similar to: Looking for a 12 to 24 FXO Channel Bank in Colombia

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Looking for a 12 to 24 FXO Channel Bank in Colombia"

2009 Apr 08
Multi Frequency Cycle Timeout - E1-R2 METROTEL COLOMBIA
Hi, I have installed Elastix 1.5.2 (Barranquilla, Colombia (TELCO: METROTEL)) with a TE220P (2xE1) and TDM2400P (16FXS), openr2 is included in 1.5.2 version. The outcoming calls are ok, but with incoming call i have an error: ERROR*[*14972*]* chan_dahdi.c: Chan 2 - Protocol error. Reason = Multi Frequency Cycle Timeout, R2 State = Seize ACK Transmitted, MF state = Category Request Transmitted,
2011 May 03
Visiting Researcher, species distribution modelling, Cali, Colombia
Dear All, The Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) program of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), a not-for-profit agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystems research center, supported by the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), with headquarters in Cali, Colombia is looking for a visiting researcher to work on various modeling projects, primarily
2019 Jun 15
Call for Papers - ICITS'20 - Bogota, Colombia
***** Proceedings by Springer. Indexed by Scopus, ISI, etc. ------------ ICITS'20 - The 2020 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems 5 - 7 February 2020, Bogota, Colombia <> ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------ Scope
2019 Jun 30
Call for Papers - ICITS'20 - Bogota, Colombia
***** Proceedings by Springer. Indexed by Scopus, ISI, etc. ------------ ICITS'20 - The 2020 International Conference on Information Technology & Systems 5 - 7 February 2020, Bogota, Colombia <> ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------ Scope
2020 Apr 13
International Conference on Tourism, Technology & Systems (ICOTTS'20) | Cartagena, Colombia
ICOTTS'20 - The 2020 International Conference on Tourism, Technology & Systems 29 - 31 October 2020, Cartagena, Colombia Proceedings by Springer. Indexed by Scopus, ISI, etc. <> SCOPE Multidisciplinary conference, transversal to all the activity sectors that involve Information Technologies and systems in the Tourism area,
2003 Oct 17
Using channel banks
Hello Everyone, What kind of hardware setup would I need to do if I want a T1 connection to PSTN and have 48 users in office with analog phones. Will something work if I have a T410P card in asterisk and have one T1 going to PSTN and other two to a channel bank. I would then connect the 48 phones (FXS) to the channel bank! Thanks. Deepak
2006 May 09
Rmpi instlation problem (PR#8846)
Ive tryed this: R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_0.5-2.tar.gz But occurred this error: gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o conversion.o internal.o RegQuery.o Rmpi.o -lmpi -llam -lutil -lpthread -L/usr/local/lib64/R/lib -lR /usr/lib64/gcc-lib/x86_64-suse-linux/3.3.3/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin /ld: /usr/local/lib/libmpi.a(infoset.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making a shared
2005 Oct 14
SPA-3000 Disconnect tone detection in Spain, Peru and Colombia ?
Hello everybody, I'm a new user of * and I just bought a Sipura SPA-3000 to make a home voip installation. I actually have a problem when a PSTN user calls and hangs up. The disconnect tone is not detected by the SPA, the the call continues and, for example, leaves an empty message on the voicemail before hanging up (because * hangs up). How could resolve this problem?. I set, Detect
2005 Dec 20
from Colombia - help
Hi, my name is Andres Felipe Barrientos, I'm a student of Statistic and don't speak in english. En mi trabajo de grado necesito implementar la funcion smooth.spline y necesito saber con que tipo de spline trabaja (b-splines o naturales). Ademas me gustaria saber cual es la base que se usa para encontrar estos splines, por ejemplo, cosenos, senos, polinomios entre otros.... Otra pregunta
2012 Jun 30
Help with the proportional odds model (Colombia)
Good evening, I'm trying to mount the proportional odds model (ordinal polytomous regression model) and most of my independent variables are qualitative (and are transformed into dummy). I have an inconvenience that I would like to help me resolve, below I present part of the code I'm developing for fitting the model (The variables included here are only for trial, because I have many
2023 Jan 18
Suma de datos de una tabla
Hola Carlos. Por ejemplo la segunda columna (16040050), quiero sumar todos los datos de esa columna correspondientes al año 2000 (quiero relacionarlos con la primera columna donde está la fecha) y ese valor almacenarlo en una lista y así sucesivamente con los demás años y con las demás columnas. Tengo pensado una lista así: est_16040050 [[2000]] [1] 2.3 [[2001]] [1] 1.7 [[2002]] [1] 4.8
2023 Mar 31
Extraer texto de una columna en Excel
Muchas gracias Carlos, lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente: extraer el texto que hay entre textura/s hasta el punto final. Ejemplo: *Moderadamente profundos, bien drenados, de textura franco arenosa a franco arcillo arenosa. Fertilidad natural media* Lo que quiero extraer sería: *franco arenosa a franco arcillo arenosa * Al final lo pude realizar de la siguiente manera: df <-
2006 Oct 22
Key colour problem with lattice plot
Hi, I seem to have a key colour problem with a lattice barchart. The colours on my key rectangle don't match the colours on the barchart. Here is my data frame: "LandFill" "Ruminants" "United States (USA)" 7777.21428 5528.16 "France" 200.527083 1299.87 "Australia" 185.878368 2448.17 "Russian Federation" 1752.8334 2024.29
2023 Mar 31
Extraer texto de una columna en Excel
Muchas gracias por la alternativa de utilizar la librería stringi, Carlos, no la conocía. On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 12:11, David Camilo Gomez Medina < dcgomezme en> wrote: > Muchas gracias Carlos, lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente: extraer el > texto que hay entre textura/s hasta el punto final. > Ejemplo: > *Moderadamente profundos, bien drenados, de textura franco
2023 Feb 21
Interpolación IDW
Emilio, muchas gracias. Tuve que rehacer el código para entender mejor todo, pero me sale el siguiente error: *Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class ?structure("RasterLayer", package = "raster")? to a data.frame* El código es el siguiente: *for (i in 1:nrows_mt) { data_it_mt <-
2007 Oct 11
PS graphs in R 2.6.0
Dear R-users: I have been working in R for few years and never I'd been the problems like this. I'm running the last R version and when I try to save a graph in PS format I have the next error Error: Invalid font type In addition: Warning messages: 1: font family not found in PostScript font database 2: font family not found in PostScript font database I thinks it's curious
2008 Dec 10
request information
Dear R-Help team, I'm researcher University Nacional of Colombia, I'll use R for my research, and I would want to know, how i can to estimate Logistic Regression model such as binary logistic model, multinomial logistic model, and logit models with repeated measurement, for i can estimate discrete choice models. I would appreciate your help. Bast regards, -- Lisbet María Garzón Cano.
2023 Jan 18
Suma de datos de una tabla
No sé si olvidé aclarar, pero quiero crear una lista para cada columna y así almacenar esos valores. On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 14:13, David Camilo Gomez Medina < dcgomezme en> wrote: > Hola Carlos. > > Por ejemplo la segunda columna (16040050), quiero sumar todos los datos de > esa columna correspondientes al año 2000 (quiero relacionarlos con la > primera columna
2004 Dec 22
Zaptel/Zapata config from T410p to Brooktrout T1
HI, I'm trying to config a span from port 2 of a DIgium T410p to a Brooktrout TR114-P8V-T1 card. I have a T1-PRI from the TELCO in port 1 (thru first port) working just fine with Asterisk 1.0.3 - been working fine for some time now. No problem with dialplan PSTN calls. Now I'd like to "route" specific DID numbers in thru the TELCO T1-PRI and out thru the second port (span) on
2007 Jul 23
CAS signalling and FAX solution
I am trying to solve the fax problem by installing an E1 channelbank (Megaplex MP-104) It's a box that has 8 x FXS ports and a single E1 port. The plan was to use one of my 4 E1 ports to connect to the Telstra onramp and one to the MP104. I have since discovered however that the MP104 only supports CAS signalling and I am having trouble getting asterisk to work in this mode. Currently we