similar to: FOSDEM 2008

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "FOSDEM 2008"

2007 Feb 12
FOSDEM meet-up!
Hi all, We were just talking on IRC about a meet-up for the interested parties on Saturday of FOSDEM in Brussels. Although it''s a bit difficult to pinpoint any spot at this time, we''d thought it would be nice to try to meet up at 13:00 at the CentOS+Fedora room. When we''re there, we''ll see if we''re welcome or not :) If you got any better ideas, now is
2007 Feb 01
Hi all, A couple of people are trying to convince me to come to FOSDEM in Belgium at the end of February. I''m a bit hesitant because I''ve been doing so much travel, but was a great experience and seems to have really helped get exposure to Puppet. There seems to be a pretty strong European contingent of Puppet users, and it''d be great to meet
2007 Jan 22
aes unsupported algorithm for ipsec?
Hi all, I''m trying to create a IPsec tunnel from a Debian Etch machine to a Cisco PIX. Part of my config is the following: add x.x.x.x x.x.x.x esp 34501 -m tunnel -E aes-ctr "abcdefghijklmnop"; When I try to set this using setkey, it fails with the following message: line 9: unsupported algorithm at [abcdefghijklmnop] parse failed, line 9. Can anyone tell me what
2007 Feb 14
Recursive home-dir does more than only files in repository
Hi all, Today I came across something that I consider a bug. Would like to hear your opinions. Facts: - Using 0.22.1 from Debian Unstable on a Debian Testing machine - Recipes work on other machines The recipe in question is: # Keep home-dirs in sync file { "/home/tim": recurse => true, source =>
2007 Feb 14
managing multiple files
How can I express the following in puppet? $http_conf = "/etc/http/conf/httpd.conf" $vhosts_conf = "/etc/http/conf/vhosts.conf" @files = ("$httpd_conf", "$vhosts_conf") foreach f (@files) { file { "$f": owner => root, group => root, mode => 664, source => "puppet://$server/apache/$f", }
2007 Feb 14
Printing resource before they''re checked
Hi all, I''m having trouble with a particular recipe, but I don''t know which one! I''m not getting an error message, puppetd simply hangs (does not respond, needs a kill -9 to stop). These same recipes work correctly on other nodes (no problems there). Now I wanted to find the exact line that causes the problem, but I seem to be unable to make puppetd log the resource
2014 Jan 10
Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train
Hi everyone, It's not exactly a secret that FOSDEM will be taking place during the first weekend of February at the usual location, the ULB Solbosch campus in Brussels. It's also not that big of a secret that a lot of Puppeteers attend especially now that we have a Configuration Management room. However, it usually is a secret who will be there and that more difficult to get in touch
2007 Jul 15
Tips for Dummies!
Hi all, In a fit of helpfulness and working on my IRC-to-Wiki-conversion, I created a place where to add tips for new users. I couldn''t find it anywhere else on the wiki, except for a primer in the documentation. Feel free to add to it (and please do!!): -- Gegroet, Tim
2007 Jan 11
FOSDEM: IRC Meeting on Sunday, January 14th, 20:00 GMT
Hi, for those of you who want to a) attend FOSDEM <> and/or b) would like to partake in planning the CentOS appearance at FOSDEM: We're going to do an IRC-Meeting in #centos-social on on next Sunday (January 14th 2007) at 20:00 GMT (That's 8pm GMT for the 24 hour format challenged). Everyone who is interested in CentOS at FOSDEM is invited to
2007 Feb 06
What I''m doing with Puppet
Hi all, Just reading through Luke''s interview on and I came across this statement: "This topic comes up on the list periodically, however, and most people are very tight-lipped about what they''re doing with Puppet." Being the chattermouth that I am, I''d like to take this opportunity to tell you all what we''re (that is, my
2018 Jan 26
Rafi KC attending DevConf and FOSDEM
On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 06:24:36PM +0530, Mohammed Rafi K C wrote: > Hi All, > > I'm attending both DevConf (25-28) and Fosdem (3-4). If any of you are > attending the conferences and would like to talk about gluster, please > feel free to ping me through irc nick rafi on freenode or message me on > +436649795838 In addition to that at FOSDEM, there is a Gluster stand
2010 Nov 15
FOSDEM 2011 devroom
Hello, At FOSDEM 2011 (, we will be part of the devroom "New Challenges in Virtualization" ( You are invited to come by and discuss tinc, VPNs and other virtualization issues here. FOSDEM 2011 will take place on February 5 and 6 in Brussels, Belgium. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing
2010 Nov 15
FOSDEM 2011 devroom
Hello, At FOSDEM 2011 (, we will be part of the devroom "New Challenges in Virtualization" ( You are invited to come by and discuss tinc, VPNs and other virtualization issues here. FOSDEM 2011 will take place on February 5 and 6 in Brussels, Belgium. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing
2019 Oct 08
[CFP] LLVM devroom at FOSDEM 2020
CALL FOR PAPERS / PARTICIPATION At FOSDEM 2020, LLVM will again participate with a dedicated devroom, on Saturday February 1st, in Brussels. As possibly the largest European Open Source Conference, FOSDEM attracts more than 600 lectures and over 8000 hackers - many core contributors of the world’s leading open source projects. Complementing the LLVM developer meetings, the devroom at FOSDEM
2010 Jan 03
FOSDEM 2010 lightning talk
Hello, At FOSDEM 2010 (, I will give a lightning talk titled "tinc: the difficulties of a peer-to-peer VPN on the hostile Internet". The talk will probably be on Saturday 7th of Februari at 15:20 CET, but this might still change. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing tinc, just reply to this email. The abstract of the
2010 Jan 03
FOSDEM 2010 lightning talk
Hello, At FOSDEM 2010 (, I will give a lightning talk titled "tinc: the difficulties of a peer-to-peer VPN on the hostile Internet". The talk will probably be on Saturday 7th of Februari at 15:20 CET, but this might still change. If you would like to meet at FOSDEM with me or other persons using or developing tinc, just reply to this email. The abstract of the
2005 Feb 21
Centos at FOSDEM in Brussels?
Hi, I'm a Centos user in Brussels, BE. I'll be going to the FOSDEM conference next weekend and I was thinking about printing up and giving out centos CDs while there. 1) any other centos folks going to be at FOSDEM? 2) any guidelines for printing CD's - I can only run 50 or 100... regards, -Ryan -- Ryan Sweet <ryan.sweet at> Advanced Operations and
2018 Nov 19
FOSDEM 2019: Graphics DevRoom: Call for speakers.
Hi, At FOSDEM on saturday the 3rd of february 2018, there will be another graphics DevRoom. URL: The focus of this DevRoom is of course the same as the previous editions, namely: * Graphics drivers: from display to media to 3d drivers, both in kernel or userspace. Be it part of DRM, KMS, V4L, (direct)FB, Xorg, Mesa... * Input drivers: kernel and userspace. *
2006 Oct 02
Hi all, FOSDEM is coming and it would be nice if CentOS users and developers are present. FOSDEM will take place at 24 and 25 february 2007. (so mark those dates in your calendar!) I guess what we need is a wiki page about FOSDEM linked from some 'CentOS events' page and then people can start planning and indicating who's coming and what the topics could be. Since the developer
2018 Jan 26
Rafi KC attending DevConf and FOSDEM
Hi All, I'm attending both DevConf (25-28) and Fosdem (3-4). If any of you are attending the conferences and would like to talk about gluster, please feel free to ping me through irc nick rafi on freenode or message me on +436649795838 Regards Rafi KC