similar to: Problems booting from CF

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Problems booting from CF"

2004 Jul 09
Simple 'frequency' function?
Hi, I have designed the following function to extract count frequencies from an array of integers. For example... # Tipical array x <- cbind(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,6,7,22) # Define the frequency function frequency <- function(x){ max <- max(x) j <- c() for(i in 1:max){ j[i] <- length(x[x==i]) } return(j) } fre <- frequency(x) plot(fre) How
2004 Jun 02
Zapata FXO always answers call?
I have some X100P connected to my analog PBX. When I want to call an analog extension on that PBX I use the following rule: exten => _21XX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:2},20) where 21 is just a prefix to indicate it?s an analog extension and XX matches the real two digit extension number. (this is why I strip of two digits when dialing Zap/g1. Well, everything works fine, except that * says on
2012 Jan 19
is winbind needed if i provide unix attributes?
hi, short: in a tipical Samba PDC + LDAP environment is winbind needed if i already fulfill unix attributes? long: i've been runing Samba PDC with LDAP as backend without any problems. my objects contains both sambaSamAccount and posixAccount (and shadowAccount) with uid, gid, homedirectory, etc. i'm setting up another samba server just for file services. in official docs says i
2004 Jan 18
HTB + ESFQ in nat router for shape incoming by ip
Hi, i´ve read about this problem but i didn´t find any solution. I have a router with nat like that: internet - eth0 - Router - eth1 - Lan I made a htb script for shaping outgoing in eth0 and it works great. The problem begin with the incoming traffic... Like other people said, when somebody in the lan uses the tipical download accelerator, the line is out because the bandwidth is divided by
2015 Aug 18
NFSv4 delegation
On 8/18/2015 10:46 AM, Alessio Cecchi wrote: > Hi, > > in this tipical setup (Dovecot/Director thate share Maildir via NFS) on > your NFS Server you have (about) 90% of read operations and only 10% of > write operations. > > If you see detailed stats for NFS operations you have 40-50% of GETATTR, > this means that NFS/Dovecot clients are caching data (mainly dovecot >
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2004 Nov 21
Analysis of pre-calculated frequency distribution?
Sorry for the dumb question, but I cant work out how to do this. Quick version, How can I re-bin a given frequency distribution using new breaks without reference to the original data? Given distribution has integer valued bins. Long version, I am loading a frequency table into R from a file. The original data is very large, and it is a very simple process to get a frequency distribution
2007 Aug 05
Salut alex, est-ce qu''il est possible d''avoir la liste de tous les accents qu''il est possible de représenter avec wxruby2, comme "é" par exemple. merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2011 Mar 20
Comment ça marche?
Quelqu'un ici peut-il m,indiquer o? je peut avoir de l'information sur Winw en fran?ais? Comment faire pour faire fonctionner ce programme.On me dit sur le site de Linux Mint d'installer Wine mais ici je ne trouve aucune information. ?tes vous Tous anglophone????a n'a pas de sens qu'aucun francophone puisse se servir de ce programme. :? :? :?
2011 Mar 08
Comment creer un formulaire maitre-detail
Salut a tous! Est-il possible de creer un formulaire maitre-detail? J''ai besoin de creer une fenetre ou l''utilisateur rentre un commande et les differents produits associaes a cette commande. Puis-je afficher le tout dans une seule page? Faut-il un minimum de 2 pages Comment visualiser le detail de la commande avec tous les produits commandes, et l''imprimer si
2004 Dec 22
RE ordering levels
Sorry, sorry.... of course levels(testf)[c(2,1,3)] will do the job My excuses to all Anne PS I will meditate the following saying "la parole est d'argent et le silence est d'or" BONNES FETES A TOUS SEASONAL GREETINGS ---------------------------------------------------- Anne Piotet Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile) Email:
2005 Dec 07
"pop before smtp" dovecot.conf
Bonjour a Tous, I would like to generate (on the fly) a list "popbeforesmtp" when dovecot POP/IMAP authentication succeed. Intended Format will/should be such as: 'timestamp_in_second' user_id remote_ip one user per line. My guess we have all the needed information within dovecot to make such list. But I have seen no way to 'trick' dovecot (dovecot-1.0.alpha3)
2008 Aug 25
Dell 2950 III for Xen virtualization
Hello everyone, I just wanted to see if anyone has experience running Xen on: Dell 2950 III 2 x Quad 2.0 Ghz 1333Mhz FSB 32 GB DDR2 (8x4GB) 2 Disk Perc RAID 1 (7200 RPM SAS) Broadcom Dual Gigabit Ethernet LOM & TOE The requirements of each VM are not that high (and are all identical). I just want to run remote desktop and 1 other application at any given time (either a web based IE
2004 Aug 24
diablo 1 fun and troubles
I have installed Diablo 1 lately and found Wine can't load the game succesfully. I see a few frames of Blizzard's intro, then it freezes. With Cedega 4.0 it works pretty well> I played for a couple hours then found later I can't load my games back. Ain't that funny? It seems to be a menu problem. Another thing I noticed with Cedega is, multiplayer hangs really quick.
2012 Oct 11
Coupure de connexion entre Rails 3.2.7 et Postgres 8.4
Bonjour à tous, Je développe une grosse application en Rails 3.2.7 qui est connecté à une BD Postgres 8.4 installée sur la même machine. L''application s''exécute sur Apache avec le module Passenger. L''application est constamment utilisée par une centaine d''utilisateurs et ne pose aucun problème pendant plusieurs heures puis, d''un coup, Rails ne
2002 Feb 13
Verba Volant
We have been requested to insert the following email address, "", in the Verba Volant Newsletter database. Through this daily service you will receive a quotation, selected from amongst the most celebrated philosophers, writers and poets of all time and translated into many languages and dialects by volunteers worldwide. If you would like to confirm your subscription to
2015 Feb 27
APC SmartUPS 1000 via usb
Hello, I can't make a brand new APC SmartUPS 1000 (REF SMT1000I) communicate with a ubuntu 8.04 server via usb port. NUT version 2.2.1 seems to be the last on ubuntu 8.04 Could you help me please ? Thanks Herv? Mazzilli ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root at myserver: lsusb -vvv --> Protocol spec without prior Class and
2009 Oct 12
We're sorry, but something went wrong on Tomcat
I am using JRuby and I have to deploy on Tomcat. My web app is working fine in the dev envirmonment, with Mongel, but when I deploy on Tomcat I get "We''re sorry, but something went wrong on Tomcat". The problem is that production.log only shows: # Logfile created on Mon Oct 12 12:54:36 +0100 2009-bash-3.00 The file permission and directory are 777. Any idea how I can
1998 Jul 21
Can't display ".." with the p8 release
Hello, I ask this question last week but I got no response : I have installed the 1.9.18p8 release on my HP9000 ( HP-UX 10.20 ). I use the same smb.conf than with the p2 release . I have now a problem with the Windows 3.11 clients : In the subdirectories of each share, I can't display the " .. " root directory ( but it works ). Is it a bug