similar to: Advanced text editor developed with WxRuby

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Advanced text editor developed with WxRuby"

2005 Oct 22
6 error with weft-qda
Dear wxruby users I''ve been trying to get wxruby-based weft-qda 0.9.6 running on a linux from scratch 6.1 system (this list had a discussion about weft-qda last year and alex fenton''s also been trying to help me out - no luck so far). I get stuck with wxruby 0.60 (I think). I compiled wxruby against wxGTK 2.4.2 (without gtk2, without unicode - gtk+ version is 1.2.10) - after
2007 Oct 23
wxRuby 1.9.2
I''m happy to announce that wxRuby 1.9.2 is now available from Rubyforge. As usual we''ve got source and binary gems for Win32, OS X and Linux: or gem install wxruby == WHAT''S NEW == This release has a mix of new syntax features, new classes, and lots of minor fixes and additions * New shorter syntax for event handlers * New
2008 Jan 04
use of Marshal with wxruby classes
Is it possible to use Marshal with wxruby classes to serialize an application''s state? I tried a minimal example of simply serializing a minimal frame object, and I get the error "no marshal_dump is defined for class MinimalFrame". I don''t fully understand this because I also tried another minimal example of dumping a class which did not defined a marshal_dump, and it
2008 Jul 09
DOS box popping up under rubyscript2exe
Hello My email has been broken for a week and some of it seems to have gone astray - so if there are other unanswered wxruby queries kicking about, please repost or forward me them. I have encountered this problem with a DOS box popping up under rubyw / rubyscript2exe; I don''t think it''s related to wxruby. I found them popping up when shelling out with backticks - I believe
2007 Jun 18
(no subject)
Bonjour, en fait j''ai chercher sur rubyforge quelques projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2, en vain!!! je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me donnez quelques noms de projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2 pour que je puisse voir ce que d''autres personnes ont pu réaliser. Merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Sep 26
development status, 1.9.2
Hi all Just a quick update on recent SVN activity: * added Sound and CollapsiblePane classes * added the XRC tool to wxSugar * fixed some XRC bugs in Window * added syntax sugar for event handlers and list-like controls * added some missing methods in Sizer Sean - I''m away for about 10 days from this weekend, and I''m thinking of doing a 1.9.2 release in the next day or two.
2006 May 13
I''ve been looking in on WxRuby occasionally to see if it''s ready foruse, because I like some of the precepts, esp. native widgets.Finally I decided to ask. How close is it to being easily installable on the three majorplatforms? deb or rpm on linux, binary installers on windows and osx.It has to be that easy for people to want to distribute applicationsto end users that use this
2006 Dec 18
unit testing wxruby GUIs
paul.allton at wrote: > I''m a big fan of automated UI testing (i.e. driving the UI from some robot API). I appreciate this > is potentially a whole new project, but does wxwidgets provide a method of clicking buttons, > typing into components ... if so, would it be technically possible to expose this in wxruby. I like automated UI testing too, but
2010 Mar 18
[Weft QDA users] weft and linux software requirements
Hello, I would really like to install and try Weft, but as a Gentoo user, it seems I would have to downgrade many of my installed packages, complicating other dependencies and so forth, to meet the requirements listed on the Weft page, especially wxwidgets 2.4 and wxruby. Is there a version, maybe an alpha or beta, that works with wxruby2 and wxwidgets 2.6? John Norvell Visiting Scholar Pitzer
2006 Dec 20
wxruby2-preview 0.0.38 released
Hello I''m pleased to say that wxruby2-preview 0.0.38 is now available on Rubyforge and via gems. We''re offering source and binaries for Windows, OS X and Linux. == Install gem install wxruby2-preview == What''s New * HtmlWindow and HtmlEasyPrinting, plus related classes * HelpController and HtmlHelpController for displaying
2006 Feb 17
Re: Problem building wxRuby: htmlproc.h not found
Hi, Has this problem been resolved? I encountered the same problem on my FC3 system with wxGTK-2.4.2 and wxruby-0.6. Thanks. Stephen [Wxruby-users] Re: Problem building wxRuby: htmlproc.h not found *Nick* devel at
2004 Nov 08
[Fwd: Weft - a free open-source QDA tool]
Hi Just released a first version of the WxRuby project I''ve been working on. Firstly, I wanted to say thanks to everyone on this list who''s helped at various points over the past year - every time I ran into a problem someone jumped in with advice. A very brief explanation of the app - I''m a sociologist/anthropologist by trade, and the app is intended for use in
2006 Jul 19
small patch for wxWindow::GetTextExtent
I have not worked on wxRuby2 for awhile and decided to download the latest CVS HEAD and saw that it still had a problem with wxWindow::GetTextExtent (in my case showing up when editing Grid cells). So I copied the method signature from the wxDC::GetTextExtent which seems to be working, changed 2 variable names and made the typemap the same as used for wxDC. Well in my program editing grid cells
2005 Jun 26
wxruby gems
Hi Following on from some talk last year of creating gems for wxruby, I''ve attached a first try at them (for 0.6.0, not wxruby-swig). I mainly made them because I want to ease installation of Weft QDA by adding wxruby (and sqlite) as gem dependencies, but hopefully they will be generally useful. A couple of queries: 1) Who should be listed as author? 2) It doesn''t include
2010 Mar 13
[BUG] Menus on Snow Leopard not working correctly
I posted the following bug at Is anyone else dealing with this? > In running the 2.0.1 samples under OS X 10.6.2, some menu items do not appear as they should. > > For example: > * in the "minimal" sample, the "file" menu appears in the menu bar, but the individual items
2005 Jul 12
comm between gui and app?
To me, the main app (an object) is separate from the app gui (object)... MVC''ish. How can I have the gui part communicate to the app that an event has taken place? Example code somewhere? Thank you. -- - Martin J. Brown, Jr. - - - Public PGP Key ID: 0xB09AFEFE keyserver: Key
2010 Dec 07
[Weft QDA users] working on team using weft
Hi all! I am Angela, an Italian researcher and I am looking for an application that allows working in team, making a shared codebook, share a text database and code it. I tried AnSWR (the CDC''s QDA application) but its installation is too complicated for students and it is not working on latest version of Windows. What about Weft? Is it possible to share a project or, at least, merge
2006 Nov 23
I was toying around with adding a to_s function to wxPoint (and probably to some other classes). I''m wondering if this is a good idea or not and if so, is it best to use %extend or put it into something like wxSugar or the ruby parts of wx? My initial implementation is: %extend wxPoint { VALUE to_s() { char buffer[40]; sprintf(buffer, "%d,%d", self->x,
2007 Jul 25
Salut alex, j''ai un petit souci. quand j''utilise "demotaskbaricon" avec traducteur-wxruby, que j''ouvre mon application(donc l''icone apparaît dans la barre de lancement rapide) et que je ferme mon application, l''icone disparaît tout de suite. Mais quand je l''utilise avec l''exemple Wizard et que je ferme mon application
2006 Sep 11
ruby method names
Hi Attached is a patch that adds aliases to the API for methods that look like attribute accessors. So a_frame.set_title(''The title'') # currently a_frame.title = ''The title'' # now an alternative textctrl.get_value # currently textctrl.value # now an alternative Also, C++ methods named ''IsXXX'' are now exposed in ruby with