similar to: Accessing a Samba server over the Internet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Accessing a Samba server over the Internet"

1998 May 18
Extra form feed on Samba printing
I am using samba to share my RedHat V5.0 printers to my MS Network clients, but I get an extra blank page at the end of each print job. I've looked at the printcap man pages, but haven't been successful in getting rid of the trailing blank page. Here's the printcap section for the printer I've been having problems with: # /etc/printcap parallel:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp2:\
1997 Dec 08
print from UNIX to Win95
Hi Can I print PostScript files or imagine Files from UNIX (soliaris 2.5) to a Win95 printer (HP 6P/6PM) ? Now I can only print plain text files using the script included in samba (smbprint). If it is possible how can I configue samba(1.9.17p3) ? Thank you ! Sincerely; Dong Weihua weihuad@matpr.kth
1998 May 02
Shadow and OpenLinux
Hi all: I'm running Caldera OpenLinux with kernel 2.0.29, shadow password and quotas. The shadow kit is 980403 and is working fine. Well, when I try to compile I got this output : ------------------------- Begin Compile output ------------------------ Using CFLAGS = -O -DSMBLOGFILE="/usr/local/samba/var/log.smb" -DNMBLOGFILE="/usr /local/samba/var/log.nmb"
1998 Sep 09
HELP : Samba is very slow
I have an Access application that work with some shared database file. The file is ~ 3 Mb. Since I have a Linux system with Samba, this application work very slow. I have multiple user with win95 on this file. Is there an option for allowing multiple access without cache ? any other idea ? Thanks. ___________________________________________________________ S?bastien HEITZMANN
1998 Aug 17
Blank trailing pages when printing
I've just set up samba as a print server, and it works beautifully, with one exception: after every job, the printer (an HP LaserJet) prints an extra (blank) page. Is this a known problem, and if so, what can I do to fix it? Many thanks, J.
1998 Aug 27
any good way to mount NT on UNIX?
A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text Size: 448 bytes Desc: not available Url :
1998 Sep 27
Anyone have a source for LPRing, I'm having to luck with the search engines Thanks, Alex
2003 Oct 06
plateful of crow (was Re: Frequent reboots...) wrote: > In mpc.lists.freebsd.stable, I wrote: > : : I'm also seeing this disturbing new problem concurrent an > : : install of 4.9-PRERELASE, have not suffered this problem > : : throughout 3.1 and up through 4.8-RC1. > > Coincidental is a lot more accurate. When the power supply on this > machine popped and hour ago and filled the room with
1997 Dec 18
Accessing Samba share over the Internet
Hi, I want to connect to a share on a Samba server over the Internet. I have the Samba server installed and working OK (for NT clients at least) but when I connect from my NT workstation over the Internet I get 'Invalid Handle' dialogs when I try to map a network drive. I think it should be OK but one major difference is the remote NT workstation is not a member of the domain in which
2008 Dec 19
OT: Ping failed (SOLVED)
>From what I can see nagios' check_ping monitor executes /bin/ping, >in which case you need to make sure /bin/ping is owned by root >and is setuid (chmod u+s /bin/ping) > >nate That solved it. Same with file permission with mount, umount, su, and ping6. Thank you very much. Get your new Email address! Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else
2014 Jun 03
[OT] OSX-10.9.3 cd ~'/ problem with spaces'
Apologies for this OT post. I need some help debugging a bash script. It just happens to be provided by Apple Inc. In a terminal session under OSX-10.9.3 I want do do this: cd ~/'Library/Application Support' Which is a simple enough request. However, OSX returns: cd /users/byrnejb/Library/Application: No such file or directory. The space evidently acts as a delimiter to cd even
2010 Oct 12
using Linux as a front-end controller for a SAN?
Hi all, I hope someone can shed some light on this for me. Has anyone tried, or have experience with, setting up a Linux server to manage a few NAS devices and thus make them all visible to the clients as one large SAN? Basically, I'm thinking it would be a good idea to combine the current NAS's we have into one large system (typically a SAN?) and then let the clients all connect to one
2009 Oct 19
gpg command works fine from login shell, not from cron script
I have an odd situation here, maybe one of you can help.? We have a script that runs via a cron job.? It's purpose is to decrypt PGP-encrypted files in a certain directory.? I have tried the command two different ways, both fail with the same error message: gpg --decrypt $file > ${file%.txt}.decrypted.txt gpg --output ${file%.txt}.decrypted.txt --decrypt $file (Don't even ask about
2008 Mar 24
Commands failing silently?
Hello all: I have a couple CentOS 4 servers (all up-to-date) that are having strange command failures. I first noticed this with a perl script that uses lots of system calls. Basically, sometimes a command just won't run: thoth(52) /tmp> ls thoth(53) /tmp> ls thoth(54) /tmp> ls thoth(55) /tmp> ls learner lost+found/ thoth(56) /tmp> ls learner lost+found/ thoth(57)
1998 Sep 18
Letter case not preserved
All files transferred to my Samba server end up with lower case on the Unix box. Case is not preserved from NT to Unix. For example, if I copy C:\Temp\MyFile to a directory on the Samba server, it ends up there as myfile. What am I missing? I browsed the FAQ's in the web pages, without success... Marc Provencher Foxboro Calgary, Systems Integration and IT (403) 777-4275
2003 Sep 06
Scanner for 4.8
Dear All, Can anyone recommend a scanner that works well on 4.8. Thanks in advance, Regards, Dave -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 187 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part Url :
2003 Feb 26
XFS vs. ext3
(Sorry for cross-posting; I'm not on either ext3-users or linux-xfs, but I thought both lists might find this interesting. CC me with any replies or questions. Thanks.) (The last four paragraphs contain the interesting bits. Basically, XFS hath kick-ed the *ss of ext3 under conditions that are, for our company, critical.) Some listees might be interested in some testing I did the other
1997 Oct 30
necessary to bind TCP/IP to Microsoft network client?
Having some strange difficulties with samba... it compiled fine and seems to be running ok but none of my win95 client machines can see the samba server. They can't even see the samba server when the server is configured as a WINS server and the client is configured to look at the server as its WINS server. anyways, my clients all have the following... microsoft network client IPX protocol
2008 Jan 03
Mail server setup for small ISP
Hi, I will probably have to design an e-mail (and other components) infrastructure for a small ISP soon (WISP). I'm doing some research to determine which components would be best to offer e-mail services to their client and allow the staff to manage accounts easily. I usually use virtual machines a lot for isolation and easy backups and migration (when a hardware node is
1997 Aug 02
Is there a way to prevent other users from being able to map a drive from windoww95/NT to anyother user directory on the system. For example I can map to anyone's account on the system and have read only access, is there a way to stop this in either the global or share level? Thanks