similar to: ANN 0.9-beta-2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "ANN 0.9-beta-2"

2007 Apr 16
Fwd: ANN: FlexMock 0.6.0 Released
FYI - Jim Weirich just released an rspec-compatible version of FlexMock. For those of you using trunk, you can now use either FlexMock, Mocha, or RSpec''s built-in mocking framework by saying: Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.mock_with :flexmock # or :mocha or :rspec (default) end The choice is yours. Mock in peace. Cheers, David ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From:
2006 Nov 21
assigns in trunk
Hello, I used the rspec_resource_generator to generate a set of specs, which produces quite a few specs that contain something like: assigns(:customer).should == @customer running this gives the error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) ./spec/controllers/customers_controller_spec.rb:23:in `assigns'' In the rspec rails plugin trunk (revision 1126), in /lib/spec/rails/
2007 Jul 26
rspec_resource error
First of all hi, I''m new to the list, and rather new to rspec as will probably show in myquestion. I have tried installing rspec and rspec_on_rails as plugs both using "script/install" and "piston import" commands using the "current release install instructions" here [1]. However, there doesn''t seem to be any mention of the rspec_resource
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace
Recently as a result of using Git I''ve noticed a number of inconsistencies in the RSpec codebase with respect to whitespace (mixed line endings, mixed use of spaces and tabs for indentation, and trailing whitespace at the end of lines). I never would have noticed, but Git produces nice colorized diff output which highlights these kinds of inconsistencies. I wanted to ask if the
2007 Jan 12
spec_ui problems
While looking into spec_ui, I decided to run the examples. The watir example works a little, but always chokes on the ''better than fudge'' spec (failure output below). Also, is there any command to pause the "browser"? If my connection slows, the test gets out of whack. The selenium example fails right away (output below). I do have the 0.9.0 selenium-rc
2008 Jan 02
I really like the idea of Mock Proxies as explained in Brian Takita''s post here: I posted to this list eariler with an incomplete implementation of .stops_mocking in the thread "Mocking Time, delegating to original object." The Mock Proxy pattern would make this simpler.
2007 May 07
mock frameworks
Just curious - now that rspec (as of 0.9) let''s you choose your mock framework, how many of you are actually using (or planning to use) mocha or flexmock? Anybody planning to use any other mock framework besides rspec, mocha or flexmock? Thanks, David
2007 Oct 21
Preferred mock framework
Hi In light of the fact that RSpec mocks are going into maintenance mode in the near future, I was wondering what everyone was switching to. I liked the look of FlexMock most, so gave that a shot. However, there''s a few things that don''t work well with RSpec due to the traditional differences in the way Test::Unit cases are written vs RSpec specs. (One spec per
2007 May 19
RSpec 1.0.0 and a couple of other things
First up, congratulations to the team on RSpec 1.0.0! RSpec is one of the most vibrant and professionally-run projects in the world of Ruby open source. Now that there is a commitment to a stable API I think we''ll see RSpec really take off. Two quick things... In the absence of official Spec::UI docs, can Spec::UI be installed as a Rails plug-in? eg. script/plugin install
2007 Apr 13
HTML report and Spec::Ui improvements
The trunk now has some nifty improvements to the HTML report (--format html). Each failing spec will (in addition to the backtrace) have a box with a source code snippet of the offending code. If you have Jamis Buck''s syntax gem installed the code will also be syntax highlighted 8-D There has also been some major improvements to Spec::Ui, and it should be much easier to set up than
2007 May 10
RSpec 0.9.4
RSpec 0.9.4 has just been released. Gems haven''t rsync''ed around the globe yet, so you might have to wait a few hours to install it. The big news this time is Spec::Ui 0.2.0, which has been released along with RSpec core. This RSpec extension gives you custom Watir matchers (custom Selenium-RC matchers are not implemented yet). Moreover, it comes with a custom KICK ASS formatter
2007 Aug 25
rspec hangs when used with QtRuby
Hello to everyone I''m having trouble using RSpec to test code which uses QtRuby (both version 3 and 4). I noticed that, after upgrading from RSpec 1.0.5 to RSpec 1.0.8, some of my specs which used QtRuby caused spec (or rake, when used from a Rakefile) to hang indefinitly. After a bit of investigation, I found that the problem arose in the following situation: * requiring Qt4 / Qt3
2007 Nov 04
Returning the mock associated with an expectation.
I was reading through the FlexMock docs and noticed the expectation method .mock, which returns the original mock associated with an expectation. It looks really handy for writing nice all-in-one mocks like: mock_user = mock(''User'').expects(:first_name).returns(''Jonah'').mock So I started playing around with mocha and found I could actually already do this!
2007 Sep 22
Cannot build trunk
I apologize if this is a very dumb newbie issue, but I really want to experiment with the new "Story Runner" functionality in rspec and I''m having trouble using the trunk. I''ve tried in both windows and linux environments and have different problems on each. On linux, I execute svn co svn:// to check out the trunk. This completes
2007 Aug 22
mock framework ethics question
Hi James, Jim, and everyone else who''s listening. I''ve been investigating an interesting bug related to mocks and rails AssociationProxies. See for details. The crux is that if you do this (rspec mock syntax): obj.should_receive(:msg).with(mock_of_a_model) and the implementation does
2007 Apr 17
problem with rspec_on_rails and @controller.should_receive(:render) in trunk
Hey guys! I am using rspec trunk, and I am having a little problem with the latest version. (I am quite sure this worked with an older version about a week ago) heres the spec: it "should render the new user form without layout for a xhr request" do @controller.should_receive(:render).with(:layout=>false) xhr :get,:new end and the controller: def new render
2007 Sep 12
A puzzling spec failure in a shared describe
Hi, Thanks for all the effort that has gone into making RSpec available. I''m not a professional developer and I''ve found the approach articulated has helped me a lot in writing my code, and understanding that of others. To cut my teeth, I''m trying to write an db adapter for the og project. I''ve being iterating with RSpec and it''s exposed some
2007 Apr 11
Fwd: [ mocha-Feature Requests-7119 ] ability to specify call order
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: noreply at <noreply at> Date: 11-Apr-2007 15:39 Subject: [ mocha-Feature Requests-7119 ] ability to specify call order To: noreply at Feature Requests item #7119, was opened at 2006-12-06 00:30 You can respond by visiting:
2007 Mar 23
Mocha 0.4.0 Hates My App
Hi all - I''ve recently made the leap from FlexMock to Mocha for mocks within my app. Today I decided to upgrade from Mocha 0.3.2 to Mocha 0.4.0. So I updated the gem, started rake and went to get some coffee. I came back 5 mins later and my units (which were clean) are now reporting 97 failures (!!!). Every failure reports a callstack like this: 18) Error:
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful