similar to: stop calculation in a function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "stop calculation in a function"

2012 Apr 03
filling small gaps of N/A
Hi everybody, I'm a new R french user. Sorry if my english is not perfect. Hope you'll understand my problem ;) I have to work on temperature data (35000 lines in one file) containing some missing data (N/A). Sometimes I have only 2 or 3 N/A following each other, but I have also sometimes 100 or 200 N/A following each other. Here's an example of my data, when I have only small gaps
2006 Nov 23
dumping/loading objects with 'tsp' attribute
Dear all, I'm indirectly faced with the fact that setting the 'tsp' attribute of an object modifies its class definition: > class( structure(1:2, tsp=c(1,2,1), class=c("myts","ts")) ) [1] "ts" "myts" In general, this is of really little (ok, I admit: totally no) interest for me because 'myts' class is added just after assigning the
2004 Jun 22
ts & daily timeseries
I have defined a daily timeseries for the 365 days of 2003 issuing: myts = ts(dati[,2:10],frequency=365,) > myts Time Series: Start = c(1, 1) End = c(1, 365) Frequency = 365 and mytime = as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character(dati[,1]),format="%Y-%m-%d")) contains the dates from "2003-01-01" to "2003-12-31" How can I combine mytime and myts in order to list
2009 Dec 03
smoothing or curve-fit a time series using lowess, polynomial or whatever I can get working
I was looking for suggestions as to how to smooth a timeseries and, having accomplished that, how to find the fitted curve values for intermediate points. ? I've tried numerous examples of possible approaches in R that I've found on the web, but when applied to my simple data, R returns an error message in numerous cases. ? The main problem seems to be that I have monthly data, starting
2011 Oct 27
plotting large time series
hello, I got a problem with plotting large time series, since I want to store the results in a .PDF file (I want to store several pages of plots). The PDF files get too large to be handled (> 10MB, one was even 200MB big). So I wonder, if there would be a possibilty to either - reduce the file size of the PDF - change the way the plot is generated to reduce the plot size? I use:
2010 Jun 30
drb problem? ringy-dingy won't answer...
The following code works fine as long as I don''t try to run it through the distributed server. It doesn''t get there... It runs fine out of delayed_job, runs fine if called directly. But if ''distrib'' is true (the default) it runs right up to the call to the server and right past it without getting to the server or raising any errors. Am using Ruby ,
2005 Nov 15
Subtracting timeseries objects
Sorry to keep posting but I want to do this right and I'm hoping for some pointers I now have two time series objects which I need to subtract. Unfortunatly the two series dont have the same sample rates. When I try to subtract them avgSub<-avg1-avg2 The time series object is clever enough to object. So I guess I need to write a function for subtraction of the time series objects which
2005 Apr 27
Time series indexes
I tried to assign values to specific elements of a time series and got in trouble. The code below should be almost self-explanatory. I wanted to assign 0 to the first element of x, but instead I assigned zero to the second element of x, which is not what I wanted. Is there a function that will allow me to do this without going into index arithmetic (which would be prone to errors)? FS >
2012 Dec 19
JRI and XTS library
Hi all, I am using JRI with the XTS library. Rengine rEngine = new Rengine(new String [] {/*"--vanilla"*/}, false, null); rEngine.eval("library(xts)"); When I create an xts object, using previously assigned double/date arrays with roughly 5000 elements, the eval method needs very long (up to a minute) to return. I would like to understand what is going on, but I find no
2012 Jul 13
Column create and Update using function
Hi, here i have a Max and Min values Min <-3 Max <-6 and also a matrix like this, ABC XYZ PQR ------ ------- ------- 2 4 3 5 4 8 7 1 3 In this i need to check each particular column values are between Max and Min value. If the coulmn value not coming between Max and
2007 Jun 01
Time format
Dear R-help list members, I am new to R, and having problems with plotting part of a time series. I have read in my data using read.table, and my 'time' column is recognised as a numeric variable. When I convert this to a time format, I am no longer able to use its values on my x-axis. The problem is that I only want part of the time series to appear on the plot, ignoring the first 23
2008 Jan 17
[LLVMdev] LiveInterval Questions
On Thursday 17 January 2008 13:03, Evan Cheng wrote: > > So why does the live range extend throughout the entire basic block? > > > > %reg1055 doesn't appear anywhere else in the program so it shouldn't > > be > > live-in to the block. > > It could be a bug. Can you get me a test case? I'll see if I can whittle it down. It's a pretty huge
2013 Mar 21
Displaying median value over the horizontal(median)line in the boxplot
Hi, set.seed(45) test1<-data.frame(columnA=rnorm(7,45),columnB=rnorm(7,10)) #used an example probably similar to your actual data apply(test1,2,function(x) sprintf("%.1f",median(x))) #columnA columnB # "44.5"? "10.2" par(mfrow=c(1,2)) lapply(test1,function(x) {b<-
2002 Feb 20
Regarding acf
help . I have a file which contains a table that has 2 columns of which the first one is a time sereis. I need to extract the first column alone and do an acf plot on it. I dont know how to extract the first column and pass it to the acf function in the ts package. Can anybody pls help me. end -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list
2006 Mar 17
How to change the label in plot.ts ?
Hi you guys: I have been wondering if there is any way to change the labeling in plot.ts( ), for example , if I plot two sequences, i always got y labels as "series1", "series2", I tried to use ylab=c((expression(mu_1)),(expression(mu_2))), but it doesn't work. thanks in advance for any help best.
2008 Feb 05
How to generate table output of t-test
Hi, Given test <- matrix(c(1, 1,2,2), 2,2) t <- apply(test, 1, t.test) How can I obtain a table of p-values, confidence interval etc, instead of [[1]] One Sample t-test data: newX[, i] t = 3, df = 1, p-value = 0.2048 alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -4.853102 7.853102 sample estimates: mean of x 1.5 [[2]]
2010 Oct 07
Forecasting with R/Need Help. Steps shown below with the imaginary data
1. This is an imaginary data on monthly outcomes of 2 years and I want to forecast the outcome for next 12 months of next year. data Data1; input Yr Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec; datalines; 2008 12 13 12 14 13 12 11 15 10 12 12 12 2009 12 13 12 14 13 12 11 15 10 12 12 12 ; run; I converted the above data into the below format to use it in R as it was giving error: asking
2012 Aug 29
Sorting of columns of a matrix
Dear all, Please suggest me how can I do it. I have a matrix which look like following: x1 x2 x3 t1 .01 0.3 0 t2 0 0.1 0.01 t3 0 .01 .01 t4 0 0 t5 5 0 0 t6 0 0 0 t7 0 0 0 t8 0 0 0 t9 0.6 0 0 t10 0 0 0.66 t11 0 0.6 0.11 t12 0 0.4 0 I want to sort decreasing order in each column based on rows. and then to display only those rows which has a value. The expected out put matrix will
2005 Nov 11
Inputing data from multiple files as time series objects
Hello to everyone,... I am a new R ambitious user. I would like to be the first at my department using R, but I have encountered a difficulty during the last days that I cannot overcome reading help() and searching over the net. Problem: I have multiple files with financial data like the following (header included): E.g.: filename: AOL.txt aol.txt 4 3 5 3... filename: IBM.txt ibm.txt 6 2 5 2...
2012 Dec 24
How to do it through 1 step?
A data set(dat),has 2 variables: x and a, and 100 rows. I wanna add 2 variables,and call the new data set dat1: var1:f = a/median(a) var2:x_new = x*f My solution: dat1<-transform(dat,f = a/median(a),x_new = x*f) But gets error reply which says that "f" is not exits since dat has no variables called "f". So I have to do through 2 steps: