Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "SIP REGISTER script"
2004 Nov 29
Polycom Reboot Script PRI errors!!
Kevin wrote:
> There is a reboot script posted on the wiki to reboot Polycom
> telephones. When I execute this script, I get the following messages.
> I am concerned as this is causing issues with asterisk and the PRI.
> Does anyone have any ideas why this would be happening?
> asterisk console:
> -- Remote UNIX connection
> -- Remote UNIX
2004 Jan 22
Polycom Reboot Script - Please wiki-size me
With my thanks to Brian West and his offering in the thread,
"Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Remote reload Cisco 7960"
I offer PolyReboot.pl, a perl script for rebooting Polycom IP Phones
PolyReboot.pl takes an IP address as a single argument and reboots the
You must have a cfg file in the Polycom style, i.e., 00ab00cd00ef.cfg - all
lower case. Further,
you need to use ftp for
2003 May 06
any way the you can get * to send a NOTIFY SIP message to all SIP phones? to have the SIP sets recheck thier configs etc??
Like this?
NOTIFY sip:sip@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP ipaddress:5060;branch=1
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP ipaddress
From: <sip:webadim@>
To: <sip:sip@>
Event: check-sync
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 16:28:53 -0700
Call-ID: test@
2007 May 12
Asterisk High-Capacity Stability
Thanks Alex, some great ideas.
I think, however, I'm leaning towards Asterisk at this point- since I have
quite a bit of experience there, and very little with SER. At this point,
I'm wondering from a dimensioning standpoint, what kind of capacity my
machine will have (Dual Core Xeon 2.4GHz 4GB RAM). As I said, I don't plan
to do any transcoding. I read the voip-info page on
2014 Jun 26
Another Crash in service imap with version 2.2.13 - Debian Wheezy
yesterday I updated my second server from Debian Squeeze to Debian Wheezy.
Since todaay I get the followinig errors in my logs:
Jun 26 09:08:28 mailstore dovecot: imap(user at domain.net pid:28898 session:<iuMX3Lf8fACXLrFC>): Fatal: master: service(imap): child 28898 killed with
signal 11 (core dumped)
Jun 26 09:08:28 mailstore dovecot: imap-login: ID
2005 Jan 14
problem with mark, need help
I have eth1 for WAN( and eth0 for LAN (,
need to setup that local user get access to $LOCAL_IP network
and ip, (will be more in future) to internet,
but bandwidth to $LOCAL_IP is 128kbps and for internet is 8kbps.
i wrote rc.firewall
2006 Feb 05
R socket communication
Hello, I tried to code a R socket server but I did not succeed.
The problem is that once the R socket server is created,
I call the readLines function and then R gets blocked.
The client seems to work fine since I tested it with a PERL server.
I tried many combination of params in the socketConnection but
none of them worked.
I have seen some examples where the server sends something to a
2007 Feb 25
Dialling ZAP channel from analogue
Asterisk Version : 1.2.15
Card : TDM11B (1 x FXO , 1 x FXS)
I have internal dialling working okay SIP->ZAP (analogue phone) and ZAP (analogue phone) -> SIP.
The problem comes when I try and make a outbound call.
Here is my extensions.conf :-
exten => s,1,GoToIfTime(17:00-09:00\mon-fri\*\*?outofhours|s,1)
exten => s,2,GoToIfTime(*\sat-sun\*\*?outofhours|s,1)
2007 Nov 14
libwrap-ing IMAP and POP logins
Since I've been using this for maybe a year now, maybe someone else is interested in restricting IMAP and POP logins via libwrap.
In addition to the attached patch (against 1.0.5) to src/login-common/main.c, src/{imap,pop3}-login/Makefile.in have to be modified to link against libwrap.
Of course, the option needs to be integrated into configure in the long run.
-------------- next part
2005 Aug 28
Polycom Reboot Script
Hello, I'm trying to setup the revised Polycom remote reboot script as
found on:
I'm not sure how to use this script, it's just a perl script, so I tried
creating an executable perl script and running it, but I get the following:
[root@asterisk1 agi-bin]# ./polycom_reboot.pl
Checking ARP
2007 Apr 18
[RFC/PATCH LGUEST X86_64 07/13] lguest64 loader
plain text document attachment (lguest64-loader.patch)
I noticed that the lguest loader code for i386 was in
Documentation/lguest. Well, that's fine (I guess) but
it can't just be for i386. So I made a separate directory
to put the loader code in. So now we have:
Documentation/lguest/i386/... for the lguest i386 loader.
Documentation/lguest/x86_64/... for the lguest x86_64
2007 Apr 18
[RFC/PATCH LGUEST X86_64 07/13] lguest64 loader
plain text document attachment (lguest64-loader.patch)
I noticed that the lguest loader code for i386 was in
Documentation/lguest. Well, that's fine (I guess) but
it can't just be for i386. So I made a separate directory
to put the loader code in. So now we have:
Documentation/lguest/i386/... for the lguest i386 loader.
Documentation/lguest/x86_64/... for the lguest x86_64
2005 Sep 13
passing variables to h extension
Is there a way to pass variables/arguments to the h extension ?
for example :
exten => _1098933X.,1,NoOp(CARRIER TWT->TIM, EXTEN: ${EXTEN}},
exten => _1098933X.,2,SetVar(_PROVA="bla")
[lot of stuff, agi, goto, tricks and magic that happens]
exten => _1098933X.,10,Dial(${CHAN_DEST},,L(3600000:3599900)) <-
2008 Feb 11
asterisk-users Digest, Vol 43, Issue 30
hi all,
how to establish a call between two asterisk servers for the sip users
registered for the servers.
----- Original Message -----
From: <asterisk-users-request at lists.digium.com>
To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:30 PM
Subject: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 43, Issue 30
> Send asterisk-users mailing list submissions to
2007 Jul 12
No subject
found response from asterisk.
On asterisk's log I see messages like:
"Looking for conference on conference-context (domain serverIP)"
"Call from 'conference' to extension 'conference' rejected because
extension not found."
Does anyone have an ideia of why I'm getting that message?
Why does asterisk seem to be using domain
2005 Jan 27
Problems making SIP URL outgoing dial
I'd like to call my friends through their SIP URLs. I've found two
approaches for doing this in Asterisk:
- one is to prepend some numbers at start and catch them - the rest of
called string is used for SIP URL
- another approach (that I like better) is to use catchall pattern at the
end of context _. and then parse string with help of SIPDOMAIN variable. But
there is a catch into
2006 May 12
Sip domains, contexts and CHECKSIPDOMAIN
I'm struggling with setting up SIP domains.
If I specify a domain and a context in [general], that context overrides
any set in type=peer blocks elsewhere. This results in incoming calls
from PSTN gateways I use arriving in the wrong context.
If I don't specify a context (which the docs I've found suggest is
valid), then I get:
2006-05-12 07:36:16 WARNING[95290]:
2004 Jan 02
* Stresstool Help required
Hi all,
I am trying to write a program that sends SIP requests to asterisk. My aim
is to make asterisk record as many voicemails it can at a time. The design
of the program is like this:
There are two processes: One main process and a child process (No flames
pls. I have very little idea about pthreads and dl modules)
The main program asks the user to input the number of test instances. When
2008 Jan 05
Problems with AUTH=PLAIN in pop3
I'm using Dovecot (1.0.10) locally to test SugarCRM. When I tried to set
up a mail account in Sugar, it complains with
SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN
Please check your settings and try again.
don't know if that behaviour is a bug or a feature of php-imap. The case
is that I'm unable to set up the mail account in Sugar.
Timo answered to me on IRC about
2008 Apr 03
NAT when outbound call leg is not a local subscriber?
I have been experimenting with NAT and Asterisk a bit now. Though I have
made progress along the way, I have come across the following problem. I'll
really appreciate if anyone can provide me any help or pointers. Thanks!
Successful Scenario:
All sorts of NAT calls are successful with full two-way media when both end
points are locally subscribed users.