similar to: OneNote2007 and Wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "OneNote2007 and Wine"

2011 Mar 11
The Geeks Toy (soft for Betfair)
Hi all, I'm trying to run Geeks Toy ( but get an error Code: [aeo at localhost AGT Pro]$ ./AGT\ Pro.exe fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"configSections" in state 1 fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"connectionStrings" in state 1 fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element
2009 Dec 31
Current state of MS Office 2003?
I installed Office 2003 in Wine without any winetricks or native DLLs. Excel works great, Word crashes a lot and can't save. What's the current best attempt to get Word 2003 to work in Wine? I see the AppDB shows no ideas on getting it working ... It's supported in CrossOver, so it should be possible in winehq Wine! Has anyone got Word working? - d.
2011 Nov 18
wbfs and framwork 3.5 help
Hello i'm trying to load wbfs manager 3.0, but it won't load, it tried but then just quits. I'm thinking that I need microsoft frame work 3.5, do I have downloaded this and try to install, it always fails just before the end. When i try in terminal , sh winetricks dotnet30 it also fails giving this message "Note: command 'wine sc delete FontCache3.0.0.0' returned status
2010 Jul 08
Poker tool: Elephant
I would like to get this program to run: It needs mono, which is no real problem, I used winetricks to install dotnet20 and mono. Unfortunately I run into the same problem that is described here: but the solution requires me to run an .msi
2011 Jun 12
installation of Office 2007 under Arch x86_64 fails
Running x86_64 with multilib enabled and am unable to install office 2007 to a fresh wineprefix. Code: $ export WINEPREFIX=/home/facade/.wineprefix/office $ wine /media/dvd/setup.exe wine: created the configuration directory '/home/facade/.wineprefix/office' err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": cannot open shared object
2010 Aug 27
Microsoft Office 2007
hi guys, when trying to start the office 2007 setup from mounted iso, i get an ms error message (can't install office 2007, send error to ms). i have arch linux 64-bit. Here is the output: Code: [root at arch disk]# wine setup.exe fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:htmlhelp:HtmlHelpW HH case HH_INITIALIZE not handled. fixme:richedit:REExtendedRegisterClass semi stub
2009 Jan 05
VMware Infrastructure won't start.
Hi I have installed VMware Infrastructure and it crashes when I try and run it. I have installed .net2 using winetricks , running wine-1.1.9 on Fedora release 10 (Cambridge). when it crashes it does this [gregory.machin at gregory-workstation Launcher]$ ./VpxClient.exe fixme:virtual:NtAllocateVirtualMemory MEM_WRITE_WATCH type not supported fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW
2009 Jan 21
Winetricks Paradox
Trying to install Office 2007, .Net 2.0 was recommended but doesn't seem to want to install: verdow at TheOne:~$ sudo chmod +x winetricks verdow at TheOne:~$ ./winetricks dotnet20 Executing wget -nd -c --read-timeout=300 --retry-connrefused --header Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate --2009-01-21 18:21:40--
2010 Mar 22
Insert Symbol not working in MS Office 2007 Word
Whenever I insert a symbol in Word 2007, it crashes. It doesn't crash in PowerPoint 2007 or Excel 2007. This is because a dialog box comes up instead whilst in Word, it is more of a drop down menu. This is my counsel output: Code: wine winword.exe fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil)
2008 Feb 11
Orcad 7.2 (old) loads, but treeviews won't expand
I'm on freeBSD 7.0, wine 0.9.53. When I run Orcad, it can load projects, but schematics never open (unlike other users' experiences in the apps db from Orcad v9.0). You open schematics by expanding them in the 'project' treeview window, and under wine, the little "+" box next to the treeview just dissapears when you click on it instead of expanding. Steve [steve at
2008 Jul 23
Word 2003 "insufficient memory to display or print graphic"
Hi there, I've got a document with 6 sides and 2 graphics which I'm trying to open with Word 2003 through wine 1.0-rc3. Whenever I do so it opens, but the graphics are blank and I get an error message: "insufficient memory to display or print graphic"; the same document opens with no problem under Win 2k on the same machine, same office installation cd; Architecture: Athlon
2007 Mar 19
OneNote on a DualBoot system
I have a Toshiba laptop that came with Windows XP and OneNote installed. I then installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake and am dual-booting the system. I want to run OneNote on Ubuntu with WINE. Obviously I could set up WINE to use the dual-booting native DLLs (but I don't know how to do that), and I can't install OneNote directly on Ubuntu with WINE because while I have a legal copy of the full
2009 Sep 02
Locking up on Mac OSX when trying to run Game Maker games
My computer, a recent MacBook running 10.5.8, locks up when I'm trying to run games made in Game Maker, such as seiklus ( or spelunky ( I can't find any helpful errors in the command line output, here's a sample run of seiklus: fixme:richedit:RichEditWndProc_common WM_STYLECHANGING:
2008 Nov 21
Adobe Master Collection and Wine on Ubuntu 8.10
I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 and wine 1.0.1 and am hoping there is a way to get it to work with adobe master collection. I recently upgraded to CS4 but I also have CS3. I know adobe apps have been hit or miss for compatibility in the past but a friend said the new Ubuntu and wine made it as easy as mount and this true and if not is it even possible to install either the adobe
2005 Nov 12
Internet Explorer installs under wine as default Win2K but then crashes when run...
I want to run Internet Explorer as Win2K at the very least so I might be able to get updates, trying to keep up with security fixes... this might be a pipe dream? I would rather not run anything as Win98 if I can help it... In any case, what I did was, from a clean install of Wine 0.9 on Fedora Core 4, ran [user@localhost ~]$ wine wine: creating configuration directory
2008 Mar 25
Autodesk applications (AutoCAD & Civil 3D)
Hello, My questions are about Autodesk applications (AutoCAD 2008 & Civil 3D 2008). The main problem is that I can not install them to wine. When I insert CD, and on terminal type: Code: wine setup.exe I'm getting this messages: Code: zarko at zarko-pc:/media/cdrom$ wine setup.exe fixme:process:IsWow64Process (0xffffffff 0x33feb4) stub! zarko at zarko-pc:/media/cdrom$
2012 May 08
Ubuntu 12.04 64bit + Wine 1.5.3 (or 1.4) + .NET Framework3.0
First of all it's clean installation of Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit. Then: Code: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine1.5 Then I got a 32-bit wine environment: Code: rm -rf .wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg Then I tried to install .NET Framework3.0: Code: wget && sh winetricks dotnet30
2009 Sep 15
Office 2007 Programs will not Launch
I am using Wine version 1.1.29 on Jaunty. I have installed Office 2007 and installed winetricks, however, when I click on a Office program, nothing happens.
2007 Dec 06
Hi, I'm trying to use TortoiseCVS under Linux (through Wine). I'd like to eventually write some shell scripts to invoke it properly from Nautilus but that is still a ways off. Some of Tortoise's functionality works, like enumerating the code modules in the CVS repository. However, actually checking out code works for the first file but then fails:
2008 Oct 23
Problems With Rich Text I Think
I am trying to run a program called content composer and the text in the text field is invisible until i highlight it or sometimes just clicking around it will make it pop up for a bit. Also the words aren't wrapping correctly. Here are the errors i get when i run it command line. Code: fixme:mpr:WNetGetConnectionW Don't know how to convert L"\\junker" to an unc