similar to: MacOS X packages newer than 0.23.0...?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "MacOS X packages newer than 0.23.0...?"

2008 Apr 29
How are people using install.rb from the source distribution?
I''m looking at re-working or replacing install.rb from the source distribution to allow more flexible installations, primarily to get MacPorts and Fink packages working but to also work on automatic Mac pkg creation from source. How are people currently using it? Currently the command line options are for options like --no-rdoc, --no-man, --quick, --full, but if you want to specify a
2012 Feb 10
Installing from source missing -lruby18 in linking.
I am trying to build wxruby from source, but I have encounter an error. For some reason the ''rake'' command fail when it tries to link lib/ because it is missing missing -lruby18 resulting in errors like wx.cpp:(.text+0x1618): undefined reference to `rb_intern'' wx.cpp:(.text+0x165c): undefined reference to `rb_eNotImpError'' wx.cpp:(.text+0x1666):
2012 Feb 23
Deploying puppet via NFS
I''m attempting to deploy puppet via an NFS share. It''s on a local-only network, and it will contain only ruby (gems) and whatever is needed. Seems simple enough, but tonight I am having an issue with this error: # service puppet start Starting puppet: /local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- openssl
2003 Jun 17
Some people suggested fsh as a way of speeding up a build system which sshes to different hosts to run jobs in parallel. fsh is very handy but it works by keeping open a *single* connection. It won't work if you want to execute more than one command in parallel on the same host. -- Ed Avis <ed at>
2014 Jan 16
[PATCH] hivex: ruby: Support 'make INSTALLDIRS=vendor install' for Ruby
(This is the same change as 87c9ec881cb695724e01d9f6fc9df996d4c67cb6 in libguestfs.) --- ruby/ | 16 ++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/ruby/ b/ruby/ index e78ab59..7a5fe42 100644 --- a/ruby/ +++ b/ruby/ @@ -45,13 +45,17 @@ all: $(RAKE) build $(RAKE) rdoc -RUBY_SITELIB := $(shell $(RUBY)
2010 Jul 22
Feature request: fsh-like functionality
I have recently found the "fsh" program ( which offered exactly what I needed. It is a great program but it is not maintained and was even thrown out of Debian because it was claimed that OpenSSH provided anything FSH offers. In fact, however, I miss a few features in OpenSSH that could easily be added inspired by FSH and make a very valuable addition in
2001 Feb 19
means by column after split
Colleagues ---------------------------------- System info: R version rw1020 on NT ESS using emacs ver. 20.4 ---------------------------------- I need to get the means for each column of a dataframe in the list created by splitting a data frame. At present, I am getting the mean of all columns in aggregate. The structure of the unsplit data is: > shuttle.tr1[1:10,] juliandate
2006 Jun 27
Supporting ~10K users on ZFS
OK, I know that there''s been some discussion on this before, but I''m not sure that any specific advice came out of it. What would the advice be for supporting a largish number of users (10,000 say) on a system that supports ZFS? We currently use vxfs and assign a user quota, and backups are done via Legato Networker. >From what little I currently understand, the general
2008 Jan 10
Install Package only if a certain file exists.
So I can''t quite see how to do this in the existing syntax. Ideally there would be an onlyif parameter for packages, but that doesn''t seem to be the case. I could create a fact that returns true or false depending on whether the file exists, but that doesn''t feel like the right way to do it either. I could do something like: $file_exists =
2008 Jan 08
RFC: Moving mailing lists soon
I''m about to leave town for three weeks and my home server keeps rebooting. It''s my mail server, unfortunately, so there''s a good chance you won''t get this. :/ Anyway, I''ve been meaning to do this for ages and ages, and it''s time to finally do so. I need to move all of the Puppet lists to a public, non-me provider, someone who has
2008 Jan 06
Mac OS X pkgs up.
So I''ve done some Mac OS X pkgs for the latest Facter and Puppet, as well as a combined mpkg for them both. Jeff McCune and I are doing a fair bit of testing on them this week in preparation for MacWorld, so I wasn''t going to upload them to the official site for another few days, but they''re looking pretty good.
2008 Jan 04
who is using puppet?
Hi There, I''m implementing puppet for a large scale Enterprise, with a lot of sites and a lot of different setups (for about 1500 Linux and Solaris machines). Now, the time has come to get some management attention, and of course, the first question I''ll have is who else is using puppet.... So I thought it Worth''s a try to ask - who is using puppet in a large scale
2004 Apr 27
Building wxruby on Solaris 9
Hi all, Ruby 1.8.1 Solaris 9 wxwindows 2.4.2 (package from wxruby 0.3.0 I''m having trouble getting this sucker to build on my Solaris box. Here''s how I''m building: ruby extconf.rb --with-xrc-dir=/opt/csw --with-xrc-include=/opt/csw/lib/wx The include directive I added because the setup.h file is there (for whatever reason). And yes, /opt/csw/bin and
2004 May 02
Connection caching?
Hey all, on the distcc mailing list, a thread about load balancing got a bit out of hand, and we started thinking about moving fsh-like connection caching into ssh itself to get rid of the overhead of starting up the python interpreter to run rsh. (Interestingly, mit's "rex", described at, considers connection caching
2009 May 22
Forcing a variableinto a model using stepAIC
Dear All, I am attempting to use forward and/or backward selection to determine the best model for the variables I have. Unfortunately, because I am dealing with patients and every patient is receiving treatment I need to force the variable for treatment into the model. Is there a way to do this using R? (Additionally, the model is stratified by randomisation period). I know that SAS can be
2006 Mar 23
Poor performance on NFS-exported ZFS volumes
I''m seeing some pretty pitiful performance using ZFS on a NFS server, with a ZFS volume exported (only with, opts) and mounted on a Linux host running kernel 2.4.31. This linux kernel I''m working with is limited in that I can only do NFSv2 mounts... irregardless of that aspect, I''m sure something''s amiss. I mounted the zfs-based
2016 Dec 12
[ANNOUNCE] xf86-input-libinput 0.23.0
A couple of cleanups, no big features added. Most of this was in the property handling code. The most visible fix is that we now handle addition of initially disabled devices correctly, i.e. when a device is plugged in while the server is VT-switched away. In the non-logind case this previously caused a segfault. Our tablet support is good enough that we now match against tablets too. The
2008 Jun 26
OS X Software Updates
Hi all, I''m wondering how people are handling OS X package installers that require reboots (e.g. 10.5.3) with Puppet - specifically how you get them to install without totally irritating your users. Specifically my client environment is 100% laptops, and many of them voyage home with users each day so just telling puppet to install them at 1am and to hell with user data*, so
2012 Mar 14
max path length - ExcludeProfileDirs not sufficient - temporary profile
Good evening dear users and developers, I'm using samba 3.5.6 on Debian Squeeze as Domain-Controller for several Windows XP clients. Config below. One user installed a software with settings in C:\documents and settings\martin\.vkbstandalone/.metadata/.plugins/de.vkb.standalone.tomcat/work/catalina/localhost/eba_standalone_web/org/apache/jsp/jsp/composite/angebot/angebot zum
2007 Jun 20
ANNOUNCE: 0.23.0 release
Hi all, I''ve finally released 0.23.0 (only two days late!). You can get it from the usual locations (although the packagers will take a little while to package it up, I assume): You can read the full changelog[1], which is pretty long, but here''s a summary of the things you either want or should look out for: