similar to: Problems with Postscript output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Problems with Postscript output"

1998 Nov 11
Wavelets in R
On Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 01:00:34PM -0500, Norm Josephy wrote: > > Sir: > > I find your version of R excellent. I am teaching a course > next semester on Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis, and am > looking forward to having my students use this software. > Thank you for making it available. > ............................................................ > I am
1999 Jun 10
dynload for R on AIX (>= 4.2)
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Friedrich Leisch wrote: > Yes, if I understood AIX workings correct you have to have a text file > of to-be-exported symbols at the time of linking a shared library, > i.e. the linker is called like (this is pasted from a mail by Arne) > > $(F77) -o -bM:SRE -bE:module.exp -bnoentry $(OBJECTS) $(LIBDIR) $(LIBS) > > where module.exp is a text
1999 Jun 09
R on AIX (>4.2)
Hi, I'm determined to get R compiling & running on a machine running AIX 4.2. I've seen previous emails in the archive about this topic. The main obstacle is getting dynamic loading to work, but it works for Tcl and hence is feasable. Questions: - is anybody _currently_ working with R on AIX? - why have previous fixes to the sources not been introduced into the released
1999 Jun 09
R on AIX (>4.2)
Hi, I'm determined to get R compiling & running on a machine running AIX 4.2. I've seen previous emails in the archive about this topic. The main obstacle is getting dynamic loading to work, but it works for Tcl and hence is feasable. Questions: - is anybody _currently_ working with R on AIX? - why have previous fixes to the sources not been introduced into the released
2000 Jun 09
Postscript device ignores title if it is too long. (PR#565)
Hi, This may just be an inconsistency between terminal drivers, rather than a proper bug. If the main title of a plot is too wide to all fit on the plot, the X11 driver prints as much of the title as it can, but the postscript driver totally ignores the title. Here's a simple example: % R > plot(runif(1000), main="a long xxxxxxxxxxxx title") >
2001 Apr 14
Postscript font bugs (and a suggestion) (PR#914)
Documentation and other bugs with postscript(): 1. This code crashes R (it asks for a font that isn't there): postscript() plot(0:1,0:1) text(0.5,0.5,'crash',font=6) The bug appears to be in the FixupFont routine in plot.c; on line 236, it checks that the font number is in the range 1..32. Later this crashes PostScriptStringWidth in devPS.c, because only fonts numbered 1..5
2005 Jan 31
Special paper for postscript
Hi, All; When I generate a "special" paper postscript image larger than "a4" or "letter" using R, I can only see one-page portion of all image, of course. What will be the simple solution for this? Is there any way I can set the bounding box information on the image? Or any other suggestions? Thanks in advance; Tae-Hoon Chung
2008 Jul 01
Autoconf / Windows package building problem for device package
Dear list, Tadashi Kadowaki has developed a pdf device package that allows to add hyperlinks and popups to (currently) text, mtext and rect calls. The package passes R CMD check (minor warnings) and compiles on MacOS X and GNU/Linux, but we do not succeed in building the package for Windows. The current version of the package can be checked out as svn checkout
2000 Jul 01
margins with postscript device
I've been having a problem when printing plots to a HP DeskJet 2500C printer. This printer, like most inkjet printers, has a large minimum bottom margin. For most HP inkjet printers, the bottom 1/2" (left 1/2" inch for landscape) of the page can't be printed too. The postscript device in R has a default of 1/4" margins between the paper edge and the plotting area. This
2009 Jan 19
patch for textspecial and defaultfont in xfig
Hello, The current xfig device lacks the functionality to set the textspecial flag and use the defaultfont in xfig. This is necessary when you want to export to xfig and use interpreted text (e.g., $ \frac{1}{e}$ gets interpreted by latex). The attached patch adds this functionality. Why would you like to do this? - Use math in labels (e.g., name your variables $r_{xy}$, do a
1998 Apr 25
R-beta: postscript in R and R
I am creating postscript-graphics in R. When I import them into a LATEX document it is impossible to get the caption close to the figure. I run the same program in Splus, and no problem of getting the caption just below the figure. Another thing, the ps file that S created is only 10% of the size of the file that R created. What is wrong? Are there some parameters to be set? Helgi
2010 Mar 10
pie EPS BB
Greetings all! I'm facing a puzzle I have not been able to solve. I need to make an EPS of a pie-chart (Yes, I know; please don't bother to tell me! I just need to ...). I'm trying to do it with pie(), and I want to have just the plain pie-chart with no annotations. So far so good: "labels=rep(NA,...)" will do it. But I want to have it output to an EPS file with the
1997 May 21
R-alpha: plot(1); axis(1, at=10) >>> Seg.fault -- and a patch
This problem has been mentioned by Arne Kovac <> on May 9-10. The patch is really a replacement of 'axis' in RHOME/src/library/base/funs/ It contains the fixes which where proposed Arne Kovac and fixes (all?) the errors he/she (?) reported on May 9. "axis" <- function (which, at, labels = TRUE, ...) { if (which%%2 == 1) { axp <-
2009 Sep 04
eps file with embedded font
Dear list, I am trying to make eps file with embedded font. I use: postscript("ranking-exp-all.eps", horizontal=TRUE, onefile=FALSE, paper="special", height=8, width=12, family="Helvetica") # plot stuff since R does not embed font, I then use: embedFonts(file="indegdistr.eps", outfile="indegdistrEMB.eps",
1999 Sep 06
suggestion: postscript paper=user
Dear R developers and users, I have a suggestion for the postscript device driver. Now the paer= option only support "a4", "letter", "legal", "executive". I suggest we add a "user" option and letter user provide paper size, even like "595x421", width>height. For printing purpose, the provided paper size are nearly enought. But I
1999 Sep 06
suggestion: postscript paper=user
Dear R developers and users, I have a suggestion for the postscript device driver. Now the paer= option only support "a4", "letter", "legal", "executive". I suggest we add a "user" option and letter user provide paper size, even like "595x421", width>height. For printing purpose, the provided paper size are nearly enought. But I
2004 Sep 13
bitmap() doesn't finish with file in Windows (PR#7224)
Full_Name: Tom Short Version: 1.9.0 OS: Win2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( POSSIBLE WISHLIST, POSSIBLE BUG: The following code works on Debian, but fails on Windows 2000 with 'Error in file("test.png", "r") : unable to open connection': bitmap("test.png") plot(c(1,2,3)) x = file("test.png","r") The problem is
1999 Apr 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
================================================= This is an automated summary of the status of the R-bugs repository. Note that this may be neither complete nor perfectly correct at any given instance: Not all bugs are reported, and some reported bugs may have been fixed, but the repository not yet updated. Some bug fixes are difficult to verify because they pertain to specific hardware or
2004 Mar 16
Changing ComputerModern in postscript(...): A first attempt at contributing....
Hi First off, thanks to all the various R developers, your package is very impressive. I'm not sure what the protocols are for contributing, and I've not done this before, so please excuse nay obvious errors or oversights... Also I'm by no means an R,TeX/LaTeX, or typesetting expert, I have largely stumbled my way to this point. Objective: I'd like to get R postscript(...) to
2003 May 29
Postscript query: plotting long vectors
Hi, I have a query about the maximum length of vector that can be plotted in one go in a postscript driver. Try the following code (in 1.7.0; version details below): t <- seq(from=0, to=4*pi, length=200000) y <- sin(t) postscript(file="") plot(t, y, type="l") If I view the postscript file in "gv", it takes many seconds before eventually