similar to: Runnels development

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Runnels development"

2007 Aug 24
Can I do this in a template..?
Hi all, I have a situation where I want to use the same template to create two different files in two different classes. I''ve tried to lookup some information on what is possible with templates, how advanced you can get, but haven''t found much. I guess it''s one of the areas where I should contribute to the docs - once I figured out what I can do, that is...
2009 Oct 18
How to handle failures of resources
Welcome all, Resources can depend one from each other, and failure of a required resource prevent the dependants from being run. But how to trap these failures and handle them? Is there any way to e.g. set a variable $error_happened to "true" if some promise about the resource couldn''t be kept? Maybe even there is a way to capture the error string? Some
2007 Aug 24
Problem restarting client service ssh in client
Hello, I want a simple operation in a puppet node like restarting the ssh service if it was stopped. My site.pp is simple as this: import "services/*" node default { include ssh } The services directory as a ssh.pp : class ssh { service { ssh: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"] } } I''ve stopped the ssh service in the
2007 Sep 08
Group changes made over and over?
Hi, I have several Debian servers with puppet 0.23.2. Part of my manifest looks like this: class virt_all_users { @group { "andy": ensure => "present", gid => "1000" } @user { "andy": ensure => "present", uid => "1000",
2007 Mar 13
Problem Managing Ruby Gems
I''m trying to have puppet install a bunch of ruby gems for me, but I''m running into problems with a few of them. This is on CentOS 4.4, ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [x86_64-linux] and the latest puppet from svn as of yesterday afternoon. I have: package { fastthread: ensure => "", provider => gem, require =>
2008 Feb 25
Switching to Google Groups tomorrow night
Hi all, Is everyone switched over to the Google lists? I''m basically ready for the switch, I think, and doing so would be one more closed loop for me. I notice we''ve only got a bit over 300 subscribers to the Puppet Users list, while my madstop list has nearly 600. This is a bit depressing, but it probably represents a better idea of who''s actually using the
2007 Mar 19
Parsechecking in a commit hook
This has been a much-requested feature, and is now a reality (in svn trunk): There is a new option, --ignoreimport, that will (surprisingly) ignore import statements. This is really only useful when using -- parseonly in a commit hook, and note that you''ll have to add the option to --parseonly, none of the puppet executables will add it for you. You should be able to
2008 Jan 10
Install Package only if a certain file exists.
So I can''t quite see how to do this in the existing syntax. Ideally there would be an onlyif parameter for packages, but that doesn''t seem to be the case. I could create a fact that returns true or false depending on whether the file exists, but that doesn''t feel like the right way to do it either. I could do something like: $file_exists =
2007 Jun 14
Please test export/collect from svn
For those of you out there using export/collect (which we really need to come up with a better name for...), can you test the current SVN code? I''m mostly wondering if the performance is any better. To use it, you''ll have to remove your current database, since the database schema is significantly changed. I''m getting what looks like an additional 25% reduction
2007 Oct 30
append to static array (was: Re: Why External Node Classification is my future)
On 10/29/07, Luke Kanies <> wrote: > On Oct 29, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Brian Finney wrote: > > Although iteration would be really cool if we could also append to an > > array in a global fashion, but thats a completely different dream. > > What do you mean? Thinking some thing like: # define for simple firewall control define port($port, $status){ push
2007 Jun 12
facts from ldap
Does any one have a recipe for getting facter facts from ldap?
2004 Nov 29
Labeling charts within a loop
Hi All: This may turn out to be very simply, but I can't seem to add the name of the school to a chart. The loop I created is below that subsets a dataframe and creates a chart for each school based on certain variables. As it stands now, they title includes the school's ID number. Instead, I want to replace this with the school's actual name, which is stored in a variable called
2007 Dec 20
Apache2 module -- feedback appreciated
Hey folks, I''ve just uploaded an apache2 module[1] to our Google Code repository[2]. It''s based largely on the recipe available on the Puppet trac[3], but with a fair amount of modification and generalization... Basically, it provides abstractions for config file snippets, site definitions, and apxs modules -- and then "basic" and "debian"
2004 Dec 08
problems with print$
Hi All, I finally signed up for the list after years of using Samba successfully - a testament to the quality of Samba. Yet now I have a problem with the point-and-print functionality. I am able to authenticate against my server (Solaris 8, Samba 3.0.7, OpenLDAP 2.1.25) as user 'chuck' in my LDAP directory and browse the shares, but when I right-click on the printer and select
2007 Sep 21
mysql storeconfigs needs mysql gem
Recently I started noticing that after running for a while puppetmaster would freeze after a client called `freshness` which would eventually result in the client getting a timeout and the client dyeing. I tracked the freeze down to the call to ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! in rails.rb on line 26. After scouring the nets I finally found:
2008 Feb 15
centralized or decentralized puppet infrastructure
Hi All, In my companies environment, we have multiple sites in multiple geographic locations, sometimes with high latency between the sites. I''m trying to come up with a solution that could provide puppet infrastructure to all sites nodes. ----a few assumptions--- - puppet manifest / configuration is fetched from a centralized version control system. - store db is needed (ssh keys,
2007 Feb 09
Dependencies between machines
Hello: I''ve been reading up on puppet after spending a while on SmartFrog. SmartFrog''s late binding and ability to encode dependencies between machines or document parallel or serial configuration steps was compelling. Java was not. :) Are there notions of these concepts in puppet that aren''t apparent from the documentation? Different ways to get to the same
2007 Oct 25
State of Development
Hi all, I''m sure you''re all wondering what the heck is going on with development and why there are so many open tickets. Hopefully this email will answer those questions for you. REST Development ====================== First, I''ve found the REST work to be significantly more complicated than I''d feared. The plumbing is nearly all done and the majority
1998 Jun 30
NT Crashes when doing large network file Xfers (was Re: NT crashes during smbtar)
Ok.. Just for the record, I STAND CORRECTED! The problem does appear to be NT.. The thing that irritated me was that nobody was interested in giving any backup data! Everyone just wanted to blindly admit that it must be NT. Ok.. Enuf bitching.. On to the better stuff... Anyway, David Mansfield and I are trying to narrow down the machine configurations where this happens.. Currently, we've
2008 Feb 22
File corruption while serving
Can anyone who''s having this problem please send details? I''m trying to reproduce it -- I''ve got 5 clients concurrently retrieving 200 10k files made of random binary, and I can''t get any corruption or memory growth at all. Is everyone experiencing the problem using Mongrel? Webrick? What versions of ruby? Are only big files affected? Small files?