similar to: and life goes on

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "and life goes on"

2011 Oct 06
godspeed, steve
godspeed, steve. thanks for giving us the tools to catch fish. -bowerbird -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Apr 25
Redcloth bug - Stack overflow in regexp matcher
Hi, I''ve been using the rassmalog static blogging engine and have encountered a stack overflow inside the redcloth regexp matcher. I don''t seem to suffer this error on my Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) box (with Ruby 1.8.4??), but I do get it on my Gentoo system. Running the following line will generate it (I''ve attached the YAML/redcloth file to this message). $ ruby -ryaml
2007 Aug 08
lda: vacation auto-reply for a virtual address
Hi, I am using Dovecot to manage a complex virtual mailbox setup. It's all working splendidly, thanks to the Dovecot LDA. This morning, however, I needed to create a vacation-style autoreply for one of the virtual addresses. I made use of cmusieve, authored a little sieve script, and had it working in no time... until I discovered how limited sieve's vacation module is. Most importantly:
2001 Sep 27
configuration question
Hello, The first thing I would suggest is to check and see if there is something comparable to astound out there for linux, therefore bypassing the whole windows program need, bypassing the need for most pay-per-license fees. As far as running a windows program under linux, you would need WINE, vmware or some other win-emulator. Hope this advise helps some. -----Original
2009 Mar 01
projecting GIS coordinates for analysis with spatstat package
I am working on creating an R package for doing fire department analysis and am trying to create a function that can display emergency incident densities. The following code sort of does the trick, but I need a display that shows the number of incidents per square mile. I believe the code below shows incidents per square unit (in this case, degrees lat/long). To solve this problem, I believe
2009 Apr 17
Error messages 3.0.6pre1
I compiled 3.0.6pre1, including the crtimes and fileflags patches for use on Intel OS X 10.5.6, as described by Mr. Bombich (thanks!) here: <> I want to use 3.0.6 because it seems that this bug: <> has been resolved (yay!). ----- [~]$ rsync --version rsync version 3.0.6pre1 protocol version 30
2009 Oct 22
Way to go, CentOS team. Here's a hearty "thank you"!
Hello all, To the CentOS developers, beta testers, and all who were involved in a small or major way in the release of CentOS 5.4...thank you. Ignoring the peer pressure, even though it was out a little later than you (and many of us) wanted, you got it RIGHT. *That* is what was important. I yum updated from 5.3 to 5.4 with NO issues that I can speak of right now. Thanks to you fine folks,
2011 Mar 04
How to intercept an instance method from StdLib (1.9.2)
Hi, I''m struggling with something that seems to be simple, and I''ve not had any joy following the RSpec books suggestions (p. 187). I''d like to test that a method raises and error when a file is not found. I''ve tried adding this in my example just before I call my method, but it never seems to get invoked. Pathname.stub(:exist?).and_return(false) The whole
2003 May 08
SIP client registration
Hello, I'm trying to register some dynamic SIP softphone (SJphone) but it's not very clear to me where (sip.conf??) I have to configure the registration. Can you give me an example of configuration file to register a dynamic SIP phone? Thanks Marco Poet QiNet SRL Via Oulx 30/A 10139 Torino Italy Email Phone +39 0117410856 Fax +39 0117571140 Mobile +39 3493009702
2010 Nov 07
Hooks before a scenario but not the background: possible or bad practice
Hi, I''d like to activate FakeFS for some scenarios, which I tag @fakefs, however it seems Before(''@fakefs'') runs before the background of the feature - unfortunately this clobbers Grit, and I can''t in the backbround. Is it currently possible to get a hook to run before a scenario, but not the Background of the feature? Or am I mistaken in
2011 Jun 06
fried fish, available, for free
i've released the first beta of my e-book converter-tool. you are invited to throw stones at it (and at me) if you like: > "beta" is a compromise. i developed it on a mac, so that particular version is solid. but "alpha" would be a better label for the status of the windows and linux versions, so if you have one of _those_ machines, and you
2011 Oct 15
fuck yeah markdown
brett terpstra continues his obsession with markdown... > there's also a g-rated version: > brett has accomplished more in the last three months than this listserve accomplished in the last three years. and it looks like he's only just getting started... meanwhile, fletcher is about to send off his rocket, which
2013 Jul 05
While I empathize with your predicament, I generally prefer not to have expletives in my inbox. Also, what has this to do with markdown? On Jul 5, 2013 7:20 PM, "bowerbird" <bowerbird at> wrote: > fan_fucking_tastic. > > somebody hit another one of the dead skunks on this road. > > -bowerbird > > _______________________________________________ >
2012 Apr 20
a blade of grass cracks the sidewalk
spring has sprung, so on this day of grass, i guess i just can't hold this back any more. > voila. a dingus for zen markup language. lighter than markdown. _and_ more powerful... i know. wha? go figure. not that it's a competition. supporters will love finally seeing a look. detractors will love the bugs i left in there, just for them, as
2006 Oct 30
SVN requiring authentication
I can''t get to the code anymore. Devjavu''s svn is asking for a username and password. Authorization Required This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn''t understand how to supply the credentials
2006 Jun 10
[REL] Manage Fixtures 2.0.0
Just released a new version of the _Managed Fixtures_ plugin, previously known as _Export Fixtures_. The name change comes with some added functionality for managing the fixtures, primarily with two new import tasks for importing specific Models or all of them within the test/fixtures directory. Both new import tasks take the exported fixtures, and allow you to directly import one, or all of
2004 Apr 23
HoMM 4 multiplayer
Is anybody luck with Heroes of Might and Magic 4 multiplayer? All works fine but multiplayer, when I try to create game I see message box with "multiplayer_creation_failure" apper and log looks so: err:ole:CoGetClassObject couldn't load InprocServer32 dll dpnet.dll fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no classfactory created for CLSID {934a9523-a3ca-4bc5-ada0-d6d95d979421}, hres is
2008 Oct 18
Cucumber "standard base" setup?
I''m trying to set up cucumber so we can try it in some Ruby automation scripts I''m working on. These will be straight Ruby, for use in BBEdit and TextMate (on the Mac). NOT Rails. The big early-stage stumbling block I''m having is setting up the initial Rakefile and directory structure. I think I''m rtfm''ing, but clearly I''m missing
2008 Mar 03
on the philosophical aspects of a specification
a specification will _eventually_ be used, by someone, to tell the user they are doing things "wrong", won't it? and doesn't that turn markdown's genesis upside-down? heck, next thing you know we'll be telling them to r.t.f.m. i would prefer that implementers get more sophisticated about teasing out the user's intent in "ambiguous" cases. of course,
2013 Sep 10
newbie seeks repo for markdown
hello, i am looking for advice regarding the best repo from which to download "markdown" for use on a mac. on my ubuntu machine i just installed some standard markdown package with apt-get. but i have not found anything equivalent for my mac machine. i am looking for a maintained package from a reputable repo site that can be automatically installed and upgraded using the packaging