similar to: Localization?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 140 matches similar to: "Localization?"

2002 Jan 11
Wine Newbee
Dear Friends, I am new to Linux and Wine. I have just d/l wine and trying to configure it. I would like to know that after loading wine on Linux can i get windows like start button and menu ? I want to install Interbase Client on wine. It has normal windows style setup program i.e. setup.exe file. Can somebody tell me how to use setup programs with wine and later use them ? Thanks R. S.
2001 Feb 24
Urgent: unknown ID / metadata socket error
Dear tincerers- Please help, I need to get this working *today* (ack!). I've installed tinc 1.0p3 on two machines fully updated rh7, "stockton" and "lodi", where "lodi" is trying to "ConnectTo" "stockton". When I start the tinc daemens on each side, this is what i get in my logs: Stockton: Feb 23 19:07:57 srouter tinc.pacheart[2794]: tincd
2001 Feb 24
Urgent: unknown ID / metadata socket error
Dear tincerers- Please help, I need to get this working *today* (ack!). I've installed tinc 1.0p3 on two machines fully updated rh7, "stockton" and "lodi", where "lodi" is trying to "ConnectTo" "stockton". When I start the tinc daemens on each side, this is what i get in my logs: Stockton: Feb 23 19:07:57 srouter tinc.pacheart[2794]: tincd
2002 Jan 09
lattice problems under Win2K and R-1.4.0
I'm having problems copying and saving lattice graphs using R-1.4.0 under Win2k. It seems I've see this alluded to recently in R-help. If I do the following example: > data(quakes) > xyplot(long ~ lat , data = quakes) And then try to copy or save the graph as either a metafile or bitmap or if I use any of the bitmap/metafile devices via (for example) >
2001 Jun 27
install.packages (PR#998)
The packages feature of Rgui is great! However it looks the directory structure was changed for, such that some the packages are now under /rw1030 (e.g., VR) and are not found by install.packages(). Thus the error message: trying URL `' Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode =
2001 Jan 25
rcmd build
I''m having trouble building a package (named reap) under R1.2.1 Windows2000. I successfully ran d:\R\src\library rcmd check reap but when I run d:\R\src\library rcmd build reap I get the message: Please set TMPDIR to a valid temporary directory I''ve tried setting TMPDIR to d:/temp via: 1) My Computer properties environment variables, 2) at the command line, 3) in Rprofile, and
2011 Nov 08
Samba-3.6.1 release IPV6 issue
Dear Sir, I am trying to use the shared files from Windows 7 using IPV6 address. But I couldn't able to map or access it through V6 address, though I can access it through IPV4 address. I tried almost every thing whatever I did find on the internet community. I would be grateful to you if you could help me to make this working. If possible please provide all the steps including
2009 Jan 30
cram-md5 problem
I just updated to dovecot 1.1.10 from 1.1.2 and now anyone using cram-md5 can't get authenticated. I am using mysql for passwords (in plain text) and home directories. Per some googling I tried to set (in /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf): # SQL database userdb sql { # Path for SQL configuration file, see doc/dovecot-sql.conf for example args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot-sql.conf
1998 Apr 09
"machine is not accessible" - how to fix???
Help! I've broken something on my NT box - when I try to connect to my Samba server through the nethood I get an error popup that says: "<servername> is not accessible The storage control blocks were destroyed" I can connect to another samba server with no problem, other users from other machines can connect to the above server with no problem either. I can connect with net
2008 Jul 01
validates_associated & foreign keys
Hi, I''m struggling to get the validates_associated to work as I think it should be. I''m using: JRuby 1.1 rails-2.0.2 activerecord-2.0.2 activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.8.2 My tables in MySQL: CREATE TABLE area_codes ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_increment primary key ... ); CREATE TABLE markets ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_increment primary key, ... ); CREATE TABLE
2009 Feb 02
cram-md5 problem re-post
I apparently did not post enough information the first time, so I am re-posting the original email with the requested configs. I just updated to dovecot 1.1.10 from 1.1.2 and now anyone using cram-md5 can't get authenticated. I am using mysql for passwords (in plain text) and home directories. Per some googling I tried to set (in /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf): # SQL database userdb
2002 May 16
building packages on windows
Has anyone had success building a package on a windows machine? I am trying the following command with no luck (perhaps my flags are incorrect?). At this point I am stuck. Any help greatly appreciated. Niels Waller (BTW - I have no idea why it cannot find sh.exe since I have it is a directory that is specified in a path statement) H:\R\bin>rcmd build --binary --use-zip h:\taxon2 * checking
2011 Jun 09
Problem with a if statement inside a function
I have a really long functions, and at the end of the function, I am using a if statement to tag certain keywords based on whether they have certain values contained in them. However, the if statement doesn't seem to work. When I had split up the commands into various functions, it worked fine, but I'm not sure what going on now that it's combined into a single function. myfunc
2009 Dec 10
What is the appropriate setting for mail_max_userip_connections ? My POP3 connections seem to be mostly 1 at a time, but my IMAP connections are often 3 per user per IP. Is this appropriate? If I change the IMAP setting to mail_max_userip_connections=1 will it break things for the user? I am trying to improve this situation: > ps auxwww | grep "imap " | wc 237 3080 22400
2007 Apr 06
Request for additional logging
Hi Timo, First, thanks very much for dovecot, you are doing a fine thing making it open source, and it is working very well here. It would be helpful to me if there were more logging options available. For example, I would like to see a record of each email deleted, with the filename (if maildir), and size in the log. I haven't been able to find much documentation on logging at all. Have I
2005 Sep 26
RECYCLER and recycler bin
Hello, I have recognized a pretty annoying thing with my Samba-Server: My smb.conf is set, that deletet files go into the dir ".Papierkorb". It works well one one Client, but when the user deletes Files on the other client, a dir called "RECYCLER" appears with the file and some .ini files in it. Is there a way to solve this? Both clients are WinXP, I'm using Samba
2007 Jul 20
Sharing AD domain info with 2 SBS2003 servers
When I took over as the IT guy in September, there were 2 separate locations with different domains each managed by a SBS 2003 machine. The connection between them was an OpenVPN tunnel. The network was fine and one could see 2 domains in the network. Local and Local2 are working names. From a workstation on Local one could see Local2 in the Microsoft Windows Network, and vice versa from Local2
2000 Nov 14
RE: Gnuserv, NTEmacs, Windows 2000 and R
The following becomes more and more a topic for an R mailing list, possibly R-devel. R for Windows crashes are important and should be discussed and debugged with the experts -- which are not reading ESS-help AFAIK. Martin >>>>> "ColCun" == Cunningham, Colin A <> writes: ColCun> In my very brief exposure to R, I have
1999 Jul 21
2.1.0prealpha & cyrrilic sym in filenames :(
Hi All :))) Sorry for my very lame english :) I from Russia... I have correct smb.conf for cyrrilic symbols in filenames... it work with all version of samba exlude 2.1.0prealpha :((( Linux - RedHat 6.0 (kernel 2.2.10 compiled with smp) 1) in smb.conf : client code page = 866 character set = koi8-r ... check /etc/codepages/codepage.866 - Ok... 2) smbclient //localhost/test -U test > mkdir
2003 Apr 16
R-1.7.0 WIN2000 INSTALL
This is the first time I've ever compiled from sources so bear with me. OS: Windows 2000 PATH: .: D:/Rtools/: D:/mingw/bin/: C:/Progra~1/Perl/bin: D:/texmf/miktex/bin/: D:/Progra~1/HTMLHe~1: D:/Progra~1/R/rw1062/bin/: C:/Progra~1/Insightful/splus61/cmd/: D:/cygwin/bin: D:/Progra~1/SSHCom~1/SSHSec~1: D:/Progra~1/Tcl/bin/: C:/Progra~1/Microso~3/VC98/Bin