similar to: Fwd: Seminarios Tecnológicos en Fundación Proydesa

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Fwd: Seminarios Tecnológicos en Fundación Proydesa"

2013 Oct 02
Fwd: Seminario sobre estimacion para areas pequeñas. "Small Area estimation"
Estimados compañeros Escribo para anunciar en la lista que el martes de la semana que viene (8 de Octubre) a la *13:00 h. *tendrá lugar en el *Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas del CSIC-* *ICMAT (Universidad Autónoma, Cantoblanco,ver ubicacion <>) (Aula Gris 1), Madrid* un seminario sobre "Estimacion para areas pequeñas" ( "Small
2005 Mar 10
Listeners in SIP conferences
Hello list readers, I've been trying out * for a week, setting up three SIP softphones with SJPhone, calling from each other, conferencing, and it seems to be what I was looking for, but I have yet one more question that I haven't been able to find out by myself, is it possible to create conferences in Asterisk with a (some) listener(s), that is, people who can only listen to the
2023 Jun 30
MANTENIMIENTO: Predictivo, Preventivo y Correctivo M?todos Pr?cticos y Estrat?gicos Reciba un c?lido saludo, Estimado usuario, reciba mi cordial invitaci?n a participar en este seminario internacional sobre Mantenimiento: Predictivo, Preventivo y Correctivo. Este seminario se llevar? a cabo el d?a 26 de julio de manera Online en Vivo brind?ndole las estrategias en mantenimiento avanzadas,
2009 Nov 04
Help with Sendmail
Hi list, I'm configuring Sendmail as a mail server in my job but I have a modem conection with my provider and at that time I don know how to configure it. I send and receive mails im my lan but I cant do it downloading from my provider. Could someone help me? -- Lic. Alexander Leyva Fonseca Especialista en Ciencias Inform?ticas Desarrollo de Servicios e Insumos Tecnol?gicos (DSIT)
2015 Jan 10
Asterisk e Busca Automatica
Pessoal, Bom dia a Todos!!! Sou novo aqui na lista e tamb?m no uso do Asterisk. Estou implementando um ambiente de laborat?rio para entender melhor todo a quest?o de uso e configura??o da ferramenta. Bom o meu problema esta no seguinte:--------------------------------------------------- Tenho uma placa FXO com 4 canais anal?gicos (Troco), onde estou conectando minhas 4 linhas da anal?gica da
2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal, concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios años pero no encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato: FECHA;H_SOLAR;DIR_M;DIR_S;VEL_M;VEL_S;VEL_X;U;V;TEMP_M;HR;BAT;PRECIP;RAD;UVA;UVB;FOG;GRID;
2023 Oct 27
llamame cuando tengas oportunidad
Conoces o has escuchado el impacto que puede tener la Inteligencia Artificial en las empresas? Encontr? algo que podr?a interesarte. El 30 de noviembre habr? una conferencia online por Zoom sobre c?mo usar la IA en departamentos de compras. Siento que esto es exactamente lo que han estado buscando para darle un giro a su negocio Ser?a incre?ble si pudieras unirte. H?blame si te interesa y te paso
2023 Nov 15
"sin titulo"
Conoces o has escuchado el impacto que puede tener la Inteligencia Artificial en las empresas? Encontr? algo que podr?a interesarte. El 30 de noviembre habr? una conferencia online por Zoom sobre c?mo usar la IA en departamentos de compras. Siento que esto es exactamente lo que han estado buscando para darle un giro a su negocio Ser?a incre?ble si pudieras unirte. H?blame si te interesa y te paso
2011 Jun 03
Hello everyone, When looking for information about clustering of spatial data in R I was directed towards DBSCAN. I've read some docs about it and theb new questions have arisen. DBSCAN requires some parameters, one of them is "distance". As my data are three dimensional, longitude, latitude and temperature, which "distance" should I use? which dimension is related to
2006 Sep 19
emule047c too many files
I execute emule 0.47c (because Amule and mldonkey doesn't have protocol ofuscation support) but I have some problems: 1.- I import the incoming + temp directories from amule, 250 downloads inside => error too many open files. To solve this, I try to import 20 files, next 20 files more, next 20 files more, in batch process. 2.- But when I use emule, the same error appears in some files in
2023 Jan 28
CISTI'2023 - Doctoral Symposium |Aveiro, Portugal
* Published in IEEE Xplore * Google Scholar H5-Index = 22 ------------------------------ ---- Doctoral Symposium of CISTI'2023 ------------------------------ ------------ CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 20 - 23 of June 2023, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
2006 Jan 10
Simple shaping question
I have linux box (does nat and firewall for small network) connected to dsl. I want to set priorities for protocols (that nothing could disturb web browsing). This is my rules (eth0 connected to internet): /sbin/tc qdisc del dev eth0 root /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1 htb default 30 r2q 100 /sbin/tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate 900Kbit burst 15k /sbin/tc class
2007 Apr 20
iaxComm problems
Hi Folks. I have installed two sip phones and two PCs in a network. The later with iaxComm. Calls are made between the sip phones and between a sip phone and a PC. When calling from one PC to the other the iaxComm shows ??? in the status column and the call can't be answered. The same goes if anyone calls from the outside and tries to reach a PC. Any ideas? Regards. -- IEE Jos? Hugo
2006 Jun 13
timeout 't'
Hello, I have found that the timeout 't' takes to much time to be executed, around 10 seconds. Is there a place to configure this timeout ? thanks -- Victor Moreno CISL SPAIN, S.L. Parque Tecnol?gico de Andaluc?a Edif. Bic Euronova Avda. Juan L?pez Pe?alver, 21 29590 Campanillas (M?laga) Fax +34 95 10 10 561 Tlfn.: +34 95 10 10 581 Web: Email: Skype:
2004 Oct 13
Non TCP/IP traffic
Hi all, I need to setup a VPN where home users can comunicate with a Novell network which functions with IPX/SPX. Is there someway i can route this traffic over Tinc? I know tinc has a "switch" and "hub" mode, but does it also route non IP traffic? This would be the setup: [NovellServer] <-_EtherNet_-> [Firewall] <-_Tinc_-> [Homeuser] Can i make tinc route this
2012 Jul 23
Samba 4 on Production
We're involved in a project that the requirements could be satisfied with both samba3 and 4. Anyway I am testing what can be done with Samba4 and after following the tutorial published in the official wiki, I was able to create my test domain, and join WinXP and Win7 machines to it without a problem. I still need to test the GPO functionality, and some other stuff, but before continuing with
2005 Dec 26
Uplink shapping
Hi everyone, I''m controling the uplink traffic bandwidth between two ethernet linux computers, but it seems like even the download bandwidth gets limited then i''ve got trouble on that because my intention is  shaping the conection on an asymetric way (ADSL).  Lately, I''m going crazy, this problem has got me pretty worried and i''m not figuring out at all, the
2011 Mar 04
Análisis de una serie temporal diaria
Hola a todos Estoy tratando de analizaruna serie temporal con datos diarios de temperaturas (40 años). He creado un objeto zoo (con ayuda de la lista, gracias) sobre el que encuentro la regresión lineal. He probado también a crear un objeto ts a partir del zoo. El problema que encuentro es que nose puede aplicar la función stl para hallar la componente estacional y la tendencia. Rdice que la
2013 Jun 12
calculo de poder estadistico en glm
Hola, Si, lo eh pensado pero no eh tenido tiempo de ondar y tengo que profundisar en la biologia y en el procediminto del monitoreo. Dado que todos los años se muestera la misma estacion talvez habria que utilizar un glmm en vez de glm... En realidad lo que estoy aplicando es el modelo de Hurdle, pero haciendolo en dos partes separadas ya que primero analizo la possiblidad que hay de encontrar
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
msz De: Fern?ndez-L?pez, Ambito Iberoamericano, Paseo de la Castellana 223, Madrid. [1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol Caros amigos luso-brasileiros, ? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es entre o regime