similar to: Best Wine Front-End

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Best Wine Front-End"

2011 Mar 06
does wine opens and works Babylon 8 well ??!!
does wine opens and works Babylon 8 well ??!! if i installed wine,will Babylon work well on it ?!! hope you will answer me thanks
2009 Oct 05
How to get NA's into the output of xtabs?
Dear all, Lets say I have the following data frame: > df1 <- data.frame(Show=c('Star Trek', 'Babylon 5', 'Dr Who'), Size=c(0.7, 0.0, 0.701), Date=as.Date(c('2007-08-03', '2007-08-03', '2007-08-03'), format='%Y-%m-%d')) > df2 <- data.frame(Show=c('Star Trek', 'Dr Who', 'Torchwood'), Size=c(0.8, 0.85,
2011 Jul 30
48 Hour Old Ubuntu 'Natty' user needs help
Hey, Ive just replaced Windows 7 on my laptop with Ubuntu Natty. I'm an experienced computer user with more than half a brain so i am usually good at getting things to work but I absolutely cannot figure out how to install a game Ive downloaded so could someone talk me through it please. Mastering this game will lead on to others. I have downloaded Lords of the Realm II in ISO format. I
2010 May 06
reading formatted txt file into a data frame
Dear all Lets say I have a plain text file as follows: > cat(c("[ID: 001 ] [Writer: Steven Moffat ] [Rating: 8.9 ] Doctor Who", + "[ID: 002 ] [Writer: Joss Whedon ] [Rating: 8.8 ] Buffy", + "[ID: 003 ] [Writer: J. Michael Straczynski ] [Rating: 7.4 ] Babylon [5]"), + sep = "\n", file = "tmp.txt") I would somehow like to read
2001 Feb 05
Hello all, Has someone babylon ( running under wine? Installation went ok, but I can't use the mouse buttons to sellect a word . Faust
2013 Jan 07
Missing /share/dictionaries/en_stats.rds
Hi. I'm on Windows 7 64-bit with latest R devel with and Rtools ( When I try to enable spell checking for 'R CMD check' by setting environment variable '_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_USE_ASPELL_' to 'true', I get: * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ...Warning in aspell(files, filter = "dcf", control = control, encoding = encoding, : The
2015 May 24
CentOS-Base.repo baseurl commented out
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Dear, Recently I have noticed that on all my CentOS machines the CentOS-Base.repo file seems to have been modified resulting in all baseurl= lines being commented out. Did I miss something that was planned or is this a bug? Best regards, - -- Tim Semeijn Babylon Network pgp 0x5B8A4DDF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.19
2021 Mar 13
On retiring some terminology
On 3/12/21 9:14 PM, Rusty Bower wrote: > Manager/subscriber seems most accurate > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Mar 12, 2021, at 20:13, Douglas Parsons <doug at> wrote: >> >> ? >> In place of secondary how about subscriber? It would be accurate to >> the role. I'd been going to suggest controller and ... something.
2021 Mar 13
On retiring some terminology
On 3/12/21 9:14 PM, Rusty Bower wrote: > Manager/subscriber seems most accurate > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Mar 12, 2021, at 20:13, Douglas Parsons <doug at> wrote: >> >> ? >> In place of secondary how about subscriber? It would be accurate to >> the role. I'd been going to suggest controller and ... something.
2024 Mar 21
CyberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2U and NUT 2.8.0 - mute?
I have a CyberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2U with a BP48V75ART2U expansion chassis, which I am monitoring using NUT 2.8.0 (on Gentoo Linux). TThe UPS appears to be telling me that the batteries need replacement due to age. CyberPower support has confirmed that for me and told me how i should be able to mute the alarm from the front panel until I can replace the batteries, but it doesn't appear
2024 Mar 21
CyberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2U and NUT 2.8.0 - mute?
On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:23?PM Phil Stracchino via Nut-upsuser < nut-upsuser at> wrote: > I have a CyberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2U with a BP48V75ART2U expansion > chassis, which I am monitoring using NUT 2.8.0 (on Gentoo Linux). TThe > UPS appears to be telling me that the batteries need replacement due to > age. CyberPower support has confirmed that for
2024 Mar 21
CyberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2U and NUT 2.8.0 - mute?
On 3/21/24 14:00, Greg Oliver via Nut-upsuser wrote: > All I can say is definitely replace the batteries if you are going to > keep using it.? The CyberPower(s) I have had in the past all have the > battery check that cannot be turned off and when the batteries are > actually "dead" the unit will kill the load to everything every time it > runs the check.? Just FYI.
2019 Jan 28
Just an interesting data point [CyberPower SNMP/USB]
On 1/27/19 9:49 PM, Charles Lepple wrote: > You might be lucky with this particular model, but definitely beware of the USB issues I mentioned in another thread: > > > > The output of upsc is sorted alphabetically by key, so it isn't immediately obvious which values come
2011 Nov 21
Having less languages in Firefox (hunspell dictionaries provide too many locales)
Hello, on CentOS 6, I am routinely writing mails in English, German and French and using the related hunspell dictionaries for the spelling in Firefox (I'm using Google Apps). This works fine but the problem is that languages are added for all the possible locales (English US, UK, Philippines, Bostwana, Trinidad and Tobago, Denmark (sic!), ... and German Germany, Austria... and French
2019 Jan 27
Just an interesting data point
SO, my full load on my core UPS is two Dell R610s, one Sun X4540, one HP DL360p gen8, two six-core Thuban-II workstations plua their monitors, and the network stack and KVM. The APC SU3000RM (3KVA) that blew up last week considered this to be just short of 60% load. The new Cyberpower PR3000 (also 3KVA), wqhich operates at a 90% power factor, considers this same load to be 43% load. I wasn't
2021 Mar 13
[EXTERNAL] Re: On retiring some terminology
Jim, The terminology I recall for that one-to-many relationship is publisher-subscriber. Larry Baker US Geological Survey 650-329-5608 baker at<mailto:baker at> On Mar 12 2021, at 6:24:38 PM, Phil Stracchino via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at<mailto:nut-upsuser at>> wrote: This email has been received from
2021 Mar 13
[EXTERNAL] Re: On retiring some terminology
Jim, The terminology I recall for that one-to-many relationship is publisher-subscriber. Larry Baker US Geological Survey 650-329-5608 baker at<mailto:baker at> On Mar 12 2021, at 6:24:38 PM, Phil Stracchino via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at<mailto:nut-upsuser at>> wrote: This email has been received from
2010 Jul 01
how to install freephoneline.exe from CLI
Looking at: What are the steps to install this application? Yes, it's a garbage application, but I'd like to at least give it a go. Looks like msiexec apparently isn't the right approach. Should that be through wcmd instead? thufir at ARRAKIS:~/.wine/drive_c$ thufir at ARRAKIS:~/.wine/drive_c$ msiexec
2012 Jan 25
Installing FM
Hi, i'm pretty new to Linux and having a little problem with installing FM 2012. I've tried installing via Steam and it isn't possible (If anyone knows how it is please tell me!) So i've done a little reading and trying to install using Playonlinux but having a few problems. First of all I followed this guide
2019 Jan 22
CpberPower PR3000LCDRTXL2UN support
I'm looking at switching from an APC UPS to a different brand after having had my third SU3000RM in a row blow up power transistors. I'm looking at the Cyperpower PR3000LCDRTXL2U. I see the PR3000E and the PR6000LCDRTXL5U listed as supported, but not the PR3000LCDRTXL2U. Howeverit seems likely that if the PR6000LCDRTXL5U is supported, the PR3000LCDRTXL2U ought to work as well. I've