seemed estrange to me.
Following code works ok.
> cat("Hello my body is: ");body(cat)
Hello my body is: .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels,
> cat("Hello my body is: ");body(cat);cat("\n")
Hello my body is: .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels,
But when I
2009 May 06
Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data. Warning message: In rq.fit.sfn
Dear Dimitris, I have exactly the same problem
than you, Do you get some solution?
Thanks, Lola
Lola Gadea
Profesora titular de EconomÃa Aplicada/Lecturer in Applied Economics
Universidad de Zaragoza/University of Zaragoza (Spain)
Grupo de
2009 May 06
problems with rq.fit.sfn
Dear Dimitris, I have exactly the same problem
than you...Do you have some any solution? Thanks, Lola
Lola Gadea
Profesora titular de EconomÃa Aplicada/Lecturer in Applied Economics
Universidad de Zaragoza/University of Zaragoza (Spain)
2012 Nov 01
oblique.tree : the predict function asserts the dependent variable to be included in "newdata"
Dear R community,
I have recently discovered the package oblique.tree and I must admit that
it was a nice surprise for me,
since I have actually made my own version of a kind of a classifier which
uses the idea of oblique splits (splits by means of hyperplanes).
So I am now interested in comparing these two classifiers.
But what I do not seem to understand is why the function
2006 May 27
Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial (PR#8905)
Full_Name: Renaud Lancelot
Version: Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24)
OS: MS Windows XP Pro SP2
Submission from: (NULL) (
I think there is a bug in predict.lme, when a polynomial generated by poly() is
used as an explanatory variable, and a new data.frame is used for predictions. I
guess this is related to * not * using, for predictions, the coefs used in
constructing the orthogonal
2006 May 30
(PR#8905) Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial
Many thanks for your very useful comments and suggestions.
2006/5/30, Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>:
> On Tue, 30 May 2006, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> > This is not really a bug. See
> >
> > http://developer.r-project.org/model-fitting-functions.txt
> >
> > for how this is handled in other packages. All model-fitting in R used =
2000 Mar 01
Congratulations for the baby !!
I would like to thank those lots of people who have made such a nice
work and who have been so generous with your efforts.
Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
Dep. M?todosEstad?sticos
Fac. De Ciencias, U. de Zaragoza
Pedro Crbuna,12
50009 Zaragoza
r-help mailing list -- Read
2007 Jan 22
[UNCLASSIFIED] predict.survreg() with frailty term and newdata
Dear All,
I am attempting to make predictions based on a survreg() model with some censoring and a frailty term, as below: predict works fine on the original data, but not if I specify newdata.
# a model with groups as fixed effect
model1 <- survreg(Surv(y,cens)~ x1 + x2 + groups,
dist = "gaussian")
# and with groups as a random effect
fr <- frailty(groups,
2011 Sep 20
Problems using predict from GAM model averaging (MuMIn)
I am struggling to get GAM model predictions from the top models calculated
using model.avg in the package "MuMIn".
My model looks something like the following:
gamp <- gam(log10(y)~s(x1,bs="tp",k=3)+s(x2,bs="tp",k=3)+
2010 Aug 24
Time and space considerations in using predict.glm()
I am using R to train a logistic regression model and save the resulting
model to disk. I am then subsequently reloading these saved objects, and
using predict.glm on them in order to make predictions about single-row data
frames that are generated in real-time from requests arriving at an HTTP
server. The following code demonstrates the sort of R calls that I have in
> cases
2007 Feb 12
predict on biglm class
Hi Everyone,
I often use the 'safe prediction' feature available through glm().
Now, I'm at a situation where I must use biglm:::bigglm.
## begin example
ff <- log(Volume)~ns(log(Girth), df=5)
fit.glm <- glm(ff, data=trees)
fit.biglm <- bigglm(ff, data=trees)
predict(fit.glm, newdata=data.frame(Girth=2:5))
## -1.3161465 -0.2975659
2005 Aug 24
Model forecasts with new factor levels - predict.warn
predict.warn() -- a function to display factor levels in new data
for linear model prediction that do not exist in the
estimating data.
Date: 2005-8-24
From: John C. Nash (with thanks to Uwe Ligges for suggestions)
nashjc at uottawa.ca
Motivation: In computing predictions from a linear model using factors,
it is possible to introduce new factor levels. This was encountered on
a practical
2010 Sep 21
package gbm, predict.gbm with offset
Dear all,
the help file for predict.gbm states that "The predictions from gbm do not
include the offset term. The user may add the value of the offset to the
predicted value if desired." I am just not sure how exactly, especially for
a Poisson model, where I believe the offset is multiplicative ?
For example:
fit1 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age +
2009 Feb 26
using predict method with an offset
I have run into another problem using offsets, this time with
the predict function, where there seems to be a contradiction
again between the behavior and the help page.
On the man page for predict.lm, it says
Offsets specified by offset in the fit by lm will not be included in
predictions, whereas those specified by an offset term in the formula
will be.
While it indicates nothings about
2003 Dec 16
Help w/ termplot & predict.coxph/ns
I am fitting a cox PH model w/ 2 predictors, x1 = 0/1 treatment variable
and x2=continuous variable. I am using natural splines (ns) to model
the effect of x2.
I would like to examine the estimated effect of x2 on the hazard. I
have tried various approaches (below; let model.fit= fitted model using
coxph in survival library):
1. The simplest method appears to be using termplot(model.fit).
2012 Aug 01
rpart package: why does predict.rpart require values for "unused" predictors?
After fitting and pruning an rpart model, it is often the case that one or
more of the original predictors is not used by any of the splits of the
final tree. It seems logical, therefore, that values for these "unused"
predictors would not be needed for prediction. But when predict() is called
on such models, all predictors seem to be required. Why is that, and can it
be easily