similar to: Reports emailed to me

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Reports emailed to me"

2008 Jan 02
Puppetmaster doesn''t know itself
I restarted puppetmasterd and it announced that the Cert does not match existing key ! [root@puppet ~]# puppetmasterd --verbose --no-daemonize info: Starting server for Puppet version 0.24.1 info: mount[files]: allowing access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: Retrieving existing certificate for
2007 Dec 26
Thank you puppet!!
I''ve been hacking at puppet for the past week or two, and came up with some great stuff, but I''m wondering if there''s a way to tie it all together To create a virtual machine for our company''s QA environment, I''m currently doing 3 things: #create a vm node vmsvr2 inherits default { include vmserver vmserver::vm {
2007 Dec 21
Any magic to the name ''memory'' in templates?
I tried using it in a template: <%= memory %> and it put "0" in my file when i switched the variable name to the_memory, it worked Eugene Ventimiglia Director of Systems GridApp Systems e: o: 646 452 4081 _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2008 Jan 14
Spot the cyclical relationship
I got the following error, but there''s no "cycle" I commented out File["/dev/sdb3"] and it works, but of course would choke if I ran it and the requirement were not met err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found cycles in the following relationships: File[/dev/sdb1] => Exec[echo -e "0,290\n,290\n," | sfdisk /dev/sdb] Here''s the node: node
2007 Dec 24
Build a cmdline for exec from optional parameters
How can I do this?: foo { name: $bar => "frob" } define foo( $bar = false, $baz = false ) { if #$bar and $baz both defined $cmd = "frobnicate --bar=$bar --baz=$baz ${name}" else if #$bar defined $cmd = "frobnicate --bar=$bar ${name}" else if #$baz defined $cmd = "frobnicate --baz=$baz ${name}" else
2007 Dec 27
facter''s uniqueid is not unique
I have been storing the output of facter in a database with the assumption that uniqueid was actually unique, until I found that it is the same for a handful of my machines. It appears that uniqueid is set from the output of hostid. I checked into hostid and it gets its value from gethostid(). The following link,, states,
2008 Nov 10
CA_Server woes
I''m having difficulty getting my head around some CA issues My client has: [puppetd] and puppet resolves to a different machine. when puppet connects, it requests a signature from puppetca.mydomain.combut then on the next pass fails with the following: err: Could not retrieve catalog: Certificates were not trusted: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0
2008 Jan 08
Simple Search and replace on puppetmaster?
Is there any way to do a simple search and replace on the puppetmaster server? I''m passing one IP address for one interface on a box, and attempting to set the second according to a convention we use, so I need something like $eth1_ip = `echo "" | sed -r -e ''s/\.[0-9]+\.([0-9]+)$/.94.\1/''` # eth1_ip = interface {
2007 Dec 17
More 0.24.0 problems
this time when I try to connect the first node: [root@qaagt20 ~]# /etc/init.d/puppet start Starting puppet: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `initialize'': No route to host - connect(2) (Errno::EHOSTUNREACH) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `open'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `connect'' from
2008 Jan 17
CSR and SSL Key being regenerated on a puppet node
This is causing me to --clean the first key, and --sign again after the second run of puppetd --test First Run: [root@asmc1n2 ~]# puppetd --test warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session. info: Creating a new certificate request for info: Creating a new SSL key at /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/ ... Second
2008 Feb 05
Storeconfigs question.
Hi What does this error-message mean, and how do I preceed? err: Could not store configs: You cannot call create unless the parent is saved Magnar _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2007 Dec 17
New error in Centos 5.1
Just started a "pilot" puppet server for real after messing around in VMs for the past week or so... I used the 0.24.0 since it was available, and on the test run, got this: err: Could not prefetch package provider ''yum'': Execution of ''/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/'' returned 512: /usr/bin/python:
2007 Oct 29
Reports in Puppet
Hi, I wanted to configure reporting in puppet. I came across the below links which says what needs to be added in config file to enable reports. But I was wondering how I view the visual report/graphs do I need to create my own script. -- Deepak
2007 Dec 20
No networking
I''m trying to run puppet on a node I''m cloning from CD. No IP, no DNS, puppet with a standalone manifest and --use-nodes. I get dnsdomainname errors and a "Network is unreachable" error. I''m using 0.20, but I checked for new options in 0.23 and didn''t see one to turn off networking. Is this an option? Thanks.
2007 Jan 31
Report usage...
Hi, I''ve setup my systems to do reporting as explained in https://, with tagmail defined as one of the report types - but I do not recieve any mail at all. I''ve configured a tagmail.conf file like this: all: root@localhost But the documentation mentions three options, namely sendmail, reportfrom,
2008 Sep 19
Receiving errors via tagmail
I am trying to setup reporting using tagmail so that it will e-mail me when it receives errors running the catalog on a node. I setup my tagmail.conf with "err: me@theoffice" using the hint from Pulling strings with Puppet and I don''t receive any e-mails. If I switch "err" to "all" I get a flood of e-mails so I am pretty sure I have the basic''s
2012 Jun 12
Trying to get tagmail to work
Hey guys, Relatively new to Puppet and I''m trying to setup tagmail to send all emails to me: at one point I''ll filter that down to errors and whatnot (based on tags) but for now I just want to get it working. Master Puppet server is setup with Passengers, all works well: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [main] # The Puppet log directory. # The default value is
2007 Jun 08
puppet reports
Hi all, we activated puppet mail reports but we are receiving a lot of mails when yum fails to update the repos, like this one: (err): Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Could not get latest version: Execution of ''/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 list available munin-node'' returned 1: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: kbs-CentOS-Extras failure:
2007 Dec 05
Reporting / determining state of nodes
Hello, I recently started deploying puppet on our server farm. It works wonderfully with RHEL4, Gentoo and Debian. I''m looking for a way to determine the state of all nodes. Say for example that I change a file on the puppetmaster which affects 200 nodes. Then I go to lunch. When I get back, I''d like to know which nodes have been updated and which have not. I asked this in
2008 Jan 08
RFC: Moving mailing lists soon
I''m about to leave town for three weeks and my home server keeps rebooting. It''s my mail server, unfortunately, so there''s a good chance you won''t get this. :/ Anyway, I''ve been meaning to do this for ages and ages, and it''s time to finally do so. I need to move all of the Puppet lists to a public, non-me provider, someone who has