similar to: combine lattice plot and standard R plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "combine lattice plot and standard R plot"

2010 Sep 03
Interactions in GAM
Hello R users, I am working with the GAM to inspect the effect of some factors (year, area) and continuous variables (length, depth, latitude and longitude) on the intensity and prevalence of the common parasite Anisakis. I would like introduce interaction in my models, both "continuous variables-continuous variables" and "continuous variables-factor". I have read some
2013 Jan 02
Read many cvs files
Hello R helpers, I would like to automate this code for many files of the same type. But I don´t know how to make it. In particular, i don´t know how to read many files each one as an r object with the name of the file. Then a for loop would be sufficient, right? Many thanks and a happy new year. Dominic datos <- read.table('global2001.csv',head=T,sep=';',stringsAsFactors=F)
2006 Dec 05
Cummulative Variance in Correspondence Analysis (ADE4)
Hi all: How can I calculate the cumulative variance (or variance for each component) in correspondence analysis? If were possible in ADE4 package Thank you -- Antonio Punzón Merino O__---- Instituto Español de Oceanografía c/ /'_ --- Centro Oceanográfico de Santander (*) \(*) -- Promontorio de San Martín S/N ~~~~~~~~~~ 39004-Santander; Spain PO BOX: 240 Tlf: +34 942 29 10 60 Fax: +34
2009 Sep 12
Normal distribution
 Dear All   let me go one step further by asking you if you could help me show that the distribution of this data in normal.  have a little idea (by trial and error) but i seem to not fully understand how its done.   H<-rnorm(100, mean=50000, sd=3000) par(las=1) hist(H, breaks=seq(40000, 60000, 1000), freq=F) f<- function(x) exp(-(x-5000)^2/18000000)/sqrt(18000000*pi)  x<- seq(40000,
2009 Feb 06
annotating a filled contours plot with a grid of points
Dear R-help members, I am trying to plot annotate a filled contours plot (with filled.contour) with a grid of points. I have read ways of annotating it with individual points but not with grids in another matrix. Any ideas? Thank you very much. Dario ___________________________________ Dario Martin-Benito CIFOR-INIA Dpto. Sistemas y Recursos
2016 May 10
Codificacion de caracteres
Hola Javier: Me alegra saber que no soy el único cenutrio que se ha topado con esto. ? Se trata de un proceso de R que extrae datos de un fichero px descargado del INE y que contiene datos a nivel de municipio y de Comunidad Autónoma (que intento eliminar) antes de hacer la carga en el SQL Server porque solo me interesan las provincias. La BD no es ningún problema (el error se produce al tratar
2009 Jun 26
changing default arguments of a function and return the modified function as a result
Dear R-users, I am trying to develop a function that takes another function as an argument, changes its default values and returns a list of things, among which the initial function with its default arguments changed. An example of what i will like to obtain below: ## initial function myfun <- function(x, a=19, b=21){ return(a * x + b) } ## this is the function i will like to create ##
2013 Mar 18
Facter Strings to integer.
Hello, If I want to do something like this:- if $::lsbdistrelease >= 6.3 { SOMETHING } Do I have to convert lsbdistrelease from a string to a number with an inline template or some such ? Thanks Paul -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
2013 Feb 07
It's a BUG or a Feature? Generating seq break comparing operators
Hello everybody: I get a strange behavior with seq, take a look at this: > msd <- seq(0.05,0.3, 0.01) > msd[13] [1] 0.17 > class(msd) [1] "numeric" > class(msd[13]) [1] "numeric" > typeof(msd[13]) [1] "double" now the problem: > msd[13] == 0.17 [1] FALSE It is strange only to me? Consider that: > 0.17 == 0.17 [1] TRUE and also > a
2004 Oct 03
"#" sending
Hi all, I've problems sending the "#" key to the asterisk server extensions, for example to login agents, I can do it fine with grandstream or cisco phones, but I can't do it with cisco ata 186 connected phones or X-lite softphones... I tried with login agents, zapbarge, authenticate , etc... Thank you in advance... --
2012 May 21
Contactos en Madrid-ayuda con instalación
Hola a todos, Mi nombre es Juanjo. Llevo un tiempo intentado hacer funcionar un programa que necesita de la instalación de RPROJECT y REXCEL. He mirado varias guías e instalado los programas pero obtengo varios errores. El principal es que tras instalar RProject, Rexcel y statcon y al intentar correr esta macro desde Visual Basic… Sub Start() RInterface.StartRServer
2008 Dec 12
init script question
Hi all, is there a function (or variable) I can use in a custom init script that identifies the init script name? i.e. I'm porting some init scripts from gentoo, where the $SVCNAME variable identifies the init script name within the script itself... d /* Davide Cittaro Cogentech - Consortium for Genomic Technologies via adamello, 16 20139 Milano Italy tel.: +39(02)574303007 e-mail:
2002 Jul 02
Strange behaviour in plot and points?
Hello R-users I was puzzled by some strange results of an analysis and I found out what is for me a strange behaviour (I won't dare to say a bug) in both plot and points (and I suspect lines and other kind of lower level plots). If you try the following code: > data<-data.frame(dummy1=c(1:10),dummy2=c(1:10)) > plot(data$dummy1,data$dummy3) A plot of the values of dummy1 against
2011 May 18
leyenda cortada en el eje Y
Hola: Soy nuevo en esto de R, llevo toda la mañana perdida con esto, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar, Cuando genero el gráfico con el siguiente archivo: library(gplots) data <- read.table("data.dat",h=T) postscript(file = "", horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE,family = "Helvetica", width = 5, height = 4) par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 0.1, 0.1)) d <-
2010 Nov 23
Barplot and plot means with confidence intervals in the same plot
I want to obtain a barplot with error bars and a mean plot with error bars with other scale on the left in the same plot. I need help to get the same x axis (centered) when overlay two plots (barplot2 and plotCI (or lineplot.CI) with errorbars), with diferent y axis. I use par (new=T) but the X axis names are not centered with the figures. An example of my data:
2012 Dec 12
Lost in S4 and S3 classes
Hi all, this is my first post in R devel? sorry if I lost some of the guidelines. Anyway this is my problem: Version: R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) I want to make an S4 class that use the output object of the function of nls.lm as a slot: setOldClass("nls.lm") setClass ( Class="TestClass",
2009 Nov 22
¿Cómo se llama R?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Después de un paseo por la Wikipedia en español he llegado a la conclusión de que no sé cómo se llama R. En la Wikipedia se lo conoce como "R-project", así, en inglés. Existen otros nombres que redireccionan a la misma página, tales como: Lenguaje de programación R GNU S Lenguaje R GNU R R project (sin guión) A R no se lo puede llamar R a secas por lo de la
2008 Dec 10
nfs slow?
Hi all, I'm migrating from Gentoo to CentOS... I'm experiencing a rather low performance in NFS r/w (as client). NFS server is solaris (which exports zfs volumes via nfs). The very same exports were mounted with the same parameters (auto,nosuid,exec) on gentoo and centos server (bot x86_64)... It happens that centos is 5-10 times slower either in read and write operations... Ok,
2011 Dec 20
any DCCA function in R?
Dear members, I am performing multivariate analysis on marine benthic populations using R. At first glance I found ca and VEGANO packages to be the suitable for the task, but neither has incorporated Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA), which is just the method I want to apply on my data. I've looked for alternative packages containing the method, but my suspicion is that
2005 Aug 30
Extensions started with #
Hi, I create extensions started with *XXX and don't have any problem but to create extensions started with # respond null tone. Asterisk support extensions started with # or this is a problem in agi scripts?. I see the scripts and probe diferents extensions formats (1*11, 1#11, *234,...) and all that found. Thanks. -- Gabriel Perez S. System & Network Development - RunSolutions