similar to: Wine, good, evil, and black and white 2

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "Wine, good, evil, and black and white 2"

2006 Aug 01
Crypto API
AB Spam/AV Checker..-Message-ID: <> Hi all, I am getting an error when starting Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach. I am able to get the game to run, but when trying to login to their auth server I get a windows error of "Unable to initialize crypto API". I am wondering if there is a way around this error using the windows dll's or
2006 Jul 19
Problems with newest Wine versions (.16, .17)
Hello, To get straight into the subject at hand, it seems that the two latest wine versions (.16, .17) have broken some of my applications (Planescape and Carmageddon, in particular). These applications used to work perfectly in .15, so I'm led to think that the problems are due to the extensive changes done in the Direct3D area.The output seems to confirm these thoughts. Now, I'm not
2006 Jul 03
San Andreas and ATI graphic card :/
Hi, I'm using Ubuntu Dapper and I'm trying to emulate GTA San Andreas. Unfortunately, I have ATI Radeon 9600 PRO :( . (I've got the newest drivers 8.26.18) When I'm running Wine, this game starts and works only for a couple of seconds :/ It shows logo of San Andreas, and after that it crashes. Wine shows this bug: fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 8193
2005 Jan 07
Tron 2.0 & DirectX 9.0a
Tron 2.0 starts up, offers the init menu, and works fine until you try and actually start the game. At that point, it goes blank for about 5 seconds and then says "To play tron 2.0, you need DirectX 9.0a and a supported video card with hardware TnL." If you go to the 'display' menu it says that the DX9 renderer is selected, but has nothing listed for resolutions or displays. Is
2006 Dec 11
{noob warning!] Irish Revenue software
Hello all, I'm quite a newbie to wine, and have some basic things running under it like WT Library, & Seamonkey. I need to install the local Revenue software because they sent me all tax documentation by email now :-(. My PC: Athlon 2.6Ghz with 1 gig, 40G hd, running Fedora Core 5 ROS ((Irish) Revenue Online Service) System Requirements
2006 Dec 22
Wine release 0.9.28
This is release 0.9.28 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix. What's new in this release: - OpenGL in child windows should work again. - Better mouse support in games. - Beginnings of new state management in Direct3D. - Improved audio and font support on Mac OS. - Lots of bug fixes. Because of lags created by using mirrors, this message may reach you before the release
2006 Mar 31
new to wine, Guild Wars don't display correctly
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> Hi everyone,<br> <br> Sorry in advance not to know where to post, but
2012 Mar 24
Re: Halo:Combat Evolved with black text and overhead
I am also having the same issue. I have upgraded to the latest wine in the Ubuntu repositories (1.3 beta), but that doesn't fix the issue and makes things worse my messing up my sound... anyway, here is the log file created as was requested in a previous post: The 1.4 RC is not available through the least not the repos I have. I'm not going to cry
2011 Nov 26
Gentoo + steam + Mass Effect 2
Hi I am having problem with running this game, everytime I run it I hear short sound and then nothing + window is blank and I get this error: Code: err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection I am running latest development release. Can anyone help me?
2007 Mar 19
WoW - ERROR #124 Memory invalid block
Anybody runs WoW on wine 0.9.25? I installed it successfully, but as I try to run it I get that error... See the log below. I can't find info about this though... Can anybody help me? bye fixme:advapi:SetSecurityInfo stub fixme:powrprof:DllMain (0x7d000000, 1, (nil)) not fully implemented fixme:ntdll:NtPowerInformation Unimplemented NtPowerInformation action: 11 fixme:powrprof:DllMain
2008 Feb 09
Is wine reporting the right value for MaxVertexBlendMatrices ?
Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but sorry if not, and I'd like to be pointed to the right one (I was unable to post it in devel one) I have been working last weeks on making the game Everquest to work under wine, since 0.9.49 it was working flawlesly, but most models were not shown properly. This corresponds with bug
2008 Jun 02
Call of Duty 4 black screen and error
When I try to run Call of Duty 4 on Wine 1.0 rc3 compiled from source with the 3dmark and nVidia patches, I get a black screen when I try to run the game and an error just loops in the console Code: fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f91c,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_CheckDeviceMultiSampleType Quality levels unsupported at present fixme:d3d:CreateContext
2007 Mar 19
Help with running childrens cd-rom in Xubuntu
Hello, I'm a newb with wine and not terribly bright with linux. I am trying to get some of the kids' games to work in Xubuntu. I got wine installed, and it seems I got the hot wheels game installed, after finding that I needed to run everything as sudo. Now when I run the program in the windows window I see a low-res video of a cd-rom being inserted into a disk drive, presumably
2007 Mar 19
Get an old game to run
Hi, I'm trying to start an old (released in 2001) game Startopia under the latest (0.9.27) Wine. It plays some intro videos, flashes loading screen for a moment and the whole screen turns white and the process quits in a several seconds. The output from console is as follows: fixme:dplay:IDirectPlayLobby3AImpl_RegisterApplication :stub fixme:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_GetAvailableTextureMem
2006 Aug 23
Version checking
AB Spam/AV Checker..-Message-ID: <> Hello all, I have a quick question if anyone knows the answer... How is it that most programs check the file information in windows? I am still having some troubles with Dungeons and Dragons Stormreach where the game errors with "Wrong version of the client installed" . The problem is that I am using