similar to: Split controller specs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Split controller specs"

2007 Feb 13
Specs of code that use
Hi Just trying to spec a Rails model that defaults a valid_until date to this time tomorrow. I''ve done something similar involving Dates, and you can stub the :today method to return something fixed. But when I tried this with Time, I found that RSpec calls four times per spec. So there''s no way to spec code like 1.days.from_now . The best I can come up
2007 Jun 27
Controller specs not shareable?
Hi I just wondered if there was a reason why Rails controller specs are not shareable? eg describe "All XHR POSTs to /gap/calculate_quote", :shared => true do controller_name :gap # ... end describe "XHR POST /gap/calculate_quote with valid details" do it_should_behave_like "All XHR POSTs to /gap/calculate_quote" # ... end blows up with
2007 Feb 01
Structure for library code specs
Hi Are there any plans to add a structure for library specs, eg RAILS_ROOT/spec/lib ? There''s no equivalent spec:libraries task, and any spec lines for library code are lost from the rake stats output. Ashley
2007 Feb 23
Deferred success for specs?
I''ve started using specs as a to-do list. I write explicitly violated specs so I know what to come back to. But a lot of the time, that means if I start to work on another piece of functionality covered by the same spec, it''s hard to tell what I''m working on now from the explicit failues. I run all my specs through TextMate to use the HTML output, so I go by
2007 Feb 12
Specs for Ajax partials with unicode characters
Hi Not sure if this is more Rails or RSpec related... I''ve got an app with an RJS view that updates a div in a page with the contents of a partial. The partial contains a non-ascii character namely a pound sign. I set up a simple test app with this RJS view: page.replace_html("test_div", :partial => "test_action") and this _test_action.rhtml:
2007 Apr 27
Newlines breaking "should have_tag :text =>" specs
Hi I''ve got an RJS spec that is failing. It looks like this: specify "should have list of prooducts for particular provider" do @provider.products.each do |product| response.should have_tag("#product_name_#{}", :text => "#{}") end end It fails when it renders a partial containing this: <td
2007 Feb 15
Specs for RJS HTML output NOT containing an element
Hi I have an RJS template that renders a partial to update a page. I just added a parameter to get passed into this partial to eliminate a row in the table it generates, but I can''t find a way to test that the unwanted output is in fact missing. should(_not)_have_tag doesn''t work with RJS, and there''s no should_not_have from assert select. What
2007 Jan 16
Links in view specs
Hi I have this simple view (used by the Gap controller): <h1>Gap#index</h1> <%= link_to "Get a GAP quote", :action => "get_quote" %> And this spec: context "A rendered gap/index" do setup do render ''gap/index'' end specify "should have a link to the get_quote page" do
2007 Oct 21
Preferred mock framework
Hi In light of the fact that RSpec mocks are going into maintenance mode in the near future, I was wondering what everyone was switching to. I liked the look of FlexMock most, so gave that a shot. However, there''s a few things that don''t work well with RSpec due to the traditional differences in the way Test::Unit cases are written vs RSpec specs. (One spec per
2007 Oct 31
Am I missing something with Heckle?
Hi I can''t get heckle working. In fact, I''ve built an example so simple that it either shows a bug, or I am being really, REALLY stupid. Heckle does not appear to support RSpec directly, so I''m trying to use spec --heckle (RSpec trunk as of 10 mins ago, Heckle 1.4.1). I''ve constructed this pair of sample files: 18> ~/Desktop/heckle_test % cat
2007 Oct 28
A better way to stub out constants
Hi Something that''s gnawing at me... to avoid using the SQLite3 gem I''m stubbing it out like this: before(:each) do @database = mock("SQLite3 database") SQLite3 = SQLite3::Database = SQLite3::Database.stub!(:new).and_return(@database) end But then it keeps nagging me:
2007 Jun 14
Can''t run RSpec files in TextMate
Hi Not sure if this is the place to ask this or not. I''ve upgraded to RSpec 1.0.5, installed the latest TextMate bundle, but whenever I do "Run Behaviour Descriptions in selected files/directories" I get this: /Users/ashleymoran/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Pristine Copy/ Bundles/RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec_mate.rb:18:in `run_files'': private method
2007 Oct 20
TextMate bundle in MacroMates repo
Hi Recently I sent a modified version of the GetBundle bundle to textmate-dev. It was failing because the RSpec bundle was from another repo (ie RubyForge). One of the replies said that the RSpec bundle was now in the MacroMates repo, which it is. Is that an officially handled thing? If so, what version of the RSpec bundle is being maintained there - CURRENT? It''s
2007 Aug 08
RSpec book?
<> Came across this as a stub page browsing Amazon UK. This is good news! I''m surprised it hasn''t been discussed on the list before. Was Chad keeping it a secret? I hope it will have plenty of BDD theory. I''m still waiting for that magic book I can give to someone and say "here - read this, it
2007 Oct 24
How do you specify a rubygem is being required?
Hi I''m loading a gem on demand but can''t find a way to spec it. Assuming rubygems is already loaded, I assumed the following would work: describe SqliteConnection, " class" do it "should require ''sqlite3''" do Kernel.should_receive(:require).with("sqlite3") end end Unfortunately
2007 Oct 23
How is everyone structuring stories?
Bleeding-edge story-writers, How are you structuring your specs? I am working on a new project and tried this: ./lib ./blah ./spec ./blah ./stories But it breaks autotest, so I moved stories parallel to lib and spec. Also what about suffixes? I have adopted "xyz_story_spec.rb", and "xyz.story" for the time being, with the line runner =
2007 Mar 21
How to spec error_messages_for
Hi I''m trying to spec a call to error_messages_for to avoid stubbing out whole models. Something like this: context "A rendered calculate_quote view" do setup do @form = mock("form") assigns[:form] = @form end specify "should render the error messages" do <SOMETHING>.should_receive(:error_messages_for).with
2007 Jun 27
Aspects in RSpec 1.0.5
Forgot post this when I did it... For anyone else that used the "aspect" method of the rspec-ext gem, here''s a New World version of the code to drop into spec_helper.rb. (I''m assuming rspec-ext hasn''t been updated since I did this a week or two ago) module Spec module DSL module BehaviourEval module ModuleMethods def
2007 Jun 26
Fake SSL in specs when using ssl_requirement plug-in
Hi I''ve used the ssl_required line from the ssl_requirement plug-in at the start of a controller for SSL. Its implemented as redirects so I can spec this... describe "GET /gap/get_qote" do controller_name :gap it "should redirect to the HTTPS version of the action" do get ''get_quote'', :id => "finance"
2007 Aug 21
Render template not matching absolute path
Hi I have a simple controller method like this: class StylesheetsController < ApplicationController layout nil session :off def gap site = Site.find_by_hostname( @colours = site.colours respond_to do |accepts| accepts.css { render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/ stylesheets/gap.rcss" } end end end And I want to test that