similar to: OT:CMS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "OT:CMS"

2006 Jul 04
Any CMS for Ruby on Rails..
Well i want to make a photography community site on the lines of ,, Where the community votes for every subbmission from a artist and can comment (like a forum).. Now gfxartist has used probably SMARTY,php,and their own CMS. terminus used Drupal,Gallery 2.Some one tells me that this combo is heavy on resources and slows down sites.
2005 Dec 27
CMS centos3
Anyone using or recomend a content management system that will install without out a lot of mucky muck on a Centos3 system? I looked at Zope but it needs a newer Python, Midgaard looks likes it's geared towards RHEL4. OpenCMS looks like it runs on java so that might work. I have yet to look at Rubyrails and Django.
2006 May 12
Drupal vs. Ruby on Rails
Hello all, Maybe the $subj is a little bit weird (i.e. apples vs oranges) but it is a situation i am facing at the moment: We are developing a small web site which will be mostly a CMS (more or less) and my colleagues is arguing for drupal, and i am for RoR. Maybe i can formulate the question in a different way: when to use a CMS (not necessarily drupal but e.g. Radiant CMS) and when to use Ruby
2005 Oct 10
Open Source Content Management System - Joomla
There was some discussion in the past about which one is the best Content Management System that can be used in conjunction with Asterisk. Mambo was supposed to be the best out there under GPL. The guys who developed Mambo have a new product now - Joomla. I am using this and it appears to be better than Mambo in many respects. Read the gist about Joomla below. ------------- If you've read
2009 Jul 23
Drupal installation
Does anyone have experience of drupal installation under CentoOS-5.3 with MySQL database preferably accessed through phpMyAdmin. I want to install drupal more or less as an experiment, and I'm looking for a 1- or 2-page document that just lists precisely what steps to take. I've had a quick look at the official installation instructions, and I found them confusing and contradictory. --
2009 Nov 23
Hello all, has someone worked with DRBD ( for HA of mail storage? if so, does it have stability issues? comments and experiences are thanked :) Thanks, Rodolfo.
2011 Sep 02
please help
i am a user of windows and use little bit ubuntu my friend told me to use centos for web development i have question that what is features of centos. thank you -- _____Best Regards_____ Buddyexpress Administrator Liang
2007 Dec 04
FOSS Codecs for Online Video: Usability, Uptake and Development
Hi Xiph/Theora Folks, I'm happy to announce the release of the second draft of this report, which is now available for public circulation. Many thanks go to those who contributed their feedback after the first draft. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOSS Codecs for Online Video: Usability, Uptake and Development* A
2005 May 22
Centos4 and Typo3
Hello, Does anybody use Centos4 and Typo3 as web portal? For all functionalities (graphic) of the portal Image Magick and GD Library must be installed. Are these packets already included in any packet of php... or not? If the answer is not, where can I found these two packets compiled for Centos? Or is there any other solution ? I'dont like to compile these packets, since I have to maintain
2007 Sep 29
Typo3 5.0 Framework
Hi guys, for about one and half a year I am involved in RoR Development. I like the framework very much! But more and more I have my doubts, that this framework will succeed, I think Ruby on Rails succeed only, if some powers from community will be concentrated on a target-oriented development of the Framework. Since the approach of a pragmatic way of programming isn''t new anymore, more
2012 Aug 07
How transferable is a Ruby on Rails CMS?
Hi, I am looking into a new website, and a couple of potential designers have recommened using a CMS system built on Ruby on Rails ... one bespoke and one using a customised version of Refinery. Both have said that we will own all the coding, and so will in theory have the flexibility to host the sites anywhere. We are looking at hosting the site with a separate company, and I just wondered if
2017 Apr 30
selinux problem policies
Hello, My problem is to add selinux policies can any help to say what is wrong with my policies I write this! semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?/ typo3conf(/.*)?" I have more instances from typo3 I found this construct in the selinux policies "/var/www/html(/.*)?/uploads(/.*)?" but my is not working ? and I have only errors? neverallow
2011 Jan 25
backup script
I want to create bash script to have a zip copy from a website running on linux /var/www/htdocs/* local on the same box on different directory I am thinking to do a local backup using crontab (snapshot my web) tar -cvzf /tmp/website-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M).tgz /var/www/htdocs/* This command will create a file /tmp/website-20110101-1459.tgz I want it run on daily basis and to keep the last 5days
2009 Aug 13
yum update
Can any one clarify this, is auto updating at all production servers recommended or not? need to know your opinion, how do you manage the update? -mu
2018 Jul 05
user/password Authentication via Joomla database
Hello, did anyone ever set up Authentication via lookups to a Joomla (mysql) database? What I'd like to do is lookup Joomla users (who are in specific/multiple groups) in the Joomla database and then fallback to /etc/passwd authentication to let system users authenticate. I'm running : # 2.2.35 (b1cb664): /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10 amd64 Thanks
2006 Jan 28
cool components in the form
Is there a easy way to add components like: in ruby forms, by plugins or whatever? Thank you Rodrigo Dom?nguez Iplan Networs <> ? <> ? --------------
2010 Mar 01
Inquery: popular upload tools for customer codes in use
Hi all, ?I've had a project to upload customer codes and some data to?members inside a?webfarm, the upload work will be done almost daily for quite a while. Customer needs the upload status be confirmed everytime and data will be verified later easily when in need. ?Is there one or more popular tools available for this purposes? open source is preferred, but commercial ones are fine too as
2008 Jul 10
Goodbye Windows?
Hi. I know that Linux provides most of the softwares we need for business, equivalent of Outlook, MS Office, IE, ... but : Is it realistic to think that we can delete Win XP, and use Wine with Linux, for a professional use, with : - All Adobe, with the ICC profiles (I use Monaco EZcolor for the calibration). - CMS like Joomla and a lot of plugs-in, and a few tools for webranking. I hope the
2009 Aug 02
I have the following issues on a website, would like to know how would you resolve these issue? 1- CSS is not used efficient. 2- Search engine need to be optimized. 3- Java Scripts are placed between HTML tags. 4- Redirecting homepage through JS code, using client side 5- Web page delay, a lot of objects. 6- Disable listings directories from apache (how) 7- web not compatible with Firefox Thanks
2008 Oct 30
Rsync doesn't copy over only the changed files
Hello, I am trying to sync up 2 directories over a network. I am running Gentoo and on the new server I have a fresh install of Apache using webapp-config to install the latest Joomla 1.5. On the other server I have my backup copy of Joomla 1.5 also running the latest version. I want to only copy over the files that are not in my new "fresh" version AND only the files that have