similar to: rsync load problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rsync load problem"

2018 Oct 22
OPUS at Texas Instruments C6418
Hi Jean-Marc, thank you for that suggestion! It seems that the file "fixed_c6x.h" is not part of the Opus sources, so the compiler cannot find it after enabling the TI_C6X_ASM config option. Maybe it was only part of an early version of the Opus sources? I looked for the file in versions V1.1, V1.1.1, V1.2alpha and V1.3 but did not found it. Do you have an idea, where I can get the
2018 Oct 19
OPUS at Texas Instruments C6418
Dear Opus family, we have implemented the Opus codec at a Texas Instruments DSP C6418. It is working fine! Does anyone has experience with the configuration of the codec for a speed optimized implementation on that DSP? At the moment, we use the following settings: #define NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK 1 #define FIXED_POINT
2009 Feb 27
ietf discussion about draft-ietf-avt-rtp-speex
Hi Jean-Marc, Alfred and Greg, Are you receiving the mails from IETF about draft-ietf-avt-rtp-speex The mails are not coming from AVT mailing list, but I think we are all 3 part of a minimal list (draft-ietf-avt-rtp-speex at dedicated to latest discussion about the draft. I have answered some questions, but there are small changes and adaptation still required to the ietf
2005 Jun 16
Cisco 7960 (SIP) with Asterisk: how to get # to work during a call
Gents, I've built an Asterisk system to replace our PBX at work and have Cisco 7960 phones (SIP 7.4) running with Asterisk 1.0.7. How to I get Asterisk to recognise the '#' being pressed during a call? In sip.conf I have entries likle this: [2001] type=friend context=local-phone auth=md5 username=2001 secret=xyzzy callerid=Jack Tubby <2001>
2005 Jul 26
7960 SIP Firmware Upgrade Strange Problem
Hi, I am upgrading a Cisco 7960 phone from SIP V.5.1 to 6.0 and then will to go up to 7.5 However in my first attempt to go from V.5.1 to 6.0 this is hat happens: - The phone reboots - The phone then reads the file OS79XX.TXT from the TFP server. In the file I added the version "P0S3-06-0-00" - It starts upgrading firmware - Then I get the following message: (Upgrade Failed -
2003 Jan 07
Vorbis RTP Internet Draft
Hi all, Below is the Vorbis RTP Internet Draft as sent to the AVT working group of the IETF. Comments and feedback is still welcomed from the Vorbis community. Cheers Phil ---------------------------8<-----------------8<------------------------ Network Working Group Phil Kerr Internet-Draft The Ogg Vorbis January 07, 2003 Community / OpenDrama
2002 Dec 16
Updated Vorbis RTP I-D
Hi all, Apologies in advance, this email is quite long. I've prepared an updated Vorbis RTP Internet Draft, which is a continuation of draft-moffitt-vorbis-rtp-00.txt which can be found below. If this new draft gets the ok I'd like to submit this to the AVT WG later this week. There are a number of changes over the original I-D, notably the changing of the M bit function in the RTP
2007 Jun 05
Re: XIPH Internet-Drafts
Peter Saint-Andre wrote: > On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 03:58:17PM -0700, Ralph Giles wrote: >> On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 03:20:05PM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote: >> >>>>> Hi Luca, >>>>> >>>>> Thank you for working on the Theora and Vorbis drafts in the IETF's AVT >>>>> WG. Do you also plan to work on the Speex draft?
2007 Jan 26
daemon sizes
Hi everyone I'm still getting strange sizes on the daemon logs. After transferring around 1.66GB over 14 hours (256kbit link) to an absolutely empty directory, I get: 2007/01/26 04:13:43 [26441] sent 57014 bytes received 44708 bytes total size 1947222268 du reports the final size of the directory on the daemon side as 1.6 G, and the "received" bytes can't be 44708?! I know
2007 Jun 04
Re: XIPH Internet-Drafts
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 03:20:05PM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote: > >>Hi Luca, > >> > >>Thank you for working on the Theora and Vorbis drafts in the IETF's AVT > >>WG. Do you also plan to work on the Speex draft? > > > >other people are working on the speex I-D, Ralph should be able to tell > >you which to contact ^^; > > Hi Ralph,
2002 Mar 23
Rsync permissions...
I am transferring some files from a RH7.0 machine to a RH7.2 machine as root with a cron job, using the following: rsync -avt /home homeserver::home rsync -avt /etc homeserver::etc Some of the files transfer OK, but I get: building file list ... done failed to set permissions on home : Operation not permitted home/brad/ home/ftp/bin/ home/ftp/etc/ home/ftp/pub/ home/rsyncuser/ failed to set
2007 Feb 22
Number of files to be transferred?
I'm writing a wrapper around a large number of rsyncs that need to happen, and it would be great if I could parse the output of a running rsync and find out how far along it is. To do this, I would need to know how many files the rsync is going to transfer. If I run 'rsync -avz --progress', it tells me how many files it is considering, but not how many it actually needs to update.
2009 May 14
--fuzzy question
Hi, I have a file that changes slightly in size every day and has the timestamp appended to it.. for example on the 14th may: MybackedUpFileBlabla_200905140219.bak This is transferred by rsync to another server. The next day that file is deleted and substituted by a new file on the sender.. the new file would be named for example (15th May): MybackedUpFileBlabla_200905150221.bak The new file
2006 Nov 09
DTMF problems with IVR - What DMTF Tx method
I'm having problems with a new asterisk PBX install. the phones/ATAs are all linksys/cisco. They all worked before with a commercial softswitch. Most of the linksys devices offer auto, inband, INFO and AVT. I'm looking for suggestions. Thanks in advance -- One day at a time, one second if that's what it takes
2002 May 15
Problems getting rsync working...
I am having some problems getting rsync working. No files get copied, although the server HD light DOES come on for about a second when I run the client rsync command. The /etc/rsyncd.conf on the server: ============================== uid = root gid = root log = /var/log/rsync.log read only = no [email] # Email data files from /var/spool/mail on Proxy ( path = /home/databackup/
2003 Jan 27
application/ogg is a proposed Internet standard.
The IETF passed the application/ogg MIME type some days ago. I couldn't bring you the news earlier because of the MS SQL worm that has been wreaking havoc all over my local networks. The IETF wants some clarifications in Silivias draft for the Ogg stream format, but apart from that I think it will also be passed soon. The RFC and IANA registration of this mimetype will probably be published
2007 Jan 08
strange file sizes in log
Hello everyone, I'm getting strange module sizes in the logs. (2.6.9) This is the command: rsync -anr --delete --omit-dir-times --stats -e "ssh -i access.key -l pluto -p 22" --files-from=config\templist "/cygdrive/C/" sv_rs@ After updating all the files on the "Accounts" module, the size is reported correctly on the receiver log file
2005 Nov 05
speex rtp draft feedback
Jean-Marc and others, I'm meeting informally with the AVT WG on monday, and formally presenting our latest drafts on friday. I've been following the vorbis/theora draft efforts, but haven't paid much attention to the speex work. Can you brief me on what I should talk about, what we'd like feedback on, what's new and different from other drafts as far as the speex work goes?
2007 Oct 04
Wideband bitrate documentation
Hi, On the bitrate for Speex Wideband mode 9 and 10 is 9 34,400 10 42,400 On the bitrate for Speex Wideband mode 9 and 10 is 9 34.2 kbit/s 10 42.2 kbit/s I believe the draft contains the right values: E.g. mode 10 Narrowband mode 7 -> 492
2009 Sep 24
weak checksum
Hi, I'm curious if anybody knows the exact reason why the weak checksum calculation is slightly different to the standard adler-32 checksum as seen for example here ? Thanks Julian -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>