similar to: Reorder a data frame according a column randomly reordered.

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "Reorder a data frame according a column randomly reordered."

2015 Aug 31
Feeding decoder with reordered packets
Sorry for probably obvious question but I could not find and answer on mail archive. What would happen to decoded audio quality if the packets fed to decoder are out of order (no jitter buffer)? For example, if order of packets is 0,1,2,4,3,5 (3 and 4 reordered) and there is no FEC. Would it be better, in this case, to drop packet 3 and not decode it at all? Or, if there is FEC, then try to
2008 Sep 14
[LLVMdev] Prevent a intrinsic to be reordered?
Hello, Julio > These later things are ignored, I don't know if when the intrinsic is > lowered, then it doesn't matter (or perhaps the reorder is made > before). What is the description of the instruction you're lowering intrinsic into? Have you looked for the instruction flags defined in file? You instruction should definitely have "isBarrier" flag set.
2011 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] Debugging information problem: code being reordered / debug point jumping around
On Jul 31, 2011, at 10:49 PM, Matt Pharr wrote: > I'm seeing some undesirable behavior where, when generating debugging information, sometimes the point in the debugger will jump forwards and backwards during single stepping, even though the output from our frontend (this is the ispc compiler), is emitting LLVM instructions with a strictly forward-moving/increasing set of source locations.
2011 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] Debugging information problem: code being reordered / debug point jumping around
On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Devang Patel wrote: > What do you see after instruction select ? Good question--I just checked. Things are still in the right order going into the x86 DAG->DAG instruction select pass, but then are out of order coming out of it. So that looks like the culprit... > I'll take a look at this. Meanwhile, please file bugzilla report so that this does not
2016 Mar 01
Builtin reordered
Hi, I have an issue with some builtins that are reordered (during instructions selection it seems) with others instructions and/or others builtins. Is it normal? How could I prevent it from happening? Thanks, Romaric
2009 Oct 13
Lattice barchart-reordered
Hi,Can I use "reorder" function with barchart as in dotchart? Here are some codes which do not work for me. Thanks Chetty ___________________________ a1c.cast$[a1c.cast$eth!="Other"] <-with(a1c.cast[a1c.cast$eth!="Other",],reorder([a1c.cast$eth!="Other"], BP.FN.RATE,median )) barchart(BP.FN.RATE~
2008 Sep 14
[LLVMdev] Prevent a intrinsic to be reordered?
Hello, I have an intrinsic that matches to a asm instruction directly. This intrinsic starts a coprocessor that can do anything. If I put another instruction next to it (a multiplication for example), the "llc" reorders and puts the intrinsic after the multiplication. I have tried all: - Setting the instruction like if it takes 256 cycles or 0 cycles. - Setting the instruction with
2011 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] Debugging information problem: code being reordered / debug point jumping around
I'm seeing some undesirable behavior where, when generating debugging information, sometimes the point in the debugger will jump forwards and backwards during single stepping, even though the output from our frontend (this is the ispc compiler), is emitting LLVM instructions with a strictly forward-moving/increasing set of source locations. I'm wondering if we're doing something wrong
2008 Sep 15
[LLVMdev] Prevent a intrinsic to be reordered?
Nothing... I'll show you all the info related to: The intrinsic: def int_soru_sre : Intrinsic<[llvm_void_ty, llvm_i32_ty], [IntrWriteMem]>; The lower instruction (in MIPS): class SORUI<bits<6> op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin>: FI<op, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin> { let isBarrier = 1; // or call,
2010 May 20
How could I restrict and reordered data.frames?
Dear Everyone, I 've just begun to use the library ncdf and I would like to compare meteorological observational data with forecast data, so to make verification. The netcdf files I'm using contain data of many different parameters in many different stations. I could read easily that I needed, but naturally I do not need the data of all the stations. On the other hand, the order of
2002 Aug 09
Statistical MAYDAY request. (fwd)
I have been asked to forward this. Please reply directly or include the people who have been CC-ed in this e-mail. Thank you. > forwarded message from "Timothy Waters" <timothy.waters at> ----- > > Consider the following problem. You have a dataset with approx 190 > datapoints. Each datapoint has between 7 and 16 dimensions known: most
2006 Dec 07
Rsync 2.5.7 --delete and --backup behavoir
Hey everyone, I'm mirroring a lot of directories from one machine to another. The source machine is running Rsync 2.5.7 and the destination machine (the machine holding the mirror) is running Rsync 2.6.9. I'm using the --backup, --backup-dir, and --delete-after options. I tested this with two machines running Rsync 2.6.9, and noticed that files deleted in the mirror (because
2013 Mar 22
R CMD check in R-3.0.0 gives warnings
I am running R CMD check on my package nleqslv with R-3.0.0 beta (2013-03-33 r62364) on Mac OS X 10.6.8 In contrast with R-2.15.3 R CMD check now issues a note for - Mercurial version control files .hgignore, .hgtags and directory .hg. These are however included in .hidden_file_exclusions. - typical Mac Finder files .DS_Store All of these are ignored when executing R CMD check --as-cran. I
2005 Feb 12
Outbound calls on a busy Zap/1: BUSY vs. CHANUNAVAIL
Hi, I'm using the macro below in extensions.conf for most of my outbound calls. One issue with my current configuration is that when I make an outbound call it doesn't properly detect that my PSTN line (Zap/1) is busy with another call and then overflow to my outbound IAX connections. I think the root cause is that DIALSTATUS gets reported as BUSY. The debug output is below. My desired
2016 May 07
RV: Daily mail report for 2016-05-06lzq
Enviado desde mi smartphone BlackBerry Z10 4G Lte.   Mensaje original   De: admin at Enviado: sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016 12:30 a.m. Para: admin at Asunto: Daily mail report for 2016-05-06 Grand Totals ------------ messages 409 received 4135 delivered 0 forwarded 10 deferred (114 deferrals) 14 bounced 90 rejected (2%) 0 reject warnings 0 held 0 discarded (0%)