Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "aov with Error Strata"
2003 Apr 01
ssh allowing root logins
I have a problem w/ OpenSSH allowing root logins even though the
PermitRootLogin directive in the conf file is set to "no". I double and
triple checked that it was using the file I was editing with strings and
just by adding a bogus line and sshd complaining about it. I then grabbed
the latest source and built 3.6p1. It has the same problem. The host is
running solaris 2.6. Anyone have
2003 Apr 22
Xten - Free windows SIP client
Same here Michael and the PocketPC version seems unaudible with any codec; early days trying that though.
-----Original Message-----
>From: "Michael Van Donselaar"<mvand@neb.rr.com>
>Sent: 22/04/03 04:10:24
>To: "asterisk-users@lists.digium.com"<asterisk-users@lists.digium.com>
>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Xten - Free windows SIP
2010 Jun 26
boot with strata: strata argument ignored?
Hello All. I must be missing the really obvious here:
mm <- function(d, i) median(d[i])
b1 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000)
b2 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000, strata = gravity$series)
Both b1 and b2 seem to have done (almost) the same thing, but it looks like
the strata argument in b2 has been ignored. However, str(b1) vs str(b2)
does show that the strata have been noted
1998 Oct 06
NT profiles on samba server
Hi, there,
I put roaming profiles for NT4 users on samba server.
In "Domain User Manager", I set "User profile Path" \\abel\profile\%U.pds,
here abel is samba server.
It works well, but everyday several users complain. Sometime, they cannot login because of
roaming profiles. Sometimes, some users cannot run VC or VB.
Sometime, I only need to remove ntuser.dat on samba
2005 Oct 25
Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" in randomForest?
Just browsing the documentation, and searching the list came up short... I
have some unbalance data and was wondering if, in a "0" v "1" classification
forest, if these options might yield better predictions when the proportion
of one class is low (less than 10% in a sample of 2,000 observations).
Not sure how to specify these terms... from the docs, we have:
classwt: Priors
2009 Jan 07
Frailty by strata interactions in coxph (or coxme)?
I was hoping that someone could answer a few questions for me (the background is given below):
1) Can the coxph accept an interaction between a covariate and a frailty term
2) If so, is it possible to
a) test the model in which the covariate and the frailty appear as main terms using the penalized likelihood (for gaussian/t frailties)
b)augment model 1) by stratifying on the variable that
2005 Sep 09
strata in crr (cmprsk library)
Hi all, I am aware that crr lacks the "friendly" command structure of
functions such as cph. All is clear to me about including covariates
until I want to include a stratification term in the competing risk
framework (no nice strat command).
I am still a bit of a novice in R - I am looking for an example to help
me with this, but can't seem to find one. Any advice appreciated (no
2011 Jul 10
Package "survival" --- Difference of coxph strata with subset?
> coxph(Surv(futime,fustat)~age + strata(rx),ovarian)
coxph(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + strata(rx), data = ovarian)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
age 0.137 1.15 0.0474 2.9 0.0038
Likelihood ratio test=12.7 on 1 df, p=0.000368 n= 26, number of events= 12
> coxph(Surv(futime,fustat)~age, ovarian, subset=rx==1)
2018 May 08
Fitting problem for Cox model with Strata as interaction term
Dear All,
I got a warning message "X matrix deemed to be singular" in Cox model with
a time dependent coefficient. In my analysis, the variable "SEX" is a
categorical variable which violate the PH assumption in Cox. I first used
the survSplit() function to break the data set into different time
intervals, and then fit the model. The procedures can be described as
2005 Jan 10
Connecting Asterisk to a Toshiba Strata syst em
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Roy [mailto:mister.roy@gmail.com]
> I do this with a Toshiba Strata DK280. The model before the CTX. You
> shouldn't have any problem doing this with the CTX either. Assuming
> you don't have SMDI integration with your voicemail (you didn't state
> that you did), you just need the phones to send trailing digits, and
> you
2006 Mar 15
Toshiba Strata DK-280 support?
Hi everyone,
Been reading up on Asterisk, and very interested in learning more. I've
googled and read the archives and haven't found anything definitive on
support for this phone system. We have a fairly large investment in the
system itself and the phones, but would love to get away from the
voicemail system it forces on us.
Can anyone provide any feedback on using this system with
2009 Jul 14
ordering dataframe for strata() (PR#13830)
I've been using strata(sampling) and found that if the dataframe to be
sampled ("data") consists of repeated measures that are not sorted in
order the run will fail on a given stratum. Ordering the dataframe
prior to using strata() eliminates this problem.
Eric Vander Wal
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Biology,
112 Science Place,
2004 Jun 06
strata() in clogit()
How can I get the log odds associated with the levels in strata()
within a clogit() model? I'm running R-1.9.0 on a Linux platform.
I am using clogit() to run a Rasch model in Item Response Theory in
psychometrics. Symbolically, the model is:
logit(p_{j,k}) = \log({\Pr(p_{j,k}) \over \Pr(1-p_{j,k})}) =
\theta_j - \alpha_k,
That is, the log odds of answering an test item correctly is
2005 Apr 29
problem with strata in boot
I am new to R, and am having trouble running a stratified bootstrap.
My data set consists of 38 study sites in which I recorded the number
of bird pairs. Each site has been classified as burned or mowed and
for each of these two strata I would like to determine the precision
of an overall density estimate. I can run an unstratified bootstrap
without problem, but when I specify the strata I
2005 Oct 06
Testing strata by covariate interactions in coxph
Dear list members,
I am working with a Cox ph model for the duration of unemployment. The event of
in my analysis is getting employed. I have various background variables
explaining this
event: age, sex, education etc. I have multiple unemployment spells per person.
I use a model with person-specific frailty terms in order to take into account
the correlation of spells by the same
2005 Oct 27
Repost: Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" in randomForest?
Sorry for the repost, but I've really been looking, and can't find any
syntax direction on this issue...
Just browsing the documentation, and searching the list came up short... I
have some unbalanced data and was wondering if, in a "0" v "1"
classification forest, some combo of these options might yield better
predictions when the proportion of one class is low (less
2007 Feb 07
step in a model with strata
Dear experts,
when I call the step function for a coxph model with n covariates and a dicotomous variable included as strata, the first term removed by step is always the strata variable. This is not what I want and then I do a manual step updating the model minus the least significant covariate and testing with anova, until I have minimized the model. Is there a package were this can be done? or
2007 May 16
creating different strata
l would like to create about ten strata l have tried using
sample(c(1,2),1,replace=TRUE) but all l get is a vector of 1 and 2 if i change it to sample(c(1,10),1,replace=TRUE) it gives me a vector of 1 and 10 how do l go about it
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2008 Jun 02
Random Forests regression by strata
I'm trying to sample in Random Forests by a factor, but it is a regression problem and I can't figure out how to do this (I can only see how to sample by strata in classification).
Jesse Lasky
2008 Jun 18
How to create strata out of the data.frame table
My data.frame table consist of 3 variables (x,y and z) where each variable
has 1000 units. I need to create 5 equal size strata according to one of the
variable (let's say x) whereas units of x variable with a higher value have
higher probability to be selected in a strata with a higher number (max
strata number is 5).
I've been trying different things so far and since I am fairly new to