similar to: spdep::poly2nb problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "spdep::poly2nb problem"

2009 Aug 17
printing a dataframe summary to disk
I'd like to write the summary of a dataframe to disk, so that it looks essentially the same as what you'd see on screen; but I can't seem to do it. Can someone tell me how? Thanks! ------------------------ Philip A. Viton City Planning, Ohio State University 275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210 viton.1 at
2009 Oct 04
convenience question
On: R 2.8.1 / Ms Windows / R-Gui-R-console I have a long-ish function, and to re-assure myself that it's actually making progress I've arranged a set of messages to the console (using cat). But what happens is that the messages don't actually display until the function has finished, which sort of negates the purpose. However, if I hit Return after starting the function, then all
2010 Jun 09
makign help files by hand
Can someone tell me how to make up (eg) a library's html help files by hand? I think I ought to be able to use RCMD Rdconv for this but (R-2.10.0, MS-win) when I type (in a dos session) "rdcmd rdconv --help" I get a message to the effect that a perl script rdconv can't be opened. Can I do this from within R itself? And if so, how (in particular, what is the target file to
2008 Dec 15
R2winbugs : vectorization
I'm new to bugs, so please bear with me. Can someone tell me if the following two models are doing the same thing? The reason I ask is that with the same data, the first (based on 4 separate coeffs a1--a4) takes about 50 secs, while the second (based on a vectorized form, a[]) takes about 300. The means are about the same, though R-hat's in the second version are quite a bit better.
2009 Aug 23
customizing RGui/Rconsole
Is it possible to change the behavior of RGui/RConsole under MS Windows so that, if you submit a bunch of commands from a script window, when they've finished, focus is given to the Console, and not (as now) to the script? ------------------------ Philip A. Viton City Planning, Ohio State University 275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210 viton.1 at
2013 Aug 20
obtener matriz de contactos
Hola Freddy. Yo parto de un shape en que tengo los típicos archivos .shp, .sbx, .sbn, .shx y .dbf. En la tabla tengo el área de los poligonos en m2, el perímetro, el estado y el código ISO del estado dispuesto por el SGM. ¿Me puedes orientar un poco más? Gracias, Sebastían. El 14 de agosto de 2013 16:19, Freddy Omar López Quintero <> escribió: > Hola
2008 Mar 31
GeoDa spdep
My question is in regard to the spdep and GeoDa packages. Do you know how to extract a neighborhood/adjacency matrix from R? I need a matrix that has all the neighborhoods on the X and Y axis, and then a r=1 when the neighborhoods touch, and a r=0 when neighborhoods don't touch. I think the Moran's I functions use a matrix like this when they estimate Moran's I. I can estimate
2004 Feb 19
How to create a "nb" object?
Hi group, I'd like to do spatial analysis of my data using the spdep package. It appears that a file of class nb is necessary, but I do not find what that should look like and if there is a function that creates such file for me. How can I create a nb-object of my data points? Thanks, René Eschen. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 27
OpenBUGS and glmmBUGS package
Dear All, I am trying to use the glmmBUGS package with OpenBUGS under Linux. Here is a short list of code I modified from the diseasemapping package document: ---------------------------------------- library(diseasemapping) data(popdata) data(casedata) model = getRates(casedata, popdata, ~age*sex, breaks=seq(0, 90, by=10) ) ontario = getSMR(popdata,model, casedata) spplot(ontario,
2018 Jan 27
GAM: mismatch between nb/polys supplied area names and data area names
Hello, I am new to R and running R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30), x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit), macOS High Sierra 10.13.2. I am running the gam package to model disease incidence (negative binomial distribution) as a function of two covariates, and wish to incorporate spatial correlation among areal neighbors, n = 50 polygons, identified by "id". For data observed over discrete
2013 Apr 16
Spatial Ananlysis: zero.policy=TRUE doesn't work for no neighbour regions??
Hello, I'm new to R and to Spatial Analysis and got a problem trying to create a Spatial Weights Matrix. *I us the following code to create the Neighbourslist:* >library(maptools) >library(spdep) >library(rgdal) >location_County<- readShapePoly("....") >proj4string(location_County)<- CRS("+proj=longlat ellps=WGS84") >location_nbq<-
2007 Jan 12
Aware of MaxDiff in R?
Hi All - I would like to use R to implement MaxDiff (Best/Worst) scaling, but since I can't find anything on it in the R archives or packages, I think I'll have to start from scratch. I am hoping a list member is aware of a canned version of this method in R. Failing that, code from another language you'd be willing to share would be extremely helpful. Thanks for your
2008 Apr 18
spdep question - Moran's I
Dear all, I would like to calculate a Moran's I statistic using the moran function in the spdep package. The problem I'm having deals with how to create the listw object. My data stems from the area of social network analysis. I have list of poeple and for each pair of them I have a measure of their relationship strength. So my dataset looks like: Jim; Bob; 0.5 This measure of
2010 Jun 21
how to find observed Moran's I value using moran.test(spdep)
Dear , This is Elaine. I am computing moran's I using moran.test for a generalized linear model (multiregression). The following contents are the results, and I cannot find the observed Moran's I mentioned as estimate in the manual. Please kindly help indicate if there is observed Moran's I did not notice or other method for calculation. Thanks Elaine data: residuals(modg1)
2003 Dec 15
Error with spdep
Dear useRs: First of all I would like to thank all the responses. I've an error with package "spdep". I am working with a Windows XP machine (AMD-2000-XP RAM-256DDR) and 1.8.0. R-version and when I try to load spdep appear the following error: > library(spdep) Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), keep.source) : There is no package called
2003 Dec 09
The spdep package
Hi, Here is a listw object z corresponding to the matrix W. I understand n, nn, S0, S1 and S2 in the weights constants summary. Is it simply so that n1 = n-1, n2 = n-2 and n3 = n-3? If this is true where they are needed? Just wondering Osmo > W [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [1,] 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 [2,] 1 0 1 0 1 0
2003 Aug 07
spdep error message
Hello, I have been using the package "spdep" to run spatial regressions on a data set with about 2500 observations. It has performed well up until now, but the following code resulted in an error: > load("Panel.90s.ok.R") > attach(Panel.90s.ok) > neighs<-dnearneigh(cbind(x,y),0,50000) > help(nbdists) > dists<-nbdists(neighs,cbind(x,y)) >
2003 Jul 11
Hi everyone, The Spatial Dependence (spdep) library, has a function called 'dnearneigh', which identifies neighbours of region points by Euclidean distance between lower (greater than) and upper (less than or equal to) bounds. The function returns a list of integer vectors giving the region id numbers for neighbours satisfying the distance criteria. I have used this to identify the
2009 Aug 17
Question spdep package - Moran's I
Dear all, I have a question regarding the spdep package: Assume that each person within my dataset is characterized by a continuous variable y. In order to test for spatial autocorrelation in y I calculated a Moran's I statistic. The problem is that y is also likely to be influenced by a series of other variables x that are unique to each person in my dataset. To test to which extent the
2011 Apr 19
SPDEP Package, neighbours list for Moran's I on large grid dataset
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