similar to: here's the thing that tips the scale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "here's the thing that tips the scale"

2011 Sep 19
Metadata syntax (was Universal syntax for Markdown)
fletcher said: > For any consensus to come about, > I think we need to agree on the > fundamental purpose and philosophy of > the consensus we claim to be interested in. it would be nice. > Otherwise many of these discussions will > continue to occur without much hope of > moving forward to any actual outcome/resolution. yep. > it's
2011 Oct 20
maybe a year ago, but not today
sherwood said: > If agreement is reached, then the group > looks at variants 6,7,8,9 and inquires > if they would like to join in this effort. well, that kind of leveraged consensus would have been the way to go about this process a year ago. but not today. > Has anyone collected a would-be canonical list > of either the ambiguous cases in original MD, >
2011 Jul 14
can you see the future?
looks like my message from last week about writing tools was right on time... we are enjoying a display of fireworks now going off in this particular arena... fletcher started work on an editing app with markdown-preview built right in, after reporting on his blog that he had "seen the future" in ali's post last month, where ali debuted his syntax highlighter, and fletcher is
2011 Oct 20
toast, history, sayonara
ok, while i was in the process of writing that last post, fletcher and john weighed in themselves. that's good. i can say some things that they can't, though, so i will. fletcher told you how multimarkdown is booming, and it was an impressive list. what you might not realize is, he _undersold_ it. it is even bigger than he described, and it's gonna _double_ in size in the next
2011 Aug 17
Metadata syntax (was Universal syntax for Markdown)
So, hi all. First time commenting on the list. I personally think having tags (whether of type "author:" or type "by") is useful for two reasons. One: It allows multiple tags to be entered. Two, it clears up the potential problem listed by Fletcher regarding tags. by Christoph Freitag Affiliation: XYZ by Fletcher T. Penney Affiliation: ABC tags: Markdown, Standardization,
2009 Mar 06
Paragraph tags around <div> blocks
For those of you who are expert you may chuckle over this. Perhaps if it's in the record, however, it may help someone else. I was getting cases of <div id="content"> standing on a line by itself, getting converted to this: <p><div id="content"></p> Yes, the line above and below are blank. Yes the div tag is starting at the first column It
2009 Feb 26
elastic tabstops, proportional fonts, and more
nick said: > exactly. thanks for writing it up, nick. the only thing i'd add is the notion that tables should be copyfit to the viewport. if the viewport gives you plenty of room, give the columns some breathing space. if not, tighten them as much as needed. *** > cool. now how about an
2011 Oct 25
thanks for your input, fletcher
hey fletcher, thanks for your input here. :+) and -- quite obviously -- your program will be whatever it is that _you_ think that it should be. of course. the thing is, i am certain that i have been clear that the feature that i believe will be "killer" is on-the-fly formatted display. that's my stand. and i'd say my reasoning has been equally clear, namely that this
2011 Jun 23
markdown conversions
alan said: > I think I am in agreement, > if by "isn't necessary" you mean to say that > simply providing more features to Markdown > doesn't force end users to use them, > or even really know they exist. except that wasn't what i meant. i mean that it's not necessary to trade simplicity in order to get the power of additional
2011 Jun 06
fried fish, available, for free
i've released the first beta of my e-book converter-tool. you are invited to throw stones at it (and at me) if you like: > "beta" is a compromise. i developed it on a mac, so that particular version is solid. but "alpha" would be a better label for the status of the windows and linux versions, so if you have one of _those_ machines, and you
2011 Aug 10
Universal syntax for Markdown
Hi, because of the great editor "Writer" from Information Architects I've learned about Markdown and I love it. But it's very confusing, that there are so many standards with different features: classical Markdown, Markdown Extra, MultiMarkdown. I think for most users and the spreading of Markdown it would be nice, to have only one syntax. And this universal syntax should have
2011 Jun 22
markdown conversion routines
i am considering writing converters between my "zen markup language' and "markdown", but i don't know which version of markdown to target. i'd think it'd be the "pandoc" version, and i understand that to be closest to "multimarkdown", but gruber has said he "disagrees" with "almost every part" of multimarkdown's syntax
2011 Dec 16
as the scale tips
i said: > here's the thing that tips the scale. i'm glad i wrote that post. helped me see the big picture, and understand my motivation. > so when they do, i wanna > be able to reply by saying this: ... > i tried and tried and tried. as i continue to "do the mental math", it has occurred to me that i've already _done_enough_ to be able to say
2013 Jul 05
While I empathize with your predicament, I generally prefer not to have expletives in my inbox. Also, what has this to do with markdown? On Jul 5, 2013 7:20 PM, "bowerbird" <bowerbird at> wrote: > fan_fucking_tastic. > > somebody hit another one of the dead skunks on this road. > > -bowerbird > > _______________________________________________ >
2011 Oct 06
godspeed, steve
godspeed, steve. thanks for giving us the tools to catch fish. -bowerbird -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2012 Feb 27
easiest markdown to PDF conversion
I'd love to hear everyone's favorite way to convert markdown to PDF. I'm looking for the easiest, most straightforward option. >From what I've gathered, the method needs to include something like LaTeX in order to have it paginate correctly, so I'll need to install that as well. Is this correct? When I've used the simple export-to-PDF options in Marked, MMD
2011 Oct 15
fuck yeah markdown
brett terpstra continues his obsession with markdown... > there's also a g-rated version: > brett has accomplished more in the last three months than this listserve accomplished in the last three years. and it looks like he's only just getting started... meanwhile, fletcher is about to send off his rocket, which
2012 Apr 20
a blade of grass cracks the sidewalk
spring has sprung, so on this day of grass, i guess i just can't hold this back any more. > voila. a dingus for zen markup language. lighter than markdown. _and_ more powerful... i know. wha? go figure. not that it's a competition. supporters will love finally seeing a look. detractors will love the bugs i left in there, just for them, as
2012 Aug 01
very impressive
jquery table editor in .html: > -bowerbird -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2011 Jul 07
writing tools that use light-markup
let's talk about writing tools that use markdown (or more broadly, another form of light-markup)... to begin with, there is the markdown "dingus"... from a demo perspective, it has been _fantastic_. it has provided interested observers a quick idea about the simplicity and the power of markdown. as a writing tool, it's a bit clunky; it will work, yes, but i'd doubt many