similar to: Question to Memdisk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Question to Memdisk"

2003 Jan 31
MEMDISK: Image seems to have fractional end cylinder
Hi, I created a 4 Meg Byte primanry DOS patition onto a hard disk. This partition was formatted with format /s. The hard drive was able to boot DOS. After that I connected the drive to a Linux machine and created and image with the command dd if=/dev/had1 of=hard.img When I send this image to my PXE client I see on the screen: MEMLINUX: Image seems to have fractional end cylinder MEMLINUX:
2006 Oct 03
MEMDISK reset computer with NW Client32
Hi! I have problem with MEMDISK, because when I load modules in NW Client32 using NIOS.EXE commands, computer is restarted :-( Not everytime, but manytimes. The problem is with MSDOS 5.0, 6.22 and FreeDOS too. But when I create in DOS another RAMDISK and copy all data from MEMDISK to new RAMDISK and change settings and PATH to new ramdisk, all work fine. Directly from floppy or from
2003 May 24
need help creating hd image for memdisk for m$windows user
hello and thanks for reading this, with the help of this group so far, i am using bootscriptor from combined with memdisk to boot a win98 boot disk. it boot into the windows98 version of dos. the cool thing about the floppy is that it has a compressed image that mounts as a drive letter. much like linux. i can create floppy images no problem. what i am trying to do is create a
2003 May 23
m$windows guy needs pxedisk/memdisk help
hello and thanks for reading this, i am doing a volunteer project for a school in harlem,ny. they have had donated 30 nics computers from it can pxe boot. it had a cdrom and it has no hard drive. i am looking for ways to boot windows98 on these machines. i read on some site that memdisk can be used on legacy os. before i spend days testing it out, is it possible to boot windows98
2003 Oct 28
Using memdisk to remotely flash BIOS
I am using memdisk to remotely flash the BIOS and other firmware. It works well for most flash programs. After the flash I need to initialize the NIC to send a signal to my management server that the flash is complete. I am curious as to how others have solved this problem. Thanks.
2012 Oct 26
Is there any way of weighting individual data points in a logistic regression
Dear all. Apologies if I am asking a stupid question, but I have been unable to find a solution so far. I would like to run a logistic regression in which individual data points are assigned different weights (related to my confidence in their validity). These individual observations are binary (success/failure). My intuition was to use the "weights" option in the vlm function.
2004 Dec 11
Network disk? (like memdisk but over the network)
Hi, I've successfully got DOS booting over PXE with Memdisk, but as RAM is severely limited in the PCs I'm using (only 32-64MB) I can't load a huge Memdisk image to run large DOS programs, Windows, etc. Are there any programs out there like Memdisk, but instead of storing the disk in RAM they read it over the network? (A "netdisk" program.) This would be a really useful
2018 Apr 28
mp3 stream and Chrome v.
Hi there, I have used VLC 0.9.9 on Windows platform for streaming audio to icecast2 for years. Had no problems. Since Google Chrome v. I ran into problems. Stream will play couple of minutes and then stop. Is there something fundamentally wrong with my configuration in vlm configuration: output
2019 Apr 11
Question of syslinux chainloading
On 2019-4-10 1:20, Ady Ady via Syslinux wrote: >>>> #This item fails >>>> label dos >>>> menu label MS-^DOS 7.1 >>>> com32 chain.c32 msdos7=io.sys >> >> IO.SYS and COMMAND.COM are copied from a Windows98 system on another >> computer, which is MSDOS7.1; and BOOTSECT.W98 is from Bootpart tool (I >> compared it with the one from
2008 Mar 31
SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8
I have just pushed out SYSLINUX 3.70-pre8. The two main differences is that I have updated the gPXE source base, and added a sanboot module (sanboot.c32). sanboot.c32 *should* be capable of initiating an iSCSI or AoE boot, but I haven't actually tested it. The other main difference is that gPXE now advertises HTTP/1.0 instead of HTTP/1.1, since the code was not actually HTTP/1.1
2018 Apr 28
mp3 stream and Chrome v.
Hi there, mux=raw made the change. Thanks! Moimoi, Oskar Vilkevuori > On 28 Apr 2018, at 23.07, Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at> wrote: > > > > On 28 Apr 2018, at 21:46, Oskar Vilkevuori wrote: > >> Hi there, >> >> I have used VLC 0.9.9 on Windows platform for streaming audio to icecast2 for years. Had no problems. Since Google Chrome
2007 Sep 28
Problem with FlexLM licensing
I'm trying to run up ModelSim (a commercial simulator for hardware description languages), which is licensed on FlexLM, using the hard disk number. This program isn't listed in the apps database. I have a valid license, and the Flex tools are correctly identifying, under Wine, that there's a licence and that it's valid. They find the appropriate env variable, identify the
2002 Jul 22
XP client awfully slow
Hi all, please excuse my posting what is probably an FAQ, but getting the mail archives is excruciatingly slow (~70 bytes/sec). I have an XP professional box attached to a Samba server. It works ok-ish (I can actually access everything) but everything is painfully slow. Attaching a network drive takes at least 10 seconds, sometimes longer. Word takes AGES to load (> 15 seconds before anything
2002 Aug 27
Is it possible to boot a CD-Image of a bootable CD (no disk emu) via pxe
Hello Peter, is it possible to boot a CD-Image of a bootable CD (no disk emu) via pxe. I've build up the infrastructure to boot normal floppy images via PXE (under W2K and/or Netware). I have a ISO image of the bootable CD (1 tack TAO eltorinto with an a single boot sect -> bootimage is 2kB, ISO image about 600 MB) I suspect that a combination of MEMDISK and PXELINUX with activated UNDI
2019 Apr 09
Question of syslinux chainloading
On 2019-4-5 11:28, Ady Ady via Syslinux wrote: >> >> #This item fails >> label normal >> menu default >> menu label Boot from ^hard disk >> com32 chain.c32 hd1 > > >>From the Syslinux boot menu, press [Esc] in order to get to the boot prompt. At > the boot prompt, type in: > > normal > > and press [Enter]. > > Is there
2002 Jun 22
bonding & vlan - kernel 2.4.18 (RHL7.3)
Hi, Hopefully this won''t be too off-topic (I''ve seen both bonding & vlan mentioned on the list, but not really together). I''ve tried to get bonding (2 x 100Mb EEPro, but will want to try on 1000BaseT) and vlans to work together, but without luck. I can get them working fine (seemingly at least - I didn''t tried bursting on the bonded port) individually.
2004 Mar 18
latest openssl vulnerability
Is it true that (dynamic) binaries are vulnerable if and only if they are linked with, not with libcrypt or libcrypto? Thanks for your help. Andrew.
2004 Jun 08
NIC detection by anaconda
Hello all, I'm not able to install CentOS in a motherboard with a onboard 3Com gigabit nic (3c904/Syskonnect). Although there's a device driver for the Syskonnect (sk98lin) in the linux kernel, the installation program is asking for this interface module. I tried to create a device disk, but without success. Maybe I'm missing some information about the modules detection by the
2009 May 27
Hello, I hpe you can help. I have created a botable thumbdrive that allows me to update different bios's using the memdisk module. I have no problems loading the img or ima files on any equiptment other than IBM. I have tried on T43, T60, and T61, no luck. works fine on hp dell and all others tried. Every time after it loads the image it hangs after the message "Loading boot sector...
2007 Jul 13
[memdisk] collision between memdisk and emm386 (FreeDOS)
Hi I'm using memdisk as part of CD Shell' isolinux. I've created custom floppy disk image 8440kB size. I've put FreeDOS kernel and bootsector into the floppy. Boot process goes fine with this command: isolinux /boot/memdisk initrd=/ximg/fdos.img c=60 h=8 s=36 floppy The problems begin when I try to run FreeDOS memory manager emm386 from the floppy image. my config.sys: ...