similar to: Joining XP Pro Client to Samba Domain- Was working, not anymore

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2002 Jun 26
PLEASE!!! FW: Joining XP Pro Client to Samba Domain- Was working, not anymore
Anyone please!!! -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Timothy Kersten Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2002 1:12 PM To: Subject: [Samba] Joining XP Pro Client to Samba Domain- Was working, not anymore I have searched for 2 days on the net and can't find an answer. I am trying to joing a winXP machine
2002 May 15
Problem Joining to Domain with XP Pro
I'm using samba 2.2.4 and want to join my domain, Win98 and NT 4.0 join problem less but i try to join a XP Pro and get access denied and this is my log [root@server samba]# cat svcd.log [2002/05/15 14:47:43, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr.c:api_samr_set_userinfo(670) api_samr_set_userinfo: Unable to unmarshall SAMR_Q_SET_USERINFO. [2002/05/15 14:47:43, 0]
2002 Oct 11
XP Pro - Domain Login ... great trauma and sorrow
I really think this is a Windows problem, but since my very good friend Bill refuses to return my calls ... The client is WinXP Professional The server is RedHat 7.1 with SAMBA 2.2.2-8 I have rtfm several times both the ENCRYPTION and PDC-Howto, and I think I have implemented all of the requisite registry and passwd/smbpasswd/smb.conf settings. The client will happily JOIN the domain, but my
2002 Sep 04
samba as PDC with win 2000 clients
hi, i'm writting for the first time to this list. i have setup a linux+samba machine to act as a pdc. i have read the help files ,setup the smb.conf and i added users and machines trust accounts but i have problems when trying to join the domain. at the log files i get the message [2002/09/02 16:21:45, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(384) zam logged in as admin user (root
2005 Jan 26
Controlling Outbound traffic...alternative to dsl_qos_queue
Hi , this probably was asked many times before , but here it goes.. Until now i was using dsl_qos_queue - Which limits outbound traffic and does packet priorites with iptables using MARKed packets.. works very well , I run a ftpserver + webserver so it''s usefull to set these 2 with lowest priority and my multiplayer gaming running on certain UDP ports
2001 Dec 07
win2k joining Samba 2.2.2 PDC problems.
I'm running FreeBSD 4.4, with Samba 2.2.2 freshly installed, with the FreeBSD Ports package to install files in correct places. I've a Win2k system tring to join the domain "FREESIDE" It will authenticate ok from the win2k command line. "net use x: \\crypton\homes /USER:FREESIDE\jerry" It seems to work ok during the first part of joining a domain, i.e. password
2003 Jun 18
Samba 2.2.5-10 and Win XP SP1
Hi all, This is my first try on Samba as a PDC. I have managed to setup Samba as a PDC for my home network. The Win98 pc connects and validates no probs, but not the Win XP pc. The acc on the linux system has been created and is fine as well as the samba passwd's. The XP pc is 'changed' onto the domain with no errors, with the user name that will be used by the user to log on the
2001 Nov 12
Help!!! Windows XP Joining Samba 2.2.2 Domain
Okay, I'm at the end of my amazing internet research skills, and now I'm having to offer this problem up to the mailing lists. In a fit of stupidity I've just upgraded my machine from 98 to XP (purely for research ;), and now I need to add it to the domain. My root user on the Linux box running samba is called guB~b1n5 and the Linux box is configured to use PAM and SSL, I've
2011 May 24
L2TP ppp+ when using ppp0 for WAN
Hi, i connect to the internet over my eth4 interface using pppoe. The internet always comes on ppp0. I am trying to setup an L2TP/IPSEC VPN and i am reading I notice in the example the interfaces file is given as: #ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS net eth0 detect routefilter loc eth1
2012 Mar 02
server signing = mandatory aix 6.1 (abridged debug)
Using samba 3.5.12 on aix 6.1 when I set "server signing = mandatory" nothing can connect to my server. Included the smb.conf followed by errors showing up in the level 10 debug output. Thanks, >cat /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf [global] workgroup = somename netbios name = someserver server string = somename Samba Server %v security = user
2005 Jun 26
Now I have a weird problem I have testing with two networks. This trouble has to do with the hosts file. #ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS loctw eth1: loctw ppp+:! locsa eth1: locsa ppp+:! loc eth1: #vpn3 ppp+: I can get through only one tunnel at
2003 Aug 13
a solution to pppd random interface name ?
Hi, I have multiple ppp interfaces that does not correspond to the same network usage. Do you know anything about trying to set definitively the ppp+ name ? or anything to adapt automagically iptables to the real network which is behind each ppp+ interface ? I''ve tooken a look into the IFNAME env var... but it doesn''t seems to work :c/ regards, -- BeTa
2005 Sep 29
what am i doing wrong?
#!/bin/sh PPP=(ppp0 ppp1) IP=(`ifconfig ${PPP[0]}|sed -n 2p|column -s ":" -t|awk ''{print $3}''` `ifconfig ${PPP[1]}|sed -n 2p|column -s ":" -t|awk ''{print $3}''`) GATEWAY=(`ifconfig ${PPP[0]}|sed -n 2p|column -s ":" -t|awk ''{print $5}''` `ifconfig ${PPP[1]}|sed -n 2p|column -s ":" -t|awk ''{print
2001 Nov 12
Addition - Help!!! Windows XP Joining Samba 2.2.2 Domain
Have also now changed the root username back to root to see if that helped (although it doesn't cause any problems with any other applications), but it does now mean that I get the same error message using the root user as I do using the user seri: The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "HOME": Access is denied. I have also added the line nt acl support = no to
2003 Mar 14
INTERNAL ERROR / enable to unmarshall / Linux Windows 2000
Hello I have install and configure samba 2.2.3a-12 on a debian woody I want to use it as a PDC on windows 98 it's working XP i don't know but windows 2000 no When i want to configure the domain on the 2000 client I have this message "Echec de l'appel de proc?dure distante" on the log.smbd file i can show this: (if jlambert is declare as an admin user) [2003/03/14
2002 May 24
Errors while joining a domain/authenticating
Hey all, I just joined the list because I thought it would be a good resource to have as I find myself working on more and more samba-related projects at work. The problem I am having right now doesn't seem like a hard one, but it's proving itself to be a large pain in the butt. I just built a server, installed RedHat 7.3 on it, and downloaded the samba-2.2.4-2 RPM from one of the
2005 Sep 29
need help on multiple isp routing
i''ve read your article as well as Advanced IP Routing (esp. chapter 10.4) and still unable to make this thing work. am i that helpless? :) is there anyone to guide me through the multiple ISP setup? into details. i got 2 dsl connections from different ISPs (A and B), both connections use PPPoE, both got assigned with dynamic IPs
2004 Sep 03
problem with a router machine
Hello everyone: I have a problem with the shorewall configuration. Let''s me tell you. I have installed shorewall 2.0.4 into a machine with 2.6.8 kernel. This machine works like a software-router: it has 2 netcard eth0 goes to the local network eth1 is an interface for ppp0 (there is an ADSL conected) I have defined the Network Zones (net, loc); The Network Interfaces
2004 Nov 01
2 external Interfaces and dozens of tunnels to MASQ
I have a firewall with 2 connections to the internet (eth1 and eth2) and one LAN interface. on the LAN interface, the users can connect via PPTP. those authenticating via pptp shall be masqueraded over eth2, those not authenticating should be ordinary masqueraded over eth1. as from the archives I took the configuration like in FAQ32, but this doesn''t work with the ppp+ interfaces. I
2004 Mar 15
join domain without root
Dear Samba gurus, I am still using Samba 2.2.8a; I have not seen an announcement that this issue would be fixed in 3.0.2; all that follows refers to 2.2.8a. Quoting from Samba-PDC-HOWTO.html (or Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html): Joining the Client to the Domain Windows 2000 ... Windows prompts for an account and password that is privileged to join the domain. A Samba administrative