On 9/22/07, Doug Wright <douglasdoright at gmail.com>
wrote:> I apologize if this is a very dumb newbie issue, but I really want to
> experiment with the new "Story Runner" functionality in rspec and
I''m having
> trouble using the trunk.
> I''ve tried in both windows and linux environments and have
> problems on each.
> On linux, I execute svn co
> svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/trunk to check out the
> trunk. This completes successfully, so I try to build the gem. The readme
> on building says:
> "check out source from
> svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/trunk. Then do the
> following:
> rake gem
> gem install pkg/rspec-0.x.x.gem (you may have to sudo)"
> This doesn''t work in trunk, so I cd into trunk/rspec and execute
rake gem.
> This fails with:
> dwright at hendrix:~/trunk/rspec$ rake gem
> (in /home/dwright/trunk/rspec)
> mkdir pkg
> rm -rf pkg/rspec_on_rails
> mkdir pkg
> rm -rf pkg/RSpec.tmbundle
> rake aborted!
> No such file or directory - ../spec_ui
> /home/dwright/trunk/rspec/Rakefile:227:in `chdir''
> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
This is a bug. Please report bugs to the rspec tracker:
> On windows (vista), I can''t seem to successfully check out the
> When I execute:
> svn co svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/trunk
> I get the following error part-way through the checkout:
> svn: In directory ''trunk\RSpec.tmbundle\Preferences''
> svn: Can''t move
> ''trunk\RSpec.tmbundle\Preferences\.svn\tmp\Symbol List:
> Behaviour.tmPreferences.tmp.tmp'' to
> ''trunk\RSpec.tmbundle\Preferences\.svn\tmp\Symbol List:
> Behaviour.tmPreferences.tmp'': The parameter is incorrect.
> I can''t proceed in this case because the checkout won''t
complete. This may
> be an svn setup problem on my part and, if so, sorry to bring it here.
> Overall, I''m assuming that when I get the gem built and installed,
I will
> need to get the "edge" version of the rspec and rspec_on_rails
plugins in my
> rails project in order to play with Story Runner. I tried just getting the
> latest versions of the plugins, but without updating my gem, these
> (understandably) don''t work.
> If anyone has the recipe for setting this up so that I can play with Story
> Runner, I''d greatly appreciate it. Again, I apologize if these
are overly
> newbie questions. I''m not very experienced with subversion and
> new to rails - but absolutely loving rspec!
> Thanks!
> -Doug Wright
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