similar to: sending the same source to several dests

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "sending the same source to several dests"

2014 Dec 18
[LLVMdev] [Compiler-rt] -march=aarch64 flag in gcc/clang
Hi Renato, Are you sure? Armv8-a is aarch32, not aarch64. Something smells fishy there. Cheers, James On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 at 08:03, Renato Golin <renato.golin at> wrote: > On 16 December 2014 at 20:29, Christophe Lyon > <christophe.lyon at> wrote: > >> I don't see "-march=aarch64" is a valid flag on either LLVM or GCC. >
2014 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] [Compiler-rt] -march=aarch64 flag in gcc/clang
On 16 December 2014 at 21:12, Gundapaneni, Sumanth <sgundapa at> wrote: > The point here is, if you are not building for Android. > You will hit this patch with cmake configuration -DCOMPILER_RT_TEST_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu > > + elseif("${COMPILER_RT_TEST_TARGET_ARCH}" MATCHES "aarch64") > + test_target_arch(aarch64
2005 Aug 31
performance problem of using parallel rsync to stage data from 1 source to multiple destination
Hi all, I am new to rsync and I apologize in advance if my question is shallow. I write a simple script to use rsync to transfer a big file (~600MB)from a single source to variable number of destinations in a parallel way. When I transfer the file to 4 destination machines, I get X overall transfer time. Then I transfer the same file to 8 destination machines and I get Y overall transfer time.
2010 Jul 07
constrained optimization
Dear list, The task view on optimization does not reference a package for non linear constrained optimization problems. Stefan Theussl told me to look at the Rsolnp package, but unfortunately it is not very clear what method is R ported. (The authors ported the matlab code of Yinyu Ye <>) Currently I'm looking for an
2009 Sep 19
generic methods - in particular the summary function
Hi all, I'm currently working on the fitdistrplus package (that basically fit distributions). There is something I do not understand about the generic function summary. In the current version on CRAN, there is no NAMESPACE saying S3method(summary, fitdist) . However if we use summary on an object send by fitdist function it works fine... According to R-lang, we have " The most
2009 Apr 29
legend with small colored boxes
Hi all, I tried to a nice legend with small boxes filled with the colors used for the plots. But it does nor work, boxes are always filled with black. An example is here plot(1:4,1:4) lines(1:4,4:1, col="blue") legend("top",leg=c("a","b"),col=c("black","blue"), fill=TRUE) How could I specify the colors? the argument is the
2014 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] [Compiler-rt] -march=aarch64 flag in gcc/clang
The point here is, if you are not building for Android. You will hit this patch with cmake configuration -DCOMPILER_RT_TEST_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu + elseif("${COMPILER_RT_TEST_TARGET_ARCH}" MATCHES "aarch64") + test_target_arch(aarch64 "-march=aarch64") I don't see "-march=aarch64" is a valid flag on either LLVM or GCC. Should we replace this
2009 May 10
Vignettes with missing or empty \VignetteIndexEntry:
Hi, I have a problem when checking the package 'probdistr' (on probability distributions). I got this warning * checking index information ... WARNING Vignettes with missing or empty \VignetteIndexEntry: [1] "probdistr-chi" "probdistr-contextra" "probdistr-discrete" [4] "probdistr-discrextra" "probdistr-exp"
2009 Nov 13
AR(2) modelling
Hi useRs, I'm trying to fit a basic AR(2) model with the 'ar' function. And when I try to check the value of the coefficients, I could not find the same value as the 'ar' function. Here is my example: myserie <- c(212, 205, 210, 213, 217, 222, 216, 218, 220, 212, 215, 236) #plot(myserie, type="l") myserieminus0 <- tail(myserie, -2) myserieminus1 <-
2009 Nov 13
AR(2) modelling
Hi useRs, I'm trying to fit a basic AR(2) model with the 'ar' function. And when I try to check the value of the coefficients, I could not find the same value as the 'ar' function. Here is my example: myserie <- c(212, 205, 210, 213, 217, 222, 216, 218, 220, 212, 215, 236) #plot(myserie, type="l") myserieminus0 <- tail(myserie, -2) myserieminus1 <-
2011 Apr 19
An update of the Distribustions man page
Dear list, I would like to suggest a small update the ?Distributions man page of the stats package. The current version contains the following line. The CRAN package \pkg{SuppDists} for additional distributions. I think it would be better to put in this man page a link to the CRAN task view on Distributions It is not true that the
2009 Apr 27
problem with symbol function
Hi all, I use the symbol functions to draw circles. But the argument lty does not work on windows but works correctly on my macbook: x <- -4:4 y <- -4:4 plot(x,y,type="n") symbols(0, 0, add = TRUE, circles = 1, inches = 1, fg="black", lty="solid") symbols(0, 0, add = TRUE, circles = 1, inches = 2, fg="black", lty="dashed") The
2006 Aug 29
protecting files from deletion, and using --delete-excluded
Hi all, I am trying to write a script based on rsync to help users select what they want to mirror, what they want to skip and what they want to delete on the remote side. Let's say that I have 1 directory per release: r1.0 r1.1 r2.0 r2.1 r3.1 r3.2 r4.0 r4.1 At some point I have mirrored all of them, but now I want to be able to tell rsync to: - remove all r1.* and r2.* releases - skip
2006 Aug 27
how to get the words of a query
Hi, Using aaf to search pages, I wanted to present excerpts from the texts even when more than one term was used in the search. I came to some results, despite the difficulty caused by Unicode+ruby. The last problem I''m faced is to get the query words, without the logical articulation chars if any. Is there a clean way to get them ? -- Jean-Christophe Michel
2009 Jul 30
rowSums, rowMean and rowCumSums?
Dear list, Don't you think it could be useful to have in R base a function rowCumSums, that compute cumulative sums for each row of a matrix? My implementation of rowCumSums is rowCumSums <- function(x) t(mapply(function(row)cumsum(x[row,]), 1:NROW(x))) I'm sure it can be improved to have other arguments like na.rm or dims. Is there any hope to have this function in R?
2011 Jun 17
rsync out of memory in flist_expand
Hi, I have been using rsync for years to perform my backups, but since a few days it crashes with an "out of memory" error. I am running Ubuntu 11.04/x86_64, which ships rsync-3.0.8, and I have also tried with the git version. I can see the following messages: [generator] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move [generator] expand file_list pointer array to 1048576
2010 Aug 06
on the optim function
Dear useRs, I have just discovered that the R optim function does not return the number of iterations. I still wonder why line 632-634 of optim C, the iter variable is not returned (for the BFGS method for example) ? Is there any trick to compute the iteration number with function call number? Kind regards Christophe -- Christophe Dutang Ph.D. student at ISFA, Lyon, France website:
2014 Dec 10
[LLVMdev] [Compiler-rt] -march=aarch64 flag in gcc/clang
On 10 December 2014 at 16:06, Renato Golin <renato.golin at> wrote: > Hi Sumanth, > > Christophe (cc'd) is seeing the same problems on his build. It seems > that r181130 (by Tim) has something to do with it, but I'm not sure. > > I remember trying to build compiler-rt on AArch64 natively in > February, and even running the test-suite with it, so
2018 Mar 12
Cross-compiling for ARM Cortex-M3 on x86
On 12 March 2018 at 16:35, Son Tuan VU via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > Thanks for your prompt reply. > > I didn't build the libc at all, I downloaded a pre-built version of the > whole toolchain from >, so I > guess it is an official version provided by ARM and should work? This >
2005 Apr 04
rsync is flaky going to Penang
Hello, We are experiencing flaky behavior from rsync when attempting to rsync directories/files to a server in Penang. Several times the job seems to 'hang' and never completes. Penang then is therefore missing a lot of required cad files. Have any of you experienced the same thing and what did you do to fix the problem? Does anyone know of a better tool to use? We chose