similar to: ClientAliveInterval

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "ClientAliveInterval"

2005 Oct 20
KeepAlive/ClientAliveInterval not working? Idle timeout.
I have set /etc/ssh/sshd_config with: KeepAlive yes ClientAliveInterval 3 However, no KeepAlive type messages seem to be sent. I've verified this by looking at the network lights, which don't flicker every 3 seconds. I am attempting to keep interactive ssh sessions alive longer. If don't type anything for about 2 minutes, the sessions close. If I run a "idle"
2005 Nov 30
ClientAliveInterval Question
Hi is there a reason why the ClientAliveInterval is 0 (i.e. turned of) by default? frank ___________________________________________________________ Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB Speicher kostenlos - Hier anmelden:
2003 Dec 23
getting rid of "permission denied" partial transfer errors
Hi, I am currently setting up a backup script for the /home directory of a server. I send all the files on a remote machine through LAN connection using rsync to optimize bandwidth usage. The script is run as root on the server by a cron job but rsync connects to the remote machine as a normal user via an ssh key certificate. This leads to many "permission denied" errors, as the
2010 Nov 04
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi RUsers, Suppose I want to see the data on the website url <- "" for the index "S&P CNX NIFTY" for dates "FromDate"="01-11-2010","ToDate"="02-11-2010" then read the html table from the page using readHTMLtable() I am using this code webpage <-
2009 Oct 30
Package zelig
hello all I am using the R package Zelig for some tobit regression with robust standard errors. I have got R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) and Zelig Version: 3.4-5 when i do demo(robust) It ends like this way data(coalition) > # Fit the model with robust standard error > user.prompt() Press <return> to continue: > z.out3 <- zelig(Surv(duration, ciep12) ~ polar + numst2 +
2010 May 10
scope of a function + lazy evaluation
Hey guys, I have a doubt here , It is something simple I guess, what am I missing out here ?? f <- function(y) function() y tmp <- vector("list", 5) for (i in 1:5) tmp[[i]] <- f(i) tmp[[1]]() # returns 5; z <- f(6) tmp[[1]]() # still returns 5; it should return 6 "ideally" right ??? Even if I dont evaluate the function tmp[[1]] before i.e I do rm(list=ls()) f
2010 Jul 13
Zoo - bug ???
Hi folks, I am confused whether the following is a bug or it is fine Here is the explanation a <- zoo(c(NA,1:9),1:10) Now If I do rollapply(a,FUN=mean,width=3,align="right") I get > rollapply(a,FUN=mean,width=3,align="right") 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA But I shouldn't be getting NA right ? i.e for index 10 I should get (1/3)*(9+8+7)
2006 Jun 26
Help with Wine programming.
We at Webyog produce the SQLyog program. SQLyog is an advanced graphical client for MySQL. SQLyog records at applications database are available here: As you can read versions up to 5.0.x worked fine with Wine. Basically version 5.1.x does too. However we have two issues with two new features of SQLyog version 5.1.x (we tested primarily
2009 Dec 08
Serial Correlation in panel data regression
Dear R users, I have a question here library(AER) library(plm) library(sandwich) ## take the following data data("Gasoline", package="plm") Gasoline$f.year=as.factor(Gasoline$year) Now I run the following regression rhs <- "-1 + f.year + lincomep+lrpmg+lcarpcap" m1<- lm(as.formula(paste("lgaspcar ~", rhs)), data=Gasoline) ###Now I want to find the
2010 Nov 09
Row-wise recurive function call
Dear Group, I have a following dataset: > a A B C D 1 22 3 31 40 2 26 31 36 32 3 3 7 49 16 4 24 40 27 26 5 20 45 47 0 6 34 43 11 18 7 48 48 24 2 8 3 16 39 48 9 20 49 7 21 10 17 36 47 10 > dput(a) structure(list(A = c(22L, 26L, 3L, 24L, 20L, 34L, 48L, 3L, 20L, 17L), B = c(3L, 31L, 7L, 40L, 45L, 43L, 48L, 16L, 49L, 36L), C = c(31L, 36L, 49L, 27L, 47L, 11L, 24L,
2002 Apr 11
X11UseLocalhost option and the DISPLAY variable
I wasn't paying much attention when there was a lot of conversation about these issues. I recently ran into a problem where an X app won't run with OpensSSH 3.1p1's default "X11UseLocalhost yes" setting. If I run the X app with the display set to "localhost:16.0" it gets a "BadAccess" error, but if I run it with the display set to
2008 Oct 26
Big test coming up: fallout 3
ok as everyone knows, (and to be frank i didnt think it would in my lifetime ;P) fallout 3 gets released in 3 days or 6 for those who live in europe. now for those who where playing games since the 3rd grade the fallout universe has a special place in their hearts since literally i grew with it! so in mho fallout 3 fells in the category of games that someone must simply have, and thats why im
2000 Aug 23
Protocol 2 remote forwarding patch
Hi ! Here's a patch to add remote port forwarding support (protocol 2) for openssh. I have tried to test that it works like it should but a more thorough testing is needed. This patch adds both client/server support. The patch should be applied to openssh-2.1.1p4 source tree. Also included is a PortForwarding sshd_config option, new ./configure option --disable-forwarding that should make it
2007 Oct 23
wine-0.9.47 broke Morrowind
Upgraded to wine-0.9.47 via Debian-Etch Synaptic Package Manager. Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind no longer launches. I have the following kernel: Debian Etch 2.6.18-4.k7 And I receive the following output: ---------------------- jeff at moe:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind$ wine morrowind.exe fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in
2012 Aug 17
Hiera, Hashes, and Create_resources
Howdy: I need some help please to get hiera configuration data derived from YAML, thru puppet. I have studied Internet search results and puppet documentation on create_resources and custom defines but need a little help along. I can print out the YAML from variables, arrays, and, finally, hashes too from a puppet manifest. One thing that is stumping me is how to access from the custom define
2010 Mar 03
parallel computing--help
Hi Sayan, Just stumbled upon this email, three months old, since I was having the same problem, and noticed you hadn't been answered. I was able to solve this problem by noting that the "snow" library was not installed on the nodes--it has to be installed everywhere. So, you need to ssh to the "ip to another computer on the network ", then be sure the same version of R
2011 Jun 21
Oblivion - Knights of the Nine & Shivering Isles
Greetings, my edition of Oblivion, GOTY in German, contains Knight of the Nine and Shivering Isles. Installation of Oblivion in wine required WinXP- see thread from 29.5.2011- but the game itself works fine. Nice game BTW. :) After finishing Oblivion i wanted to play the above mentioned additions. KotN was missing and for Shivering Isles i got this:
2009 Mar 09
Problem with some games (MSVCR80.dll)
Hi everybody! I have installed wine in my arch and I was trying to install games. I can run Steam and Warcraft 3 but when I try to run games like "Fallout 3" or "Silent Hill" i get this error: err:module:attach_process_dlls "MSVCR80.dll" failed to initialize, aborting err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"G:\\juegos\\Bethesda
2012 Feb 28
Oblivion on Mint 12 wine 1.2.3 no opengl support compiled in
Hello all, I'm pretty much a newbie in linux, and I'm trying to play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on Linux Mint 12. I installed wine-1.2.3 according to the readme file (I hope). command: Code: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Bethesda\ Softworks/Oblivion/OblivionLauncher.exe gives: Code: err:wgl:opengl_error No OpenGL support compiled in. err:d3d_caps:WineD3D_CreateFakeGLContext
2012 Oct 17
postForm() in RCurl and library RHTMLForms
Hi R Users, I want to get the data from the url given from 10/09/2012 to 15/10/2012. I don't know how to pass the parameters . ....................................................................................................................................... library(RHTMLForms) > > ff = getHTMLFormDescription("