Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "extlinux 3.20-pre8 notes"
2009 Apr 27
kickstart problems...
I am creating CentOS install usb keys and, apart from a few problems, it mostly works...
1. OT: My server HP does not seem to want to boot on it if I set the write protection on.
2. Anaconda tries to fetch the ks.cfg too early... It detects sda, then detects the
RAID adapter, then re-detects sda with a "waiting for device to settle before scanning".
Anaconda tries to access
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and lrm.fit runs with my data, but lrm does not
Dear all,
I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4oZ2TQA0PAoUm85UzBFNjZ0Ulk
I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have successfully fitted a logistic regression model using the "glm" function as shown below.
gusto <-
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and lrm.fit runs with my data, but lrm does not
> On Sep 14, 2017, at 12:30 AM, Bonnett, Laura <L.J.Bonnett at liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4oZ2TQA0PAoUm85UzBFNjZ0Ulk
> I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and lrm.fit runs with my data, but lrm does not
Fixed 'maxiter' in the help file. Thanks.
Please give the original source of that dataset.
That dataset is a tiny sample of GUSTO-I and not large enough to fit this
model very reliably.
A nomogram using the full dataset (not publicly available to my knowledge)
is already available in http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/tmp/bbr.pdf
Use lrm, not lrm.fit for this. Adding maxit=20 will
2012 Dec 17
Error with active Libvirt Bridge (virbr0)
Just want to report an error in samba configuration / setup.
I installed Samba 4 GA on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04. The server
is a testbed and has the virtualization package installed also.
I have two network interfaces exept lo: eth0 and virbr0.
In the provisioning step samba correctly finds my eth0 network interface:
Looking up IPv4 addresses
More than one IPv4 address found.
2006 Aug 07
"sector read error" with 3.20-pre8 syslinux.com
Hi All,
A colleague of mine is using syslinux-3.20-pre8, syslinux.com, under
DOS to install syslinux loader. It gives "sector read error". He
re-compiled syslinux.com under a linux box, and used it successfully
to install the loader from DOS. He is installing it on a hard drive (C:)
He booted from a floppy and ran: "syslinux.com C:" at A:\ prompt
He tried with
2005 May 19
Loading a dynamic library
I'm trying to load a .dll library into R 2.1.0 on Windows using the
"dyn.load" function. The library is compiled with gcc 3.3.3 on cygwin
I compile and link:
$ gcc -c myfile.cpp -o myfile.o [HRT]
$ gcc -shared myfile.o -o myfile.dll [HRT]
I then type, in the R console,
> dynload("myfile.dll")[HRT]
And R hangs.
Any help appreciated.
2002 Jun 11
SSH / PAM Problem
da mein English nicht so gut ist und bei der ?bersetzung auch noch
Missverst?ndnisse auftretten k?nnten, hier das Orginal :-)
Das Problem ist, dass bei der Kombination openssh pam und ldap, die
Verbindung zum Ldapserver so lange offen gehalten wird bis die ssh
Session geschlossen wird. Das ist nur bei SSH so ! Alle andere Dienste
sprechen den Server an und schliessen nach Best?ttigung des
2007 Feb 09
syslinux-3.36-pre8 feedback
Tested floppy boot on two machines (one PII 350, one 486DX4)
Floppy boot with syslinux is very very slow, more than 18 mn to boot a linux
kernel from floppy on the 2 machines.
Tested with 3 different disquettes that were know to work, boot is reached
after this very long time.
Noise from floppy head make think floppy wait approximatly one minute
between each read.
No problem with pxe boot with
2004 Jun 28
I heard many things over ogg, but all what i can see is shit. O.K. The
oggdrop.exe play with me, have this tool a version number? I can't see
it. Every other tool don't run under my system (Win98; Athlon1,5GHz;
768MB RAM). For example every version of oggenc produce the error:
"OGGENC.EXE kann nicht ausgef?hrt werden"!
There are a german mailing list? An how can i register
2004 Dec 21
Rgui.exe - Error while tuning svm
if I try to tune my svm with the code:
Tune <- tune.svm(Data.Train, Class.Train, type="C-classification",
kernel="radial", gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4))
i get a windows Messagebox with a error in the application "Rgui.exe" and
the message: "Die Anweisung in 0x6c48174d verweist auf Speicher 0x00000000.
Der Vorgang "read" konnte nicht auf
2009 Jan 19
[Win] Hangup RGui with RMySQL (PR#13453)
Full_Name: Apfel Schmied
Version: 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
Submission from: (NULL) (
RMySQL Version: 0.7-2
DBI Version: 0.2-4
MySQL Version: 5.1.30 (Enviroment Variable MYSQL_HOME is set)
Updated R from 2.60 to 2.8.1. Now Gui.exe hangs up (100% CPU Useage) when
requesting data from a mysql database.
Example Code:
2008 Oct 14
Extended summary
Is there a function providing more descriptive statistics than
"summary()"? I'm working with a coxph analyses and would like to have
more info on certain numbers.
If my call is something like:
coxph(formula = Surv(followup, CasesCancer) ~ age + BMI + parity + HRT)
I'd like to know:
* How many CasesCancer was excluded (not only the total number of
excluded due to
2019 Mar 29
CentOS Repository broken ?
I have a CentOS 7 server with dovecot Repository enabled.
But it is not possible to Update with Yum Update
I have this Error?
The dovecot package is missing?
--> Transaktionspr?fung wird ausgef?hrt
---> Paket dovecot-imaptest.x86_64 2:2.3.5-1 markiert, um aktualisiert zu
---> Paket dovecot-imaptest.x86_64 2: markiert, um eine
Aktualisierung zu werden
2010 Oct 05
Tukey HSD Test als Post Hoc Test nach einem GLM inkl. Anova
zur Analyse von Daten zum Artenreichtum von Pflanzen, habe ich ein Glm (glm)
und anschlie?end eine Anova (anova) durchgef??hrt. Nun m??chte ich f??r die
signifikanten Einflussfaktoren einen Post Hoc Tukey Test durchf??hren, um zu
ermitteln in wie weit die einzelnen Faktorstufen sich signifikant
voneinander unterscheiden.
Mit dem Befehl (TukeyHSD) komme ich nicht
2013 Jul 11
I cannot build syslinux-5.11-pre8 from git (No rule to make target `../core/ldlinux.bss')
I am trying to build syslinux-5.11-pre8 but it will fail:
/tmp/foo # cat /etc/debian_version
/tmp/foo # pwd
/tmp/foo # git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/boot/syslinux/syslinux.git
Cloning into 'syslinux'...
remote: Counting objects: 47602, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12273/12273), done.
remote: Total 47602 (delta 35454), reused 46954 (delta
2005 Aug 29
SYSLINUX 3.11-pre8 -- release candidate
I have released SYSLINUX 3.11-pre8; this is a release candidate.
The differences versus -pre6 is that I have reverted the PXELINUX stack
changes I did in SYSLINUX 3.10 since there are confirmed reports that
they break at least one platform.
As before, I hope to release 3.11 on Tuesday unless I get objections.
2019 Mar 29
CentOS Repository broken ?
or something has been cached, try: yum clean all and then yum update
> Am 29.03.2019 um 14:49 schrieb Gerald Galster via dovecot <dovecot at dovecot.org>:
> Hello,
> can you please check if the dovecot repository is enabled?
> Is it mentioned at the top of the output when you do "yum update":
> (1/10): base/7/x86_64/group_gz
> (2/10):
2008 Mar 31
SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8
I have just pushed out SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8. The two main differences is
that I have updated the gPXE source base, and added a sanboot module
(sanboot.c32). sanboot.c32 *should* be capable of initiating an iSCSI
or AoE boot, but I haven't actually tested it.
The other main difference is that gPXE now advertises HTTP/1.0 instead
of HTTP/1.1, since the code was not actually HTTP/1.1
2002 Aug 28
SYSLINUX 2.00-pre8 released
Hi all,
I have released SYSLINUX 2.00-pre8, which a syslinux installer which I'm
*hoping* should be safe to run setuid root (and therefore will be able
to run on any device or file that the user has read/write permission to.)
If anyone is willing to do a security audit of this code, I would really
appreciate it; I have really tried to make sure the code asserts root
privilege as little as at